By annski808
Date: 2006 Nov 26
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i could still picture the surprise and disgust in your face
don't look at me like that
i am not guilty
you asked me a lot of silent questions
but i cannot grab anything to answer
still needed to ponder
i didn't keep you hanging
i decided not to keep you dangling
waiting for something to fall in
it's your decision to choose whomever you want to love
but it is also my decision to let you go
i'd rather see you with someone who deserves you more
than seeing you miserable with me
just let me love you from afar
prove to me you'll be happy
without me
no don't cry
there'll be some time in your life
just even for once
that you'll love someone
that you can't have
can't hold
can't kiss
the more you get hurt
the more it'll make your love
but what's in store for it?

a heart ache.