By ann skrilec
Submitted by annski808
Date: 2011 Jun 19
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My Angel

You appeared from nowhere
reached out for me and stare
an angel in disguise
so pure and white from the skies
afraid to unfold
nothing to behold
no story to be told

I chose to be a stone
but when you touched me
i turned into a cotton
a feather so soft and tender
willowing through the wind blows noon
i tried to hide
but you have uncovered my pride

Afraid as you are
to get cut and bleed
heed and need
to call but there's no voice to hear
i know that you're already falling
what's so hard to bear?
i'm here ready to catch you from falling

Why are you stopping
your feeling from flowing?
i am at my utmost vulnerability state
yet here you are making yourself more expose to plague
our chemistry is talking
our body is calling
heat is boiling
but both of us are afraid to be bold and daring

Here clip my wings so that i can't fly
here keep my eyes from looking at someone's spice
here keep my heart from falling apart
and here keep my wisdom, my pledge and freedom
promising we will never part

But a part of me that's broken
is fatally protesting
not to fall again
coz what if you'll reap me open
cut me until bleeding
leave me dying

I want to run
i want to escape
i want to hide
i want to cover
i want to fold
i want to close

But you have given me this burning desire
growing intense like fire
so hard to resist
so hard to miss
never fail to insist

I tried to push you away
but there you still wait
i thought i'd lost you
but there you go when i opened up my window
handed me over the sun
to come out and have fun

You brought me back to life
you made me alive
given me another chance to strive
please don't break my heart
just like what the others had done