By chris
Date: 2007 Apr 12
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Woke up in a Tom Waits dream

Woke up in a Tom Waits dream -
like a broken cigarette after sex,
like fever and nausea
together or
a la carte,
like realizing you're in New Orleans in
late August
and the sky is getting dark,
like opening your mouth
to ask what year it is only to be
silenced with beauty and jazz and flowers
still blooming in shaded,
silent courtyards.

Far better to wake up in some other dream
like a different August -  
and windblown on the highway to Virginia
full tank of gas in mom and dad's canary
yellow Pinto,
engine running cool,
nothing sought,
nothing yet beyond reach,
ABBA on the cassette deck when that -
and everything else -
was new.