By CryingShame58
Date: 2008 Oct 22
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Why Do You Do What You Do and Say What You Say

rushing around but thinking that it was all for nothing. looking up from the ground after i took my tumble to find you standing there. standing over me looking more surprised than me. that i, of all people, something tripped me up that sunk me to my knees. with concern in your eyes reaching out your hand to help me stand again. I hesitate. I want to do it alone. My first initial response is to stand by myself without anyone's help, especially yours. You shouldn't spend YOUR time on me when so many need your help more than me. However, eye to eye I know you aren't leaving me there in the street until you know i am steady on my feet. I take your hand as I rise and tell you I can't believe i fell. Confused, I look down at myself. I'm bruised, scraped, and dirty. I brush myself off and You look me over. Apologize to me Saying, "I'm sorry." I ask "what for?" "Are you going to be okay?", you ask. I nod my head yes, but I said, "I don't know". You nod your head no and say, "you are going to be sore tomorrow. I'm sorry. I should of been paying attention and not let that happen to you." I tell you it's not your fault--it's mine. You ask, "Can you walk?" I giggled and said, "not without help!" You said, "i'm sorry". And I remind you again-- "the first sorry in my book is forgiven... but it's not your fault". Persistant as you are--you guide me away. see you go and do something like that it makes me love you all the more.