By cryingshame58
Date: 2007 Aug 19
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Specially Stored for Me

My collection is referred to as a baker's dozen
and I stocked my rack with your favorite blends.
I've poured more into your glass than mine
Because when you are in my presence I become drunker than sin.

I yearn to be that desire in your eyes
as you describe the textures of each sip.
I'm mesmerized by your sensuality of taste
while i'm admiring the curves of your lip.

We laugh, we smile, we tease, we joke,
Time stands still for us both.
You toss a line that makes me blush.
We both sit silent in a quiet hush.

I crave to be what wets your palate.
We seem to just be picking at our salads.
Already flushed and crazy about you,
As you reach for my hand, dinner is through.

Three quick squeezes to my hand means "I love you".
Our little secret, God knows this is true.
As I look deep into your eyes your soul I see,
The power of a loving soul just for me.