By imagine love in orange.skye
Submitted by lilla
Date: 2007 Jul 09
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i am his Yuna, but he aint my Tidus

Don't you see that sad look in your eyes?
What part of life has gotten you down?
Can you remember the times when you laughed?
Those rare moments are always hard to find
You know those calm nights we used to have?
The dreams we made then made us smile
Full of mirth and sunny cheers that brings the sun
It's silly to think of those times now in our minds
We used to sit and stare off at the stars
thinking what the future may bring us
We fantasized the plans going to be made
and never knew they may crumble easily
Perhaps dreaming is our only hope now
to escape a world strifed with so much death
but then to endlessly dream brings nothing
Why is it good things can never truly be?
You aspire to be the hope of everything good
and accept the challenges that you'll face
but why take all the problems as your own?
Don't you know you have dedicated friends?
The song you sing is beautiful and sad
but the pain it heals may be worth it
Just don't forget I'll always be here
forever, always - until the very end

we really we cant choose the ones we love but we can try to learn ... somehow ... God knows i tried.  thats whay i always say sorry to you my orange.skye :(