By Ria
Submitted by FalconRia
Date: 2010 Jan 17
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My Love...

I Still love You.
But You told me in November: "Don't mail me!"
SO i don't.

But I see that I have a lot, lot of Love inside me.
I give it to many, many who needs Love:

* The lonely, lonely lady I meet in the street.
* The stressed girl at the counter in the shop.
* To all the refueges from other countires.
* To the nurses in hospitals.
* To an old man, whos wife died six years ago.
* To a young girl, whos parents doesn't understand her.
* To my almost 85 year old mother, who complains and
complains about Everything.
* To my brother, who is an alcoholic (and very lonely).
* To ....

I know that You are lonely too (inspite of your
5.000 aquintances)...