By Alex Samonte
Submitted by annski808
Date: 2013 May 15
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It's supposed to rain

Room's full of empty squares
question marks floating up in the air
unstoppable surge of energy hiding
beneath the shadows of the night
my emotions are dying
colors are fading
keeping up with the time
as the clock raises its arm

As much as I want to listen and believe
illusions are way too oblivious
truths are bent backwards
reality bites
i'm walking in shards
unable to feel the prick on my feet
i'm too numb to ache

Looking outside the window
cloud's dark, wind is musky
it's suppose to rain
I was supposed to be under the rain
but my random thoughts and delirious
emotions drown the raindrops that
was about to fall

rolling in confusion
questions that only led me to more questions
never ending lies, deceits and denials
letting the darkness led me through
i'm walking with a blindfold on
grasping for a little chance with my hands gagged on
dragging the chains on my foot

trying to find even a small chance to stay
fog cleared off the horizon
i can't see a single light ahead
i'm down on my knees
holding my bleeding heart full of thorns and wound
blood's gone dried off
there's nothing to squeeze for

the cloud's still dark
it's suppose to rain...