By Lilla
Date: 2009 May 01
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Love as a prostitute

a piece of meat in the grocery
something you take home for dinner
yet leaves an ugly taste in the mouth
or may be a hot, lilac shirt from Old Manila
That’s out for grab for those who drool over it
Even if it gives them a bad fit and they look funny in lavender.

a vast network of contacts
A pool of lonely souls
who needs to be paired
with equally lonely ones  
as you're agents say ...
"you’re almost 34, baby, you gotta go".

so i did say ...

" ... a comfort zone that make things easy,
convenient because its readily accessible,
a promise that enslaves,
a norm to measure up with,
a deviance to prove rebellion,
a circle you desperately long to get off from
when it makes you smile but not happy,
and you cease from wanting to become the best person that you can be
sleep with her but dream of someone else
of what used to be but not anymore …love isnt."

It isn't love.