By shannon & lilla
Submitted by lilla
Date: 2007 Mar 08
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When I stand up for myself and my beliefs, they call me a BITCH.
When I stand up for those I love, they call me a BITCH.
When I speak my mind, think my own thoughts or do things my own way, they call me a BITCH. Give credit to my genes, my discipline --- for this BITCH belongs to the top ten percent of her class --- witty huh!

Being a BITCH means I won't compromise what's in my heart.
It means I live my life MY way. It means I won't allow anyone to step on me.
When I refuse to tolerate injustice and speak up against it, I am defined as a BITCH.
The same thing happens when I take time for myself instead of being everyone's maid, or when I act a little bit spoiled.
It means I have the courage and the strength to allow myself to be who I truly am and won't become anyone else's idea of what they think I "should" be.

I take responsibility for actions, decisions, choices I make. Certainly, I have the balls to make ‘em ...take on that firm resolved.

Indeed, I am a BITCH. I hardly lie. Or when I did twas extremely necessary – when some truths -- severely damaging.

I am a BITCH who aches for sincerity in every deed, and craves for honesty in every word I give.

This BITCH is negotiable and accepting in many ways --- but steadfast in keeping a handful of things I never compromise --- spirituality, kinship, friendship and that blissful, wonderful feeling called love. I play fair and square. I don’t cheat. I am probably the only BITCH who walks this earth and fights a good, clean one.

A BITCH is easily moved to anger. But never hates. And holds compassion to those who deserves it.

I am the BITCH who trusts to a fault. And yes, of course, I fall in love, too, that fast, that much. I did break a few hearts. Some broke mine. That makes the record even then. BITCH me lives a life that is fair. Ain't you proud of that.

I am outspoken, opinionated and determined. By God, I want what I want and there is nothing wrong with that! So try to stomp on me, try to douse my inner flame, try to squash every ounce of beauty I hold within me. That will hurt. I will fall. I will cry. But who burns in hell crazy jealous? This BITCH smiles, and walks away wearing that sweetest vengeance in her sleeve.

And if all these make me a BITCH, so be it.
I embrace the title and I take pride holdin' it.

Watch it --- as I flip my goddam hair, cross legs, bite my lips, and give you that piercing look.

I make blitzkrieg love no less. And only I --- 'tis "I" who could give that really, really hungry kizs.

Hail the Queen! I am BITCH hear me roar --- watch me soar!