By chris
Date: 2006 Feb 04
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midnight song for janis

you were born on a day like one i once knew
you fled the bayous
the shotgun shacks
the midnight roadhouses
and her people
you weren't one of them
they could tell
and you could wail like bessie
so you moved to that city on the blacklands
you had no choice
even now
forty years and a world away
i can hear it all in your voice

finally it was in san fran that you landed
more weary than you knew
despairing, a drunk
and sick so sick...
(was everything a lie?)
(had nothing been true?)

i toasted your memory once
in another life of my own
alone in a darkened parking lot
past and present by just enough cheap liquor
no lone star up there
old girl -
a whole world
balanced uneasily atop a horizon in flames -
constellations not yet named
and all the questions you weren't allowed
to ask
but sure as hell know the answers to