By Cryingshame58
Date: 2007 Jan 23
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Cupid's Thrill

Do you believe in the seen and unseen?
The living spirits celestial or not?
I met that sweet little Cupid; however
His behavior doesn't seem to add up

We think of cupid as God's helper
And assume he would cause no harm
However i've found out different
Mischievousness is more his norm

Who wouldn't be fascinated by a cherub
That flies around with delightful little wings
However young Cupid is a novice
Seems he misses more than he zings

Cupid’s thrill is to play games
With the arrows that he shoots
Some are filled with infatuation or lust
Seldom “love” hits the target of truth

Observing cupid's giggle and games
Causes the arrow to miss cupid’s target
The erotic arrow intended for your heart
Darts hitting the exotic heart of a harlot

This may explain another of life's paradoxes
Where yin and yang do meet
Melt together to become one
But somehow turns to the bittersweet