By Alex Samonte
Submitted by annski808
Date: 2013 Jul 23
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In the absence of emotion

Facing the abrupt changes that enfolds
on its own like a snake’s skin over a sunny season,
confined existence and breathing in a bottle…
the penetration of ridicule seething in between the sheets
and hot air  breathing like fire and friction
that’s starting to manifest like a massacre.

everyday feels like a battle of shears
and blades…edge to edge trying to grip
to the reality of saving something
that’s already sinking
Thousand miles of expectations and
the beauty of not knowing it all—
how many of these should I take?
Red flag’s flashing right in front of me…
I’m still ignoring the signs.

River bed is folding like granite
succumbing the grains of innocence and
melting it in a lustrous lust devious illusion of dreams
shoes at the doorstep
keys thrown out on a grave
thrown out pieces
and pivotal memories
who hears out your prayer?

Embarking a thorny journey
Facing treachery
Pointing dagger of bravery
Sleeping in a meltingpot of tapestry
Moving away from seteè

Sun will someday set in
Dawn and dusk will envelope your loneliness
Dark days will fall upon
Realization will come later on
When wind finally blows every single
Sand in your hand

You'll remember me....