By briana kassia
Date: 2006 Oct 05
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Autumn Pillowbook

    In this pillowbook
are songs and words in rhythms
falling down like the leaves

    Each page sings to me
of red leaves falling and you
      who is my autumn

   The wind blows my heart
like a will-less leaf to you
     but I speed its way

   I will you to see
the fading beauty of the
leaf that is my heart

  Blown by untamed winds
fluttering and flickering:
    flame and abandon

   Freedom blows through me
rattling, rustling the branches
    that reach towards you

    My sky, my autumn
my berry-sweet, dusky hazed
  and deep dream of love

  With this fall comes truth
with the wind comes deep gnosis
    you are real and mine

  Wind carries my words,
as lovely red leaves, across  
   the far miles to you

    Then I fold the book
tuck it back 'neath the pillow
   and lie down and dream

                           of you.