By Cryingshame58
Date: 2007 Apr 11
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Tossed to the Curb

it was a day much like today...everything seemed to turn green overnight along with azalea blossoms blooming abundantly all over town...the cool spring breeze not only dried up the rain puddles, but dried up my lips...licking them only caused more chapping so I began digging deep inside my purse to feel around to find my lipstick...instead of pulling out a tube of my fav color I pulled out a jolly rancher...a watermelon flavored one too...instead of tossing it back in the purse to search for the tube, i opened up the candy from it's wrapper...tossing the wrapper down on the street while popping the candy inside my mouth and then on second thought I picked up the paper...there could be consequences made if i tossed it on the curb...i guess there's no consequences on easy street where you were when you threw me to the curb...