By ann skrilec
Submitted by annski808
Date: 2011 Aug 09
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Down the hall

Dust filled the untouched surface
Cups left unscathed
Water faucet’s dry
Sun can’t shine through the stained glass
Silence fills the mist
Floor’s creaking everytime I step on every piece of it

Front porch’s the same
There is your rocking chair
Wind’s blowing to my direction
Reminding me of how it used to be
An air of grim darkened my face

I can see my reflection on the coffee
Silver plate’s still shining
Spoon and fork’s still in the right place
Everything is perfect
Even now that you’re gone

The silhouette of your soul
Haunting my mind down the hall
I followed your tracks
Trying to stop your memories
From running dry

Where do I go from here?
When all I have is our yesterday
I know I’m always away
But I know how to return
and come home

you promised me you will always be here
waiting for my presence
while sitting here at the front porch
your heart used to leap
everytime you hear my car’s tire scratching on the pavement

but now… everything’s a blur
holding a bottle of you
another dust
sparkling in the sun
you never said goodbye

you introduced me to a world of loneliness
I know even though you’re always with me
There you follow
But it will never be the same again
Stepping on your grave

Looking at your tombstone
Reading your engraved name
Leaving a flower to unfurl
May time heal our wounds
And learn to part ways at the end of the horizon