Springing Eternal
April's here.
The Blender's late.
The Blender Board
is tumultuous.
The Front Page Picks are great.
So what's new?
A kind of mixed ramble/review by Gala this
month, on Rodin's Eternal
Springtime...not his most famous work, but
easily among his best.
Read and Enjoy!
Front Page Picks
squoozy wuv...
By jackryhme.
- Jackrhyme has come up with a challenge for the menfolk.
I'm still working up the guts...and trying to figure out if
I need to memorize it, or what.
Just Once
By Vishal.
Small piece of wishing.
rocks of reason
By shushlove.
Written in 1998. I'm not even sure what it all means, but sometimes
that's a good thing.
Oh Moon!
By B.K..
- When I was a kid in the back of the station wagon I managed to freak myself out thinking the moon was following me...
I Spring-Loved You
By Dylan.
- "A love poem in the style of Dylan Thomas".
love me
By angieubaldo.
- Confusing times.
I Can't Be Closer
By Gudkarma.
- Piece in two media, good stuff.
Some Things Have No Titel
By HoosierDaddy.
- HoosierDaddy...was quite the character last month. Read the Blender Board archives more details. But this work was good, uses some details in a nice way.
Dear Trevor,
By Sil.
- An unsent letter (she doesn't have the address.) School times.
Wake up call
By Jon.
Sometimes Jon's works seem a little too...something, but this one strikes
the right tone.
A quote
By David Grayson.
This month's top of the board quote, submitted by Jon.
hearts (a series)
By TK,
Submitted by deevaa.
TK is deevaa's 4 year old son, and painted these unassisted.
I really like the curlicues.
By musicalduck.
- Musicalduck says "i know this is weird, but mini-golfing has a place in my heart, i'd have to tell the whole story for you to understand it" but the thing is...yeah, I know there is something about mini-golf and romance. It's a great date.
All These Ouches
Post Dream Dialogue
Two by Misti. The end of the Dialogue is
thought provoking.
his morning angel
Two by Violet, who is working out
quite the eye for detail.
Heart on Sleeve Corner
- 514 remaining heartsongs sent to the Blender last month.