By Misti
Date: 2006 Nov 26
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True Love is Like a Cockroach

a cockroach, yes
that is what
true love is like
true love survives anything
it is easy to love when the world kisses your ass
pats your back
embraces your 31 varieties of frozen idiocy
true love with a problemo!
true love with gas guzzling SUVs...too easy, bro!
true love with family members who pave the way...please!
true love with favors to savor and absolutely no obstacles
to overcome...what a mockery
what a steaming crock of shit
put love in a wheelchair
put love in rehab
put love on Not So Easy Street
put love in a boxing ring
see how well you can dance to that shit
love is not an ice cream cone
love is not a smiley face
love is not a teddy bear with its pink tongue sticking out
love is not a convenience
love is not about how much money is in the bank
true love does not belong to the smug, the smarmy
the spoiled brats who claim to have the market cornered
you risk
you've got
you are a sitcom
you are a couple of paper dolls
newsflash, dipshits...Lucy didn't love nobody but Lucy
when the cameras stopped rolling.