By briana kassia
Date: 2006 Apr 12
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A Love Letter

My dearest love,

You are such a light in my life, you illuminate so
much that was dark or dim. I have hope for the future,
and faith in us.  All along, you have said you sees
something great in me, a person I have only glimpsed.
She is beautiful and loving and caring and kind...
Kind. Me?

For so long, I have had to wear all kinds of emotional
armour. Life has been battle after battle. Now, at
long last, I have been able to take it off, and am
discovering the woman under the warrior. You're right,
although how you saw me under all that, I'll never

You've waited for me for so long... and when I felt
safe enough... and knew that the armour I had worn for
so long was constricting me, cutting off my ability to
breathe freely, to feel anything, you were there to
help me unbuckle it, slowly, and step out into a
larger world, a much more beautiful and loving place
than I had ever known was there.

You tell me that I have helped you remember the man
you want to be. I have always seen you as a strong,
protective, good man, a romantic soul who deserves
love and cherishing, sweetness and passion and giving.
I am coming to the realisation that I have helped you
out of your armour, too.

You are a long way away, both physically and
temporally, but we connect every single day: a phone
call, an email, a yahoo chat, or in game, usually some
combination of all of these. With every contact, I
feel your love, I feel closer to you and more in love
with you. For a while, I was worried that I was fixing
on you because you were so far away: it was safe to
have a boyfriend many miles and hours away, that I
felt safer without the threat of real emotional
reliance on you, recalling how often I have felt
stirrings for someone far away and almost persuaded
myself it was love.

But god... the truth of it is, I never knew what love
could be until you.  Part of me finds that pathetic,
that at the age of thirty-five, I should be falling in
love for the first time, and it is humbling to have to
realise that every time before was lust or desire, but
misplaced hope, regardless. You are it. You are the
real thing, and furthermore, the cynic in me is dying
by degrees. That amazing elation you make me feel
isn't fading, it's growing deeper and more, every day.

I love you, Scott.

Yours, always and all ways,
