By chris
Date: 2006 Mar 23
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One Night in a Biker Bar Parking Lot

One night in a biker bar parking lot
someone asked me
what I was thinking
right at that moment:
"Don't think - just say
what comes to mind first."
(This was after a bad date,
by the way.)
I could see the towers on top of the mountain
twinkling and so
I gave the right wrong answer and said it was
how hard it was going to be
to climb that
come summer.

This is my fourth spring here -
four springs after the right wrong turn in El
My compass wasn't broken;
it just never had
a true north
to point to.
True, things could have been different - we'll
never know.
(In retrospect everything is inevitable.)
Let's leave it at fated
and chill for a millennia or two
Such discussions rapidly get too complicated
for me anyway  -
like, say, theoretical physics
or how maybe if Cameron Crowe
was from
we'd say show me the peso
and you'd have had me at hola.