By Lilla
Date: 2008 Mar 29
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Love Shades

i missed my alfani shades for a good two days.  i thought it fell off from my black kitty bag on my way home last wendzday after a night of long pep talk with nett and mykee...oh well jusz about how their interview went...and how they got swarmed with controversial questions.  sometimes, shit like this happens when you got a celebrity boss :)) limelight stinks!

anyway so...i discovered the loss the following morning.  i thought again i must have left it on my while on that bus ride to the office, i got to another pep talk.  this time with myself.  i needed to put some sense in losing one of my treasured, useful possession. i loved that thing.  it was my favorite color.  it was on sale @ 35 bucks when i got it from Macy's in Jersey.  that was half the price.  i traded a bikini for that!  Darn!  above all, that pair of glasses was my most loyal and  reliable cover-up.  i wore it all the time. sometimes i wish i could wear it at night.  but i was crazy enuff to sleep on it one time.  it was cool.  i shocked everyone who saw me sleepin' with my alfani.  i wore it, too on rainy afternoons.  it covered me from the shame of swollen eyes after some tearful nights.  and yes, it was part of my sniper get up…the cavalry of seeing my prey through colored lenses without him knowing it (I hope…I jusz hope).  so now that it was gone, I only had myself to blame.  i was clumsy period!  i needed to pay a price for that.  may be cry a little.  and jusz remember the service it gave me for 2 years.  i had the most fun with that pair.  it kept me in so many ways.  i had no complaints.  i shall then remember my most loved alfani shades with fondness.  it cannot be replaced, I know.  but for God’s sake…I need to get a new one…fast and quick.  ill forgive myself for losing it and move on with my life without it… and enjoy my next love affair with a new hip pair.

Meantime,am having fun with my lil gurl’s cutesy Bratz pair … in shades of pink.  I got Pia and Faye amused with it.  That one rocks!

the horror and pain and serenity about losing things.  

Sometimes, I wish I can manage love the way I did with my sunglasses.  get over it easy.  work on the replacement without sweat.  but I guess, we all know the answer to that.  and why it’s not possible to treat love just like any worldly possession.

Ill have a new number, but am keeping the old ones. My new office is a few stations away from Taft .  just so in case youre interested to know.  

and may be youre right, where the sidewalk ends, baby, is where a better story of us begins.  

(last night before dining with GFs Wenggay and Faye at Shakey’s Blue Wave,funny,how my alfani shades got into the work station of Tintoy’s so-called bro… oh well at least I got it back…some weird things continue to happen …)