Missing Sunlight I know I tend to talk about the weather and the seasons too much in this space, but dang it all, do they really need to take Daylight Savings Time away from us? (For those who may not know, Daylight Savings Times provides most USAns with an extra hour of sunlight in the evening, siphoning off the mornings which are horrendous anyway) I miss DST, I really do. But I'm happy to see the open community that seems to be springing up around this virtual space. I really value the continued presence of many contributors, and the dialogue that comes out on the Feedback page (just this month renamed to the "Blender Board".) Contributions of poems and prose works are the lifeblood of this site. Please keep sending in your comments and suggestions, especially ideas for improving the site. (Or chiming in to the "Blender Board" with support for someone else's suggestion-- that way I know what to focus on.) Chatrooms? A more BBS-like "Blender Board"? That page of Links I keep thinking about doing? I'd like to know what can help keep the interest of the regulars and attract new readers. (The other feature I'm thinking of is turning the Blender into Eastern Massachusetts' biggest personals ad for Kirk. But that's a different story...)
This month features one of the best 'Heart on Sleeve
Corners' we've ever had, along with a page that seemed
to fall naturally into twos, both for the Review and the
selected poems. -- Kirk , Blender Keeper |
New Works Two About Sleeping:
Two About Food:
Two About Love's Absence:
Two Women Speak Out:
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![]() ![]() to the Blender of Love! | |
LinkExchange Member |