By chris
Date: 2007 Apr 14
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Rain Shadow

Leaving Mexico behind us for the time being
(the world could end tomorrow but we'll always
have Palomas), we head west along the border -
scenic land of dry playas and whole kingdoms of
caliche and no-people towns with names like
Hachita - little axe! - and Border Patrol in
air-conditioned Suburbans and fat Minutemen
guarding it all in lawn chairs with giant, ice-
filled coolers within easy

The spring wind pushes a dust devil across the
highway. I hear or maybe I imagine I hear you
whisper curses against the hum of the asphalt -
Putos y pendejos... Viva la raza... Still, a
brown face in a brown land, you look
uncomfortable as we speed past them at eighty.
If I were to look I would see receding horizons
in your eyes framed by yellow grass and green
yucca with needles sharp enough to draw

Pinos Altos, New Mexico, March 2007