* The Blender Board

From: Crystevin
Date: 1 April 1999


Tumble..I knew you had it in you! Very hot and erotic. I can really sense the passion and hunger. I think X inspires many of us to think at that level now and again.


From: Crystevin
Date: 1 April 1999


Satire or not..OUCH!

From a man's perspective..(this one's anyway), the subconcious fear we live with. *I'm laughing and crying at the same time* LOL


Date: 1 April 1999

I DIDN'T BASH HIM EITHER. I WAS joking!! KB,lighten up and take your own advice to feel the love. I think Crysteven and Kevin understood my humor. Sorry if I upset anyone.

From: Jewgee
Date: 1 April 1999


OH MY GOD!!!!! Sorry....Thank You made me laugh so hard I almost peed my pants!!!!! I totally needed a good laugh and you gave it to me. Thanx!!!!!!!!

From: Kirk, Blender-Keeper
Date: 1 April 1999

Well, it's taken me a long time, but I've finally reached a decision: I'm going to be changing the format of the site. I think we've had plenty of poems about romance between different people, it's time to head in a new direction: the love betweeen people and their kitchen appliances.

For a while I thought it was ok to love your blender, just as long as you didn't, you know, LOVE your blender. But now I've realized that's okay too, just so long as you take your time and don't go crazy with settings like "frappe". And I thought that people might want to write about it. And these people don't have an outlet (no pun intended.)

For instance:
Roses are Red
Violets are Blue
Hot sweaty crazy monkey-love with my KitchenAid Blender
Is fun for me and you

There are plenty of romance related sites out there, but few address this sensitive topic. And .com domains are getting scarce: I think I owe it to appliance-loving americans to not hog "loveblender.com" for non-kitchen-appliance related purposes.

I know this is decision is going to upset a lot of people, but I ask them not to judge me too harshly until they've tried it themselves, maybe taken a hand mixer out to a movie, or a toaster for a walk in the park. I think there's a whole neglected field of experience out there.

So besides that, I have to ask your forgiveness for this extended, last minute attempt at an april fool's joke. With a little (a lot?) of luck I may have fooled someone for at least a few sentences...

Happy April!

From: Isolde
Date: 1 April 1999


You've inspired me. I'm going to dim the lights, put on some romantic music, and go take a long, relaxing bubble bath with my Cuisinart right this minute...

From: KatyBeth
Date: 1 April 1999

Alright, first of all, I'm sure glad you were brave enough to use your real name, "another annoyed person." Second, I knew Crystevin and "annoyed" weren't being dumb about it- it was directed towards Kevin and yourself because I felt the comments were uncalled for. Nobody here needs lessons or statistics on the effects of Mary Jane and the human brain (I could go on about this but it is unneccessary), and regarding your comment specifically, I think everybody on this page would be upset if you insulted the intelligence of any of the regulars here or demeaned them just because they couldn't spell. I'm sorry, but that is just a really stupid thing to do and I felt the need to stand up for the poor girl. Why don't you go make fun of the cute poems that 5 year old kid writes here? (forget the name of whoever's child that is....sorry) I wouldn't be surprised. So anyway, I suggest that you don't even try to make me feel like a jerk just because you feel like an a-hole. It never works. You got personal and I replied. I suggest you take your own advice and "lighten up" because I certainly didn't need to.

From: KatyBeth
Date: 1 April 1999

By the way, let this be the last of this matter...it's over.

From: kevin urenda (the same as it has always been)
Date: 1 April 1999

Katy Beth-

Yes, that could have been the last of the matter if you had not tarred me with the same brush as the "annoy"nymous person. I did NOT take your post as some April Fool's joke...

I did not hide *my* identity, AND I did not get personal. I am more than a little offended that any person who has been around here for a while would fail to see *any* humor in what I was trying to say, AND slam me for it. I had no problem, for the record, with any of Stine's posts (keep in mind it was not I who beat this horse into glue). In fact, I believe (if you would have read my entire SINGLE post on the subject), that the most harmful thing done to the human brain is to 'educate' imagination and creativity, not to mention critical thinking SKILLS, right out of it. Should I not to try to be humorous? Is not life far too short to ALWAYS take it so seriously? That said, I understand that when you have to explain humor it was probably not all that funny to begin with... Incidentally, I personally had a more intimate relationship with THC-containing substances than ANY casual user (and I seem to be functioning quite well with the brain cells that remain, no matter how I destroyed them). I take a back seat to no one when it comes to knowledge of the immediate and residual effects of the use of such substances (and many others). (As an aside, I enjoyed the euphoria of getting high IMMENSELY, and begrudge NO one who wants to enjoy the same.)

Please don't whip people with the soap box once you have stepped off of it, particularly if they are undeserving of such treatment.


From: Crystevin
Date: 1 April 1999

*passes kevin the dube* I'd have to say we probably share that front seat. *grin*

From: alison
Date: 1 April 1999

i am drowning
in the monotony
of post relationship
writer's block
and everything
sounds the same.
some fun this
rut it.

From: Annoyed
Date: 1 April 1999


For someone who suggests that others *share the love*, you certainly are a vicious, intolerant, judgmental, snotty little brat, and you most certainly DO need to lighten up.

From: *smiling deevaa*
Date: 2 April 1999

hmmm... I feel the need for another damn group hug!!! sheesh a girl misses one morning on the board and the whole place goes nuts!

*wiggles her butt* ohhh an Kirk.. my kitchen implement of choice is my coffee maker.. I am inspired...
*winks over her shoulder on the way into the kitchen and hangs the DO NOT DISTURB sign*


From: Angel
Date: 2 April 1999

KIRK!!! You really had me going...boy am I gullible *smile* My mind was racing 100 m/h thinking of all my yummy appliances *wink* Hmmm I had plenty of ideas and then I realized it was all a hoax :-( Oh well, maybe I will submitt one anyway...LOL Lets see...Isolde and the cuisanart, Dee and the coffee maker...Hmmmm , I think I have a hankerin' for my dough maker Mmmmmm IT kneads ME.......HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

ALso, Bocci BALL is a new one on me...

Dee~"Tumble" Whew!!! <wiping the sweat from my brow> LOL
WHAT??? I inspired a DEE original??? REALLY??? *SMILE*
TELL ME!!!! WHICH ONE??? WOW, I am honored!

Thank YOU, Jewgee and Crystevin for your comments about "Sorry...Thank You", BOY, you two must be all wet...with Jewgee peeing and cyrst. crying...I better go get a towel *smile*

Ok You guys got me with that APRIL FOOL's joke...I know my fellow Blenderites would not squabble like that...I'm with DEE........ONE, TWO, THREE < BIG GROUP HUG> Mmmmmmmmmmmm that was nice.......now Lets get writing....:-)


From: Crystevin
Date: 2 April 1999


Is it really necessary to resort to name calling?


From: Trash
Date: 2 April 1999

I wish to thank love blender for its nice poems, also wish to thank the nice people who write them ofcourse. Sometimes it gave inspiration.

A big I LOVE YOU to my girl Omega (hope i can do this here)
Girl, wanna say, ure the one i've been waiting for !


From: *deevaa w/coffee*
Date: 2 April 1999

Angel... remember that day on ICQ when we where chatting and I was down cause Ade and I had just broken up.. and you told me that all I needed to do was to paint myself a man... so that afternoon I did... it is called "her dream"... AND I SOLD IT!!!! woohhoooo... *does the dance*


From: Angel
Date: 2 April 1999

Lizzy~ I will never see anything erotic about being RAPED!!!


Date: 3 April 1999

My god, I had no idea about the people here, but I'm glad I do now. Thank god I finally have a legit reason to stop reading this stuff. "Annoyed" needs to grow up and if any of you guys knew me or what I am trying to stand for, you'd understand. And by the way, Kevin, you aren't impressing anybody. I spoke my mind because it was brought on by antagonistic commments, maybe not your own specifically, but if justification was needed, that is what I gave. I didn't do anything to anybody except stand up for what is right and if anyone's pride was hurt....well, gee...I thought we were all too old to be stupid about it no matter how many big words or "intelligent" remarks we could make. I find it a shame that people here think they're above people like that. I didn't think that was the way it was here. But I guess I was wrong and I do certainly hope that some of you find some room to grow as human beings really soon. That is my piece and make fun of any of my spelling all you like. I've been nothing but nice to all of you and as soon as someone puts you down you can't handle it. Well, I hope you learn. It must be nice to be a part of a mob mentality and to think other people are your safeguards because they really are not. Good luck with your lives and I hope you learn to appreciate people no matter how they feel. It's a damn shame, thats all. Goodbye finally...y'all never really do appreciate most of us anyway. You could find some really interesting people.


From: Stine Skogby (norway)
Date: 3 April 1999

Hi it`s the ganjagirl again!
Still saying thank you for ALL the respons (good/bad).

Just wanted you all to know that spring has finally come
to Norway too...sun ,sun ,sun!!!
Summer 96 was like a tropical heat.
Summer 97 was no sun at all.
And the past two months we`ve had sun one day ,then snow the next....like that every day!!
But now the last five days it has been nothing but sun and I am so happy :)
May be the summer will come to us too!?!
I am looking forword to sitt in the park with my friends ,my spliff and my reggae music.....

SUMMER IS COMING (I hope!)!!!!!


From: Angel
Date: 3 April 1999

KatyBeth~ "No idea about the people here..." ,"Mob-mentality"?????????????????????????????????????????
Obviously, I have missed something...


From: kevin urenda
Date: 3 April 1999


You are not the only one who has missed something...

To no one in particular (not wishing to respond directly to further insults by someone who obviously does NOT 'get' it.) -
The sniping and immaturity is too bad, for a pinch of bitter spoils an entire ocean of sweetness. People who react rashly and emotionally without thinking long and hard before pressing that 'send' or 'submit' button remind me of a remark generally attributed to Mark Twain: "It is better to be silent and be thought a fool, than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt." I plead guilty to that as much as anyone, but I am willing to give most people the benefit of the doubt.

I wish that more people COULD be like Stine, who is obviously willing to live and let live, and doesn't take herself too seriously.

I hope your summer is a long, ***sunny***, and happy one...


From: Stine Skogby (norway)
Date: 3 April 1999

Why take life so seriously?
We live while we live ,then we die.
I love my life dearly.
That`s why I will not live a lie.

If the luck goes against you.
And you are feeling so sad ,and down.
Do what I usually do:
Smile ,and the luck will turn around.

When people get angry.
Just laugh ,and say sorry if I hurt you.
If the spliff were ligally.
People would be relaxed ,like my crew.

We don`t make trubble.
We just wanna enjoy the natural drug.
Make our pipes bobble.
So don`t be angry ,come here ,give me a hug:)...


From: *morning deevaa* deevaa@paradise.net.nz
Date: 3 April 1999

hmmm... oh gosh... what to say? I think I will leave the stuff on the board to who evers issue it is... (I haven't actually figured that out yet... but am guessing that I am being accused of being part of mob mentality... * throws her hands in the air* whatever!

hmmm... anyways to the poetry hey? (now there is a unique idea...)

Scott... long time no see... I really enjoyed your new piece... (I am sorry but I forgot the name of it in the turmoil on the board)... I certainly hope that stuff is "all good" with you. (to quote a line from one of my faves of yours...) if your poetry is self reflective, like mine tends to be.. it sounds like it is at least of to a good start. Email me if you have time.

common raven... "untitled" - beautiful.. post more please!!!

Jenna.. all of the new ones are moving... *smiles*

Crys.. I know I have said this to you via ICQ but... "Spring" liking it guy... there was a line in particular that I liked.. and I wrote it down... but don't have my diary with me. (and anyways I told you already!!)

Isolde... miss you girl..

so here we all are then.. anyone for an Easter Egg?


From: Crystal cwilkinson_85@hotmail.com
Date: 3 April 1999

Rape is a serious thing. You need to think long and hard about the emotions your feeling. Would you feel the same if it had been someone close to you, to have been in this situation? Getting caught up in the moment is very different if it is what you both want, but a stranger invading your privacy and your life is totally different.

You have no clue to who he is or what he may have, not to mention what he may leave you behind. I suggest you do some serious soul searching. By no means am I trying to hurt your feelings, just as I'm sure you had no intentions of hurting anyone's by writing your poem. You have a way with words but I'd like to see you take a different approach to life. Because I'm afraid you'll be hurt with the one you've got. You have no idea what to expect when he returns to get his cuffs.

From: Isolde
Date: 3 April 1999

Thanks deevaa...I miss you too!

I haven't been around much because I've been working about 16 hours a day lately, so all I do is work, sleep a little, and get up and do it again (which means I am too tired to write any poems). :-(

I haven't even had time to read all the new submissions this month, but I did read "Tumble", and I thought it was great. Very erotic.

And speaking of Easter (and eggs), I will send you this hysterical photo someone sent me about where the Cadbury bunny gets his chocolate easter eggs... (And I'll explain what the Cadbury bunny is, in case you don't have those commercials "down under").

Oh, and Stine, perhaps you could send some of that sunshine this way? We have had record rain this year, and I'm feeling very soggy.

Hope everyone has a nice Easter, or Passover, or Lupercalia, or whatever flavor holiday you celebrate.


From: Jenna (poetic_angel@gurlmail.com)
Date: 4 April 1999

I just wanted to Say Happy Easter to everyone and if you do not celebrate Easter I hope you have a happy Holiday anyway!


From: Kirk, Blender-Keeper
Date: 4 April 1999

April edition's here, hope it was worth the wait...

From: Jenna Holland (poetic_angel@gurlmail.com)
Date: 4 April 1999

I just wanted to say congradulations to all thoes that made the cover of the April Digest.

And I just wanted to give a special thanks to you because I have submitting here for almost 2 1/2 years and this is the first time I have ever gotten on the cover of the digest since it has been started. It's definately an exciting moment for me- I was very surprised!

Congradulations everyone and Kirk keep up the good work, it was definately worth the wait!

From: Lizzy
Date: 4 April 1999

to Angel and Crystal,
i apologize to you and anyone else who might have been offended by my story, it wasn't meant to be viewed as rape, and it certainly wasn't based on fact...pure fiction straight out of my head. i'll be submitting another story soon and i think you'll like it much better...so please don't give up on me yet!

From: kevin urenda, kluless70@hotmail.com
Date: 4 April 1999

Congratulations to everyone who was selected this month for the Digest front page...

TWO YEARS? wow...
Persistence is a definite virtue in poetry AND in love...

Yes, dear sir, it was worth the wait
Your characterization of the middle of the poem of mine that you selected is appropriate, thinking back (it was one of 'those' days... And yes you all, angst is not confined to youth). Thanks as much for THAT as for the selection of that particular poem.

From: kevin (again)
Date: 4 April 1999

oh, BTW, what about a page for bibliophiles?
You obviously have a good start with Crystevin's "The 'L' Word"... A lover of dictionaries, obviously.

(Besides, books, unlike appliances can't electrocute you in the tub!)


From: Crystevin
Date: 5 April 1999


I'm Honored to be selected and love all of this month's selections. Thanks for your hard work.

-Lizzy (hoping i'm not too blunt or harsh)
Although i'm familiar with the "stranger fantasy" some women have, this piece not only lacks originality but also legitimacy for posting in a romantic forum and perhaps would be more suited for penthouse magazine. I can understand why many people would find offense to stranger forced sexual acts.


From: Crystevin
Date: 5 April 1999


It's that English Major thing in me. *laughs* I must admit though, that red cover hiding all those delicious words does do something for me..*grin*


From: Crystevin
Date: 5 April 1999


I must say, for the first time, i actually paged my way thru the entire digest. In regards to your ramble..NOBODY can say it better than this:

"that it's critical not to get in the way of the interests and hobbies of your romantic partner. Which isn't the same thing as disinterest in what the other person is doing- a certain level of interest sharing is critical- but not having to be present in every corner of your partner's life is ultimately rewarding for everyone."

I also checked out Mr Blue and enjoyed the lighthearted approach to his Q&A. Then i rambled over to Mo's page (since you posted the link in your ramble) and thoroughly enjoyed myself starting with her photo album..(some good ones of you in there) and then her life story..(very impressed). I especially enjoyed her view of her "punk" years for I went thru my own "punk" era growing up in the late 70's and early 80's in Los Angeles. Overall, i'm left sitting here with a smile and a growing fondness for the both of you. Please pass along to her my sentiments as i didn't see a guest book.


From: kevin urenda
Date: 5 April 1999


I *almost* was an English major (I chose Political Science instead, and minored in English - only I could not bear to lose the income I would have to in order to actually USE my degree)...
I loved words as a kid (people laugh when I tell them I used to read the dictionary when bored as a youth!), so I could spot a logophile, even at this distance... LOL - yeah, I think it is that red cover that really gets us going (who SAYS you can't judge a book by its cover... we're guys after all...)


From: Jenna (poetic_angel@gurlmail.com)
Date: 5 April 1999


I remember when I started here It was still a link off alienbill.com and for 3 months I just read and read and read, and then finally I submitted something, and I got feedback on it and I liked it just like anyone would. The next month, Kirk started the first Blender Digest. It never became a goal of mine to be on the cover (plus I never thought i really had a chance, because as you have seen I don't write 5 or 6 pieces a day like thoes so talented here, I'll be lucky if i can get that many in a month) but when I saw one of mine on the front cover, i guess you could say I was ecstatic! Anyways, I just felt like blabbing my mouth, thatks for the ear, hope you didn't mind listening.


From: Leanne
Date: 5 April 1999

Hi Everyone, I just discovered this wonderful site last month and I can't get enough of it. What a wonderful place to share our hopes, dreams, and defeat! I may even participate someday and send in some material of my own...maybe.

Luck and Love,

From: Kirk, Blender-Keeper
Date: 5 April 1999

Hey Gang-

I too was an English major. I went to Tufts U. thinking I was some kind of English golden child, but I got over that after failing to escape the Literature B+/A- gravitational vortex. Luckily, in trying to dodge Calculus I took a Comp Sci intro, and my second class in that pointed out that that wa were my more natural talents lie...

Ah the memories, when the 'Blender was alienbill.com/romance. And before that even, when the site was the ungainly www.cs.tufts.edu/~kisrael/romance (I think I still have a clipping from the USA Today Feb 14th 1994 or '95 edition that gave me a mention.)

Crystevin, I've alreay passwed word along to Mo. She and I can be an excessively cute couple at times, not in the sweet mushy goofy way, generally in more of a bouncing off of each other's silliness kind of style.

From: *smiling deevaa* deevaa@paradise.net.nz
Date: 5 April 1999

OK hands up who missed me??

*does the deevaa dance*
hey hey all... it is great to see all my favourite people on the front page... man I have some talented friends!

As you all know my talent does not lie in the pen, but in a brush, but this page is my biggest inspiration!
My big news is... I am have been asked to give a quote for a big painting ... I am thinking about $2,500 if I get that, I will be over the moon!! (that is about $1,250 US dollars)

This women has already brought another of my paintings..(the one Angel inspired) I am thinking I need to start painting more... I could just get together a deposit for a house faster than I thought if I keep selling them like this...
*wiggles out for coffee*


From: Crystevin
Date: 5 April 1999


*laughing* I started out as a poli sci major..switched to english, minored in management studies and now following Kirks lead into comp sci by going to Grad School for Info Systems. Yes sir ladies and gents, I'm a net junkie with an attitude..LOL..


From: *stunned deevaa*
Date: 5 April 1999

hey hey all.. its the deevaa babe here again! (damn I talk to much!)

BUT somethings just need to be said..

Ruth Kelly... Afternoon Snack... oh my!!!! wow.... umm.. yes very nice.

Crys... Loves Last Concern... ohhhh babe.. that hit me hard cause of what we where talking about the other night!!! (ok your morning)... damn! "Circumstances measure beyond my control/as fools throw themselves toward me/in search of themselves" Ya gotta do it Crys... you know what has to be done!!!!

I was an English major... LOL... who would beleive that now?
Theatre and Film made up most of my papers... I have the tattoo to prove it! And that is why I now work for the NZ Ministry of Health as a Desktop/Web publisher and designer....

*dances off stage right*


From: Star_Crossed
Date: 6 April 1999

Hello everyone!!!!

I'm a newbie, so I just thought I'd officially introduce my self. Of course, I'm named after the way Romeo & Juliet's love was fatalistic - which is how I believe love comes about, fate brings you together. A bit dreamy I know but it's a reassuring thought in this day and age.

If you want to you can check out my first poem "To Love", it's a wee bit sappy but that sort of thing can be good for you once in a while.

Oh and Lizzy, as a student of psychology I have read case histories and talked to rape victims, non of whom found their experiences to be erotic. Maybe next time you write in you could try to write about a less sensitive subject - I'm sure it'll be great ! :)

Bye Folks!

From: Isolde
Date: 6 April 1999

Many congratulations to all who made the front cover of the Blender this month, and a personal salute to my dear friend Kevin, Angel's sweet little Brandi, Crystevin and Jenna.

Thank you for choosing two of my pieces for the front cover. Being artists, we are all looking for affirmation that our works make a connection, and being selected is always a nice stroke. Also, I LOVED this months ramble, and agree completely that a healthy relationship needs a balance between shared interests and separate ones.

A special congratulations to you. You have written many fine poems, and I am pleased that one of your works was honored this month. And I found your exuberance very touching (I didn't think you were blabbing at all).

To those who have commented kindly on my submissions the past month or so: I do read and very much appreciate the comments, and would usually take the time to acknowledge each one, but I have been quite overwhelmed with work lately. So I just wanted to say a belated thank you.


From: Isolde
Date: 6 April 1999

I will rush to join the plethora and acknowledge that my undergraduate degree was also in English. There certainly seem to be quite a few of us here, which I suppose only makes sense, this being a forum for writers (and readers, of course!). See people, those English degrees weren't a waste after all, we use them here!!


From: Kirk Blender-Keeper
Date: 6 April 1999

From: Kirk Blender-Keeper
Date: 6 April 1999

On the front page and this month's digest, I've added a link to a romantic website promotion. I have mixed feelings about it, but still if you like the Blender, click on the link!
(Some of the mixed feelings come in how other sites on this promotion use Popup windows that automagically vote for you, I hate popups so I refuse to do that...)

From: *confussled deevaa* deevaa@paradise.net.nz
Date: 6 April 1999

Kirk... I know I am not the brightest chick alive sometimes... clicked on the link.. got that long list of sites... then what? is that it? vote counted? or do I actually have to do something there??? Do I click on the blender on the list?

*runs about in circles flapping*

ohhh god!

Ruth... been back and re-read Afternoon Snack.. Liking it alot... *grins* yeah yeah I know I have mentioned it already.... but ya know!

hehehe... OK... hands up who I need to email? I am sure it is not MY turn AGAIN...

From: Jenna Holland (poetic_angel@gurlmail.com)
Date: 6 April 1999


I just wanted to thank you for the comment about my work, coming from the haiku Queen it is definately an honor for me. Maybe I will even give a haiku a try one day... maybe!
(Never dont one before, but anything is worth a shot.)

Ah, the momories is right! I checked out Mo's homepage the other day, very interesting! I especially liked the photography! Please tell her she has talent for me! Thanks Again!


From: Jenna Holland (poetic_angel@gurlmail.com)
Date: 6 April 1999


"Sad Eyes" and "Love's Last Concern" I definately saw some images, I especially enjoyed them. Keep Writing!


From: Kirk, Blender-Keeper
Date: 6 April 1999

Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's counted when you see the list.

See, here's my problem with the program, there are two options for linking to it-- a clickable graphic, or a popup window that automatically brings you to their site whenever you load their page. Well, I'm morally against Pop-Ups, but that means I get fewer votes, since they get a vote counted for every visitor (who has javascript enabled) whereas I only get people who care enough to click through. Oh well.

Actually, it brings me to another point about this site-- I no longer have the urge to grow it like I once did. For one thing, I've seen the logical extension of that, and it looks like www.lovepoems.com, with dozens and dozens of poems each day. While I like their author tracking system, the site doesn't have much a human touch to it- it's almost entirely script based. I think the monthly digest as is stands is a good balance, and I couldn't keep doing that on my own if the site grew and grew and grew. So while I'll keep doing link exhange and all that, I'm not going to engage in too many crazy promotional ideas.

In other news-- sent in my annual check to my webhost provider-- it's a good thing I love you guys (and that I make far more that I deserve as a programmer ;-)

From: *laughing deevaa*
Date: 6 April 1999

ohhh .. so you make too much money hey?
Need a new painting for your new flat?


From: kevin urenda, kluless70@hotmail.com
Date: 7 April 1999


I completely understand the feeling you touch on. The ecstasy of recognition as an artist or poet is second only to that of knowing someone in this world REALLY loves you. As Isolde mentioned, I too have found many of your poems quite good (as I do numerous others in this little corner of the web), and it is wonderful to know that you have been so persistent with both this site and with your poetry. Just keep writing for yourself. We dear readers DO notice! (blabbing??? NEVER!)

Speaking of noticing...

My dear friend, thank you for the kind words. It is indeed affirming to be well-received, particularly by you, whose poetic talents I remain in awe of...

I second Isolde's thoughts on your ramble-o'-the-month. I can tell you from personal experience, and an 18-year relationship with MY sweetheart, that is certainly IS vital to allow your partner and yourself to have separate interests and the space to enjoy those interests. Sharing our different experiences is part of what keeps our relationship fresh and interesting. And Mo's site IS quite interesting (well worth the trip!)...


From: Kirk, Blender-Keeper
Date: 7 April 1999

You know, sometimes it bothers me how much stock people put into being included on the front page. On the one hand I can understand it; I do try to be thoughtful about what goes there and how it represents the site, works there clearly get read more often than ones nestled in Heart and Sleeve Corner. On the other hand-- it's just me, based on what works strike my fancy that day. I'm not the be-all and end-all of poetry criticism...

From: Jenna Holland (poetic_angel@gurlmail.com)
Date: 7 April 1999

Kirk (or whomever)

Sorry if i caused the commotion over being on the front page, I turned it into an issue. It is just that I look at all thoes here as someone higher then me. I am only 14 (yes, i have been reading here since i was 11 or 12) and everyone else here (almost) has at least finished college or is out of highschool. All thoes here have learned about writing in school and may have taken courses. Most have learned about the greats such as Robert Frost and ect. but i haven't even gotten that far in schooling and i do it all on my own time. I write what is coming from my heart and the people here can look at my writing and say "oh that is not correct standard verse" or something like that. (I'm nat saying any of you here are judgemental or even do this)it's just that it's is still there that you can cause you know what you are talking about and i don't, im still young. So when i was put on the front page with the others here i had the feeling like i was 'good enough,' that i was a part of something bigger then me, the world of poetry. I have always been on the outside looking in and now I can look out. It has always been my dream to be a writer and now i know i can. Yes, Kirk, you are right when you say "it's just me" but i think the emphasis is on the wrong word. It isn't JUST you, It is just YOU. And your opinion and others here that are well respected count in my book. I guess this isn't all about being on the cover, but just being here and being called a poet by someone, but being on the cover always helps! :o)

And tehre I go blabbing AGAIN. Sorry! Thanks for listening!


From: Crystevin
Date: 7 April 1999

Deevaa and Jenn

Thanks for the comments i'm like everyone else and appreciate it not for the sole purpose of being recognized, but to know i've touched somebody enough to hear from them.

Citadel--sweet and clever.


From: *breathless deevaa* deevaa@paradise.net.nz
Date: 7 April 1999

Crys... ahhhhmmmm... High Maintance... OUCH! damn I hope that wasn't aimed at me my friend!!!

Isolde.. I know you never REALLY left.. but welcome back... Citadel... Mmmm-MMmmmnnnn... *wink* your work it always a welcome sight.

Jenna... Hell girl, if any of my stuff was on the front page I would be doing the deevaa dance too.. so don't hide your happiness for our sake... *high five girl*

Kev... did you get a treat in your email last night??

*giggles and runs to the kitchen*


From: Crystevin
Date: 7 April 1999


Just read your last post. YOU are a poet. It is inside you. It's not something you ask or try to do, it's something that compels and propels you into writing. You have that poetic soul and are well on your way to achieving great things. WRITE, WRITE AND WRITE..*smiles*

From: Crystevin
Date: 7 April 1999

*bombing the board with posts*

LOL..no hon, not you. aren't we all high maintenance sometimes?


From: *giggling deevaa*
Date: 7 April 1999

Kevin and Isolde... I dunno it is just the way my mind works, but both bank and citadel could be X poems...

LOL... *blushes* maybe I shouldn't have confessed that!!

From: Witchy1113@aol.com
Date: 7 April 1999

Dear Kirk:

Just happened across your poem/story and wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed it. I happened to experience 'love at first sight', although I had been talking to him over six months.

Something stirs within that cannot be explained, without rambling. It can overwhelm your senses and being.

I am enjoying every minute of these feelings. Thank you.

From: Todd Hagopian Grappler82@aol.com
Date: 7 April 1999

Hey everyone,

I just found this site a few days ago and I threw on six poems, i have never had any feedback on my poetry because it is not my focus. I have written two (unpublished) novels and am starting on a third, but I have always written poetry when i was in a severe mood (be it happy or sad or angry...whatever). Anyway, if you guys could give me some feedback on my poems I would be very grateful. Talk to you all later.

--Todd Hagopian Grappler82@aol.com

Date: 7 April 1999

From: Jewgee
Date: 8 April 1999


Thanx u two!!!! Because of u its been a very WET week!!!!!!
Can't tell u how much I needed it!!! Between the two of u, u help keep me sane!!!!!
Just wanted u guys to know!!!!!

(in my own dry spell) LOL

From: Jenn (wardenchick@yahoo.com)
Date: 8 April 1999

Well, amidst all the recent turmoil storming through my life right now, I have still made sure to stop and check the blender. I've seen some great stuff here (as usual) and apologize for not taking more time to comment on specific works that caught my eye...and there were many. All of you are wonderful, and a special congrats to those of you who made the front page !!
'Nuff fer now...

From: Geek Girl - stokin@bigpond.com
Date: 8 April 1999

Love your chit chat

Some interesting web design.

From: Jenna Holland (poetic_angel@gurlmail.com)
Date: 8 April 1999


Just read your recent submission, glad to have you back, you and your writing were definately missed.


From: *laughing deevaa*
Date: 8 April 1999

*laughing* OK OK OK.... remind me never to dare a poet again!! Crys, that is too too funny... and as I promised I will get my brushes out tonight... *mumbles under her breath* ... oh how I hate to loose a bet!!!

Kev... and you.. hehe... I am lost for words...

Kirk... I take partial responsibity for the insanity on in the heart on the sleeve corner this month... all I can say is sorry!!!

*off to paint her love for coffee*


From: Crystevin
Date: 9 April 1999

*quick catch up of reading*

Kevin- Wow, pumping them out! "Microwave" LOL. I really felt a kinship with "loss".

Heartsong- "Babe" how sweet!

X- "Confection" has images "glistening" in my mind..*grin*
and "The Call" reminds me of how much i miss lingering.


From: Star_Crossed
Date: 9 April 1999

Hiya everyone!

I just thought I'd pop in and say hi, oh yeah and read some poems! DUH am I an airhead or what?!

Oh deevaa, " I love the way that you love me" Has most recently been done by Boyzone, (yep a boyband) I'm not a fan I'm just English and they are everywhere over here. *groan* it probably was a cover version.

I keep on having interesting thoughts so here is my little song for the day :-

The further away I get from you,
The harder it gets for everyone else, for everyone else.
The happier I am when I'm with you,
The harder it gets when I am alone, when I am alone
The harder I try to learn something from you,
Further away.
Further away - feel it fade into your childhood further away
Further away - feel dazed and misunderstood
Further away
The stiller the oxygen the harder you breathe,
The draining away just like an old man's dream, just like an old man's dream.
The simpler the answer the harder it can get,
The circular landscape comes back only with regret, only with regret.
The more estranged I feel from my youth, further away.
Further away feel it fade into your childhood further away
Further away feel dazed and misunderstood
Further away.
Manic Street Preachers. Copyright. :)

From: Star_Crossed
Date: 9 April 1999

Just a little song! :)
The further away I get from you, the harder it gets for everyone else, for everyone else
The happier I am when I'm with you, the harder it gets when I am alone, when I am alone
The harder I try to learn something from you, Further away.
Further away, feel it fade into your childhood, further away. Further away, feel dazed and misunderstood.
Further away.
The stiller the oxygen the harder you breathe, the draining away just like an old man's dream, just like an old man's dream.
The simpler the answer the harder it can get, the circular landscape comes back only with regret, only with regret.
The more estranged I feel from my youth, further away.
Further away, feel it fade into your childhood, further away. Further away, feel dazed and misunderstood.
Further away.
Manic Street Preachers.

From: Star_Crossed AGAIN
Date: 9 April 1999

Sorry I just did that twice, I thought it hadn't worked because it was so long.....
Still it is a really *really* good song (IMHO)you should HEAR it! Woah!
Oh yeah and Josh? I read on this age that your fave TV show was the X Files.....
Well, waddaya know!
P.S. Mulder and Scully are sssooooooo in love!

From: *early morning deevaa*
Date: 9 April 1999

*submitted before the first coffee of the day* - forgive me if I make no sense... LOL

Star_crossed... ahhhhh... Boyzone... see I knew that I just didn't wanna say in case I was mistaken for a fan.. LOL... no really thanks!!! I just really liked those words... wish they applied to me... hehe... and England hey? I am the kiwi chick in the house... welcome.

Isolde... I am so damn jealous... shessh! you have a good man! (LOL hey Tristan.. how are ya?) ... you know I have never had flowers in the office... *pout*

ahmmm... Kev.. I am still speechless about "Microwave" LOL... btw.. check out my page.. I have finally added "Tub" so that it is with "Plughole" Thankyou for your permission to use it.

X - I will also be adding "Union" soon... although I remain unconvinced on the painting ... *wink* and as for "The call" ohh... I know I don't need to say a thing...

LOL... maybe I best go and find me some coffee... oh and Crys.. that painting... coming right up sir...


From: *deevaa again*
Date: 9 April 1999

Isolde...hehehe.. lets not be ungrateful hey? LOL.. I shouldn't pout cause I have had flowers in my email box.... *begins to chant* I will be grateful for what I get.. I will....

From: Amanda Clemons amdnaclemons@yahoo.com
Date: 9 April 1999

I really love this site. The poems are great and make me feel so much better. If you can please email me more peoms about love and relationships. Thank you!!!!

From: Angel
Date: 9 April 1999



From: Brandi
Date: 9 April 1999

Thank you Kirk for picing my pom hrts in your i's. i hav mor pomes too. and i am hapy you pict my pome.

From: Brent (Blong@onecom.com)
Date: 9 April 1999

I'm new, I just discovered this great site two weeks ago. I really love all of this. You all have alot of appreciated talent and I believe you will without a doubt go far. I already have two submissions in, and I would LOVE feedback on them. I think you will be hearing more from me, and I'm really glad to be here.

From: hktty@aol.com
Date: 9 April 1999

the poem listed in best picks by author named MO is a blatant rip off of a dave matthews song...what drivel.

I'm a poet, not an elitist...but these poems SUCK.

From: Hktty@aol.com (JennyAnn)
Date: 9 April 1999

I would like to retract my rather hasty summery of the poems on this site..only some of the poems suck.

I figured I would send a poem and see of perhaps it would make it to the list where I found some rather complicated and beautiful writing...we'll see!

From: Angel
Date: 10 April 1999

Lizzy~I rate each work as a separate piece and do not 'Give Up' on anyone. My remarks on your first posting were asked for and given in all honesty. I personally feel that writings of such nature can be taken as a GO-AHEAD for some pervert to rape someone. While fantasies with a spouse/lover can be an exiting and healthy addition to a relationship, RAPE is MURDER of the soul...and therefore can never be erotic...and as one woman and one voice in the wind, I could not remain mute...because I have an obligation to humankind.
BTW, your untitled piece was very nice.


From: Angel
Date: 10 April 1999

Kevin~"Whites" , I really liked this one...and think that Dee could use this idea in one of her paintings...A bleached heart hanging on a line flapping in the wind...YES!!! *SMILE*


From: Star_Crossed
Date: 10 April 1999

Hello people!
Ahhh, deevaa, I'd have probably done that too * a *fan* of Boyzone?* purlease !
I think I might put another little poem of mine into New Submissions but I'm creatively *dry* right now. I'm supposed to be doing the screenplay for a production at the moment. YEAH RIGHT!
You never know, this site could stop me from going insane...

I LOVE ADAM FRANK!!! sorry, jsut wanted to see it in text!


From: Angel
Date: 10 April 1999

I am having a slight problem with email address's...I am no1angel@surfsouth.com and also no1halo@yahoo.com...I am NOT no1angel@yahoo.com...I tried to get that address but it was already taken that is why I used no1halo...I have even made the same mistake myself when submitting and she seems to be getting a lot of my mail and I am getting hers...any suggestions? Oh well, I didn't think so...just thought I would clarify it here.


From: *laughing deevaa*
Date: 10 April 1999

Angel... sheesh women.. just write me a list of paintings hey??? I have had to do a painting in the theme of crys coffee poem... (thats what happens when a girl hastily lays a dare on the table!) I have also done a sketch for Kev's microwave lust... if I get time today I will do some hearts on the line as well...

star_crossed... hehe... we caught ya...*points and jumps up and down* boy band fan!! boy band fan!!

Kev & angel.. both inspired by X this month hey... I think we are missing all those X poems we used to get.

crys check out your email tommorrow... something in there will "make it hot" LOL

Isolde... *blows kisses* hope you are well.


From: Crystevin
Date: 11 April 1999

*laughing and wondering what kirk's thinking about all these kitchen appliance poems* LOL

Love it..Very cute!

Dee..yeah, yeah, okie dokie, etc, et.al, and hitherto forthwith.

It's always a warm feeling to get flowers isn't it? Happened to me ONCE in my life. LOL..*hint*

From: *blushing deevaa*
Date: 11 April 1999

Hehe.. Kev.. people will start to wonder about you and I... LOL... *wiggles her butt* oh well.. better to be talked about...

and you and Crys should go check your emails.. and I don't want it ever said that the deevaa babe doesn't pay her bets.


From: Angel
Date: 11 April 1999

DEE~ WONDERFULLY ARTST DEEVAA.............WOW!! I LOVED That painting of the bleached heart on the line "THE WHITE LOAD" , DAMN girl you are fast.......and GOOD!!! Thanks for sending it even though it took you two times...It did make it.....LOL I know Kevin will get a kick out of it too.


From: kevin urenda, kluless70@hotmail.com
Date: 12 April 1999

Yes I most certainly DID get a kick out of it!!! There was my heart, hung out to dry (pun intended) next to some 'unmentionables'... What a COOL way to enjoy the sunshine! Now THAT was good clean fun!


From: Star_Crossed
Date: 12 April 1999

NO WAY AM I A BOY BAND FAN ! I am mortally wounded !
*Gasps on the floor covered with blood.*
My favourite band is the MANIC STREET PREACHERS, a ***ROCK*** band from Wales, My second fave band the FOO FIGHTERS, my third HOLE my fourth CATATONIA etc etc etc.
See a pattern? ALL rock bands!!!!
Sheesh, my reputation remains in tact!!!!! I find that when it comes to lyrics in love songs rock band acheive more than manufactured 17 year olds miming to songs that have been done a thousand times before ie, anything by Boyzone.
Rock bands are much better at portraying emotions ie This Is Yesterday by MSP and Walking After You by the Foo Fighters.
Woah, I went a bit hyper there didn't I ?

Kirk, I'm sorry I always take up so much room!
*XED :) no hard feelings!

From: deomonkoala@hotmail.com
Date: 12 April 1999

I think you should get some really juicy sex stories! E-mail me if you have any to send to me, or to tell me if you ever get some. Thanks!

From: *dancing deevaa* deevaa@paradise.net.nz
Date: 12 April 1999

MISTI IS BACK!!! weeeehhaaaaa!!! Hey Misti, oh wow... you have been missed.. and you haven't lost your touch! Swan Song I particually like!

Jenna... "Loves Passion" Mmmmm.. nice.

Brent... "wheres my girl" very pretty... *sigh*

and Kev... "hot 4 deevaa"... LOL you are so funny...

*does the deevaa dance*

I will put the new paintings on my site today and then post the URL if anyone wants to check them out.


From: *done deevaa*
Date: 12 April 1999

Ok for anyone who whats to check it out... the two paintings I have been talking about are under the "bits&pieces" link on my site now... http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Square/6442/

Hey and how about you guys sign my guest book... there is a link on the front page banner.


From: deomonkoala@hotmail.com
Date: 13 April 1999

I think Lizzie's storie was awsome! Lizzie, submit more stories like that!

From: Jenna Holland (poetic_angel@gurlmail.com)
Date: 13 April 1999


I just came back from checking out your website. Aside from the artwork i have seen on the loveblender, here, i especially liked the painting "Family." You were right, they were worth the downloading time! Good Luck in the future with selling your paintings you are definately talented!


From: Star_Crossed
Date: 13 April 1999

I'm calm now.

From: *dancing deevaa* deevaa@paradise.net.nz
Date: 13 April 1999

Jenna.... thankyou for your kind words...

Isolde.. that was a beautiful suprise in my in-box this morning... *smiles* thank-you so very much.

Kev.. glad you like it man...

Crys... you are nuts.

Star... you ok there?? LOL


From: deevaa - yes again...
Date: 13 April 1999


(liking the new haiku btw)

I really like the newmatic viewer and use it most of the time, but I find it fustrating that you can't link directly back to the comments form (although I probably talk to much at an rate) or to the FrontPage.

Is there anyway that you can add a link at the top of the list that "breaks free" from the frames and back to the comment/FrontPage links...
I find I end up using my bookmark back to the comments page... any ideas or am I just being pedantic?


From: Dee--
Date: 13 April 1999

From: Kirk, Blender-Keeper
Date: 13 April 1999

I'm not 100% sure what you want. For now, I added a link at the bottom of the page as well as the top that breaks out of the frame and to the top page of the site.

I guess my other option would be to change the frameset, so the breakout link is always visible. Kind of unbalances the page, though.

Let me know if this was anything like you wanted.

Also, I finally changed the addcomment script so it rejected blank comments. As you can see above (alas, the "Dee-" there is me) we've been missing that simple check all this time...

From: again again... aka deevaa
Date: 13 April 1999

Thanks Kirk,
It wasn't so much the link to the front page as the link to the comments page that I was after.. (so you can read the new submissions then go straight to add your comments... like it has at the bottom of the normal "new submissions page")
BUT the "top of the Blender" link is a good start at least now you can get out of the frameset...
thanks once again.


From: Kirk, Blender Keeper
Date: 14 April 1999

Oh. Duh. I wasn't thinking clearly last night. For some reason the idea of a link to the comments page seemed very odd to me, even though it's the very same link we have sprinkled throughout the site. For example, the bottom of this very page. So anyways, I gave it both links now, and both break out of the frame.

From: kate
Date: 14 April 1999

Several months ago there was a poem posted here named "Walk Between the Raindrops" . . . does anyone else remember who wrote it or know where I might find it? I thought it might have been by heart song, but I'm not entirely sure. It's raining here in mid-america and it came to my mind.


From: Kirk, blender-keeper
Date: 14 April 1999

try http://www.loveblender.com/1998november/heart/noname4.html

From: *happy deevaa* deevaa@paradise.net.nz
Date: 14 April 1999

Thanks Kirk you are a hero...

From: kate
Date: 14 April 1999


That's the one!! Thanks a million!


From: heart Song
Date: 14 April 1999

Wow, Look!!! Someone remembered me!! My life is now complete!!!!!



From: Lori Bumgardner (bumgardnerl@lanecc.edu)
Date: 14 April 1999

Kirk - Mix Master:

I just logged on after being on an extended spring break vacation. I am the goddess of grants for a community college and after too many greuling deadlines, did I need a break!

Adrenaline R-U-S-H as I saw "Sleeping in J's L" on the front page. Thank you so much, it'll make a perfect birthday surprise for Jason as his birthday is this Friday the 16th.

And congrats to everyone else. While I don't do the monthly chit chat, I enjoy the rap here.


From: Angel
Date: 15 April 1999

Pleasantly Anonymous~ I simply adored all of your poems...especially "Wishing on the Moon"...you are very talented. :-)

Terry~ "Passion to Darkness", I really enjoyed this one...hope to see more.

Heart~ You are not easily forgotten! :-)



From: Angel
Date: 15 April 1999

Crystal~ "An Ocean of Feelings", Very beautifully written and well thought out...great description...very emotional...I think I love it!!! :-)


From: Angel
Date: 15 April 1999

Baby Bliss~ "JuSt OnE NiGhT", you are a very talented poet...and only 16 WOW!


From: Angel
Date: 15 April 1999

Erin~ "I'll Ask You Once", this poem really captured the emotional tug o' war we have all experienced when a past love returns...and oftentimes we lose at this war...


From: Angel
Date: 15 April 1999

Kevin~ "Money in the Bank", VERY CLEVER!!!


From: Pleasantly Anonymous
Date: 15 April 1999

Been reading since the first of the year. Been posting for about a week now. Enjoying all your work. Thanks for taking a peek at mine.

Very nice forum. Thanks Kirk.

From: Star_Crossed
Date: 15 April 1999

Hello and Yes, I'm fine. I think :)
I've just finished re writing the first act of the screen- play for THE DRACULA SPECTACULA!!!!!!!!!
Now all I have to do is finish the damn thing and then I can write poetry once more.
Has anyone read my debut - To Love ? It isn't my best work ever obviously but this is the first time I've actually tried writing about love, mainly I write depressing stuff !
Au Revoir !
" I'll look to like,
If looking liking move;
but no more deep will I endart mine eye,
Than your consent gives strength to make it fly."
Juliet to Lady Capulet. Now, Juliet's character....
Nah! won't bore you with all that. Let's just say that the essay on Juliet's character I've just finished was *****Good***** ( thank god!)
*XED. ------>On a high after an intellectually stimulating conversation!!

From: kevin urenda, kluless70@hotmail.com
Date: 15 April 1999


Thank YOU for peeking at our work too!


Yeah, there is nothing quite like the stimulation of discussing Shakespeare's tragedies... (nod and a wink to my English-major friends)

(I have a penchant for stories of doomed love any way, not just R & J, but also Othello, Tristan and Isolde *winks*, The English Patient, Dr. Zhivago, yada, yada...)

Angel, good to see you subbing again...

Have some comments for later...

Until then,
Parting is such...
Well, you know... a hard thing to do without a comb...


From: heart Song
Date: 15 April 1999


:-) you are partial! Always, heart

From: Jenna Holland (poetic_angel@gurlmail.com)
Date: 15 April 1999

heart Song-

All the new ones are great, and it is nice to see you posting again. :o)


From: alison
Date: 15 April 1999

erin and mvr where have you girls been
so good to see you back !

From: kate
Date: 15 April 1999

heart song-

I know two years is quite a long time for me to formulate a comment, but 'walk b/t the raindrops' really struck a chord with me both times I read it. One of my writing instructors once told me that the way to tell a wonderful piece of writing is that it pass the "jealousy test." And yes, this poem was so touching I wish I had written it myself. smiles


From: Crystevin
Date: 16 April 1999

WOW! *taking a few to read some great works*

Too many to mention, some great heartfelt writing that touches the reader.

You Too! Pumping them out. Great works, especially liked "by another other name" and "ties that bind"

H. Is this Heartsong? I don't think so, so i'll comment on "your lies" and "condemnation". Both show the pain of a net relationship gone awry with deceit. Hang in there and let your writing help heal you.

"Post Facto" cool image of days gone by. *smiles*

"One Day" very sweet!

"Lust" Sensual and visual. Enjoyed it very much.

All the rest of you writers....I'm in a hectic swing of the pendulum at work and wish i had time to comment on so many of the great works i'm seeing. Looks like everyone is really being struck with some powerful muse and that's wonderful. Hope i can get some of my own posted soon.

"love yourselves and love one another"

From: Angel
Date: 16 April 1999

Heartsong~ Your newest subs were wonderful...glad to see you back here and writing so well :-)

Thanks Crystevin!


From: heart Song
Date: 16 April 1999

Man, you guys have brought tears to my eyes!! Honestly
Thank you all for your comments. They are so heartfelt and warm.

I thought I had lost my inspiration. But now I know I was out looking for something that was right in my own back yard!

Friends are the greatest gift on earth.

Thank you



From: cwasmer@mindspring.com
Date: 16 April 1999

I'm looking for a few verses from a poem written before 1905 along the lines of: fighting to keep love or how it is hard to maitain a relatiosnhip. any suggestions???


chris wasmer

From: *Saturday deevaa* deevaa@paradise.net.nz
Date: 16 April 1999

Hey hey all... wow... something has inspired everyone this week...

Crys... "the Dawning" very pretty...

Heartsong..."The Dream Seed" is lovely! I like it very much... I also loved "ties that bind"... WRITE MORE!

H... all of your stuff... *ouch* sounds like you have been hurt alot, I am sorry I didn't write down the name.. but the poem with the line about who you see in the dark... that is a very powerful image.. thankyou for sharing your pain... I hope you can gain trust again...

I too am feeling inspired.. but it is my brush that is itching..LOL...

Hmmm.. AND not only that but my email is empty again.... *grins* subtle hint huh? NOT!


From: Angel
Date: 16 April 1999

Crystevin~"At the Dawning",thought I might mention this one touched home...thanks...well written.


From: Lisbeth
Date: 17 April 1999

Hello! I have been reading everyone's comments and poems for a long time now and I finally got the courage to submit! I hope I am not too bad! Any constructive criticism would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!


From: Cosette
Date: 17 April 1999

hi kirk... i enjoy your site. but could i please suggest something? maybe it would be cooler if there is some login security around here.. each poet would have a poetid and password so we can edit our materials as deemed necessary!
thanks... you know what? this site helped me forget those silly thoughts i have lately... keep it up!

From: heart Song
Date: 17 April 1999

Thank Goodness it's the weekend! :-)

I really enjoyed all the work this month, I especially enjoyed Baby Bliss' work.

and H is not me, but has great works!

Timing - is everything!

and Angel, the one about the penny in the pot is great!!!

I wish I had wrote this down before I came to the comment form, but I couldn't find a pen!

all great works though!


From: kevin urenda, kluless70@hotmail.com
Date: 17 April 1999

(Coming up for air, after a frenetic week)


I have been itching to tell you ever since the first of the month about image I got after getting 'passed the dube' in the front seat. The FIRST image that popped into my head was of two dudes sitting in the front seat of an old Impala (make that a SMOKE-FILLED Impala!)... Hmmm... Sounds like a movie? (yeah, "Up in Smoke" !!! LOL)

Anyway, to the poetry (That's why we're here!)...

Thanks for your kind words on mine, and I'll start my comments with your recent submissions.
I liked the tone of "At the Dawning," but I have personally found that the past is something you can never escape.
I have known more than a few people who needed to LIVE the words of your "High Maintenance"... They most DEFINITELY need to love themselves instead of searching high and low for others to fill them. None of us is perfect except in our imperfection of humanity, so your lines "To feel loved again / start with yourself / and love will find you / ...in spite of yourself" struck a resonant chord. I have told more than one person JUST that...


As I told you, your plaintive "Impediments" was a touching answer to Shakespeare's Sonnet No. 116. I hope that the impositions of a busy life begin to slow down and allow those impediments to lessen in severity... I miss your poems greatly...


I have missed your poems, and am pleased to see you submitting again. I note that you found an answer to your 'thorny' question!
I found "The Ties That Bind" quite, um, stimulating...
"The Stars" evoked a remembrance of a few of the happier times in my own recent life, and yes, the words of special others, though not poetic, can tug at the heart strings as few others...


Wow... Your ode was to your "Delete" key... As I told Crys, I have found it not so easy to 'delete' the past... Kind of like undergoing radiation or chemo therapy of the heart (Now THERE is a metaphor for someone to use!).
You have touched on a truism with Love in "Fire". The line between love and hate is sometimes paper thin, and they are really two sides of the same passionate coin. If you never carried one around in your pocket for a person, you can't then take it out and flip it over from love to hate.


I can relate most definitely to your sense of "timing"...
Love is the thread that ties those situations of missed opportunity together, I think. I have some regrets in my life at missed opportunities, and many were a case of bad timing. One thing I NEVER regret is loving someone...


Nice to see you on the New Submissions page, sir!
"Post Facto" is an interesting image, and evokes a certain nostalgia, as someone else mentioned...
I was really struck by "one thousand cups of coffee"... I had rooted around recently in the Blender, and read some of your earlier prose, and this poem was more powerful in the light of rereading "cafe at night."


(Nice to see YOU here - again)
I enjoyed your take on life, as usual, but felt that you captured the sense of the shallowness of many modern relationships in "Swan Song." On the other hand, your comment accompanying the poem about 'angst' points to the fact that certain aspects of 'falling' in love are eternal...


Hope things are better for you, my dear...
Alas, having a heart that is kind gets you into trouble sometimes, doesn't it? And not just in the eternal struggle between heart and mind...
There was a hidden meaning in "One Day" that I did not 'get' the first time I read it, but I think I do now.
And I have definitely had that thud in the heart of the "Pittance" you describe...


We are ALL "scared," hon... Hang in there, and I cannot wait to see what comes out of your brush next!!!


From: Ka
Date: 17 April 1999

what dose the guy call his hotdog?

From: Misti
Date: 17 April 1999

I'm on a friend's computer. Just a quick update on my life before I rush home to bake cookies and scrub the toilet.
I'm living in San Antonio working at a christian daycare. I teach the two year olds from 8:30 to 5:30. In my spare time I work on my collages and MNEMOSYNE and I snap shots with my little flawed 35 mm camera. I am still in love with Josh Bailey, who is currently defending our nation in Bosnia. I'm planning on moving to Oregon as soon as I have enough money and a plan. I'm thinking Corvallis, maybe.
Ya'll take care.

From: Kirk, blender-keeper
Date: 17 April 1999

Yeah, that would be cool. My online life is a little hectic though, because of this endless freelance project I got sucked into. Also, it would require that the whole site be more "database" driven then it is now, and I don't have too many resources to do that. (My "Perl" skills are good, but not *that* good.) So I'll give that a "definately someday"
(I was playing around with a similar idea for the comments page as well.)

Thanks for the feedback. "Post Facto"-- man, those were the sexiest inaminate objects I'd ever seen. At the time, my bed was actually the top bunk in a dorm room, and the earrings were on the top of my roommate's wardrobe. I had to hide them when my mom came to visit. "one thousand cups of coffee" (which is one of my favorite titles that I've come up with) oddly enough doesn't involve the central interest in "Cafe at Night"- but there is something romantic about coffee. I also think I was inspired (though not directly) by the mood of Memory's a Traitor ( http://www.loveblender.com/poetry/memory.poem.html )

Date: 17 April 1999

For those of you wanting to learn more about how to write haiku: http://members.tripod.com/~WindFall_Haiku/index.html

From: Crystevin
Date: 18 April 1999

Wow, where to start...I've been home alone this weekend..and ahhhhhh how peaceful and pleasant it's been. I woke up this morning, fished out a very old, crusty and faded cassette of Led Zeppelin and cranked it up while i took a shower, i posted the lyrics to a song that just really hit me hard and i'd forgotten how much i like the old bluesy sound of early Led Zep. I never really appreciated them till years after my punk era, but they are truly classic. Then..as i munched a bagel in solitude, i opened up an old english 102 text book (many of us probably have them sitting on the shelf collecting dust, lol) and read some of the poetry in this dusty old book of literature. I challenge each of you, to pause in your own creative endeavors, take a few moments and read a minimum of five poems from established authors. It will rejuvenate your appreciation for our art form. I posted one by Denise Leverton, but i read sooo many great ones this morning, sipping coffee and eating that cream cheese filled bagel. Look at some of the works by Plath, Jarrell, Lowell and Rich, all fairly contemporary, (in the text-book definition of 20th Century) and awesome true poets. Then get to work and follow your muses..*Smiles*

Thanks for the comments on my works. Yes, you can look deep into the soul and see that which is me.

As for the Image from early on?..LOL..for me, it's a 71 LTD with a huge dent on the side, hey you gonna bogart that or pass it dude? LMAO

Thank you, yes, many of us are there now, have been there before, or will be there someday.


From: Crystevin
Date: 18 April 1999


Meet! to paraphrase.."It is better to have met and seen the hue in a different light and to have joy reduced, than to have never met at all" LOL..whatever that means. Anyway, "the way i see it", (a nickname of mine btw), If you don't, you'll always wonder and regret, if you do and it's not, at least you will know, if you do and it is, you'll be glad you did and wonder why it took so long.


From: kevin urenda, kluless70@hotmail.com
Date: 18 April 1999


(dealing with historical iconography first...)

dude <sknxxxx>, here ya go (passing, not bogarting, that joint, my friend)....

Moving on...

I happened to read the Blender Board befor moving on to the subs this a.m., and wow... It is eerie, but the song you posted was EXACTLY the first one that came to mind whilst reading your post. Thanks for the advice on reading poetry from the established authors, I had done so at the beginning of the year, but did so again (my personal favorites happen to be a relatively unknown William Bronk, Richard Brautigan, Marge Piercy)... Inspiring, yes, but daunting as well... I doubt anyone will ever be pulling *our* books off the shelves of their personal libraries. I did post one too, though, a favorite of mine.


From: Crystevin
Date: 18 April 1999


*cough, cough* thanks dude..*cough*

Yes, that is strange that song came into your head..guess great heads..um err, minds..think alike..LOL

What a wonderful piece for your personal favorite, i enjoyed it very much. *smiles*


From: Star_Crossed
Date: 18 April 1999

I'm Just going to take my dog for a walk.
Kirk, I loved " Post Facto." ( and we all thought you were just a blender keeper! :) - I'm only kidding ! )
Well I've got to go and then maybe I'll go and revise for the EXAMS yes, E - X - A - M - S I've got in a week or so.
Maybe not.

From: Cosette
Date: 18 April 1999

Hi... i also believe its a good idea that we can vote for our favorite new submissions... what do u think ??? =)

From: heart Song
Date: 18 April 1999

I'm all the time reading back and catching up! :-)

Kevin, I absolutely adore "The poem of my heart"!!! Wonderfully beautiful!

Your Bee

From: *damn-cold-deevaa* deevaa@paradise.net.nz
Date: 18 April 1999

*giggling at the "old boys" banter...ducks and runs for cover*

Kev and Crys... my sweeties... *grins* thankyou both for sharing...
Crys.. your morning alone sounded like heaven to me.. I WANT ONE!!!
Kev, thanks for your comment on my wee "pity-party-poem"... read it closer and email me.. got something I wanna talk to ya about..

Isolde... god I love your stuff... "Tasting Paradise" really zoomed in to the point.. wow.

Heart... I loved "Lost in Play" once again.. sounds like heaven to me...

Take care ...


From: Cosette
Date: 19 April 1999


KIRK>>>> thanks for replying... of course, this site, being what it is now, is simply great... your efforts for this site is amazing, a means to pour our hearts out, to keep us sane, instead of having to say them straight out to the person involved!!! =)
i've been around several sites that publish poems too [with all those ads and stuff], but submissions here are much in touch with what i really feel... and i believe that is more important...
i'm sure my friend sinneD will agree... BTW, our friendship became stronger by exchanging works. we enjoy seeing our works immediately posted! keep it up... i wish i've known this site earlier (just January this year)... my day's not complete not having to read new poems coming! and thanks for keeping the old issues for quick access... im still reading those old stuff!

AND TO EVERYONE>>>> thanks for the wonderful works... believe me they are all great! you guys here seem to know each other so well... I wish I could be part of all the gigglings too *smiles and winks*

Cosette =)

From: Isolde
Date: 19 April 1999

I'm back from the dead!! My hectic schedule has finally slowed down (thank God), and I plan to catch up on my reading of the new submissions very soon.

Kevin, Crystevin, deevaa, Angel and anyone else I might have missed - thanks for the comments on my work!

deevaa - I'll be sending you a LONG e-mail very soon... (I think I owe you about a dozen by now)

Hopefully I will also be able to start writing more as well. It is amazing how quickly stress and a lack of sleep steal away any potential poetic thoughts.

Glad to be back-

From: *dancing deevaa* deevaa@paradise.net.nz
Date: 19 April 1999

Guess who is gonna be in LA in Sept???? me me me me mememe!!!!!!!!

*Jumps up and down clapping her hands* arrgh... how exciting is that? the deevaa babe in the USA!!!

*runs out for coffee before she explodes*

From: *wondering deevaa* deevaa@paradise.net.nz
Date: 19 April 1999

Hmmm... ok, now as you all know I am one of X's biggest fans, and I am partial to a good erotic story now and then... (and will even confess to having written a few myself)..

AND I am not normally one to criticise anyone...

BUT ... is anyone else wondering about this sudden influx of "erotic" stories?? (and I say "erotic" as I question the appropriateness of the title).

The Latest two IMHO are not even well written... and are any of them even CLOSE to even MENTIONING love??? (I know I haven't posted my stories here as I don't feel this is the right forum) I know I am bound to be putting myself in the firing line for some criticism... but I am just wondered if anyone else shared my opinion... or if the kiwi chick is just flying way off base.

(notice I am not ashamed to add my name and email address...)


From: Isolde
Date: 19 April 1999

No deevaa, it isn't just you. I too have been bothered by some of the stories that have been submitted recently. While I am not pro-censorship, I think work needs to be posted in the appropriate forum, and the Blender is not the appropriate forum for such work, imho.

There are plenty of sites where those stories can be posted and enjoyed by those who appreciate such work, but I don't think the Blender is intended to be one of them (although clearly Kirk has to be the final arbiter of that, since it is his site).

Personally, I think it is likely that someone is just playing games and intentionally trying to irritate people here at the Blender. I find it curious that there hasn't been a problem with porn postings previously, and now suddenly we are having an influx of them. Does that strike anyone else as odd?

And I think you are being very polite to call them "erotic". I'd call them porn, but that's just my opinion. I also agree that they aren't even well written porn. I don't think they belong here, and I hope Kirk decides to remove them


From: heart Song
Date: 20 April 1999

Well, I'm on the downside of lifes ups and downs... again!!

From: Angel
Date: 20 April 1999

Dee, Isolde~ I agree wholeheartily...Someone is out to get our goat or trying to be 'Cute'...It appears to be a child...so Kirk may have to intervene. And you are both RIGHT ,Kirk designed this site as a romantic one...I see nothing at all romantic, not even sensual or close to erotic about these postings...


From: Angel
Date: 20 April 1999

Heart~Hey, we seem to be riding the same coaster, yet on different tracks...I just shot back UP again...maybe we can meet on the straightaway! CHEER UP,SIS!


From: Eve
Date: 20 April 1999

~* Hey, hey :)*~

Hi Kirk, Kev...everyone:)

Long time no see:)....breezing through, thought I'd stop
by for a memory.:)

Hey Kirk...

The place still looks good !! ;) Whew, there are some definate spring fever hormones flying around...
But as always **excellent materail** (cheers to all)
Will always be a fan ....Kirk:)

Whatcha doin'? ~smile~ Long time no see.....
Life is well my friend, hope yours is the same!! *hugs*

My best to all ;)....

From: Eve
Date: 20 April 1999

Ummmmm...needing to express one more thing...
**excellent material** refers to poets...u know who u r!
Those who 'love' the "Blender" know what it represents.

Those who flutter in and out of the "Blender", have no conception of its depths.....so let them flutter....

and...ummmm... it is your choice to click or not ....

........................ hugs............

my 2 cents...meaning no offence to anyone:)

From: Kirk, Blender-Keeper
Date: 20 April 1999

Hey Gang-
Thanks for bringing up the questionable works in this forum. I generaly don't keep up with the new submissions on a daily (or even weekly) basis, but I do check the Board everyday.

Anyway, I decided to remove the works in question. The usenet groups "alt.sex.stories" and "alt.sex.stories.moderated" are much better forums for that kind of work.

In the future, if you want to make my life a little easier, feel free to mention works by name, that way I don't have to page through new works, looking for the pieces in question.

From: Isolde
Date: 20 April 1999


Thank you. Didn't mean to cause you a hassle. Hopefully the situation won't arise again, but if it does, the titles will be listed. Sorry!


From: Crystevin
Date: 20 April 1999

*laughing* guess i joined the party too late because i went back and looked for them and couldn't find them. Not that i was interested..LOL


From: Lizzy
Date: 20 April 1999

I understand your decision to remove certain works..and i just thought i'd remind you to take mind off..it was entitled: "an erotic encounter with a stranger". sorry it caused such a disturbance and i thank you for the sites you recommended for such stories.


From: *hyper deevaa* deevaa@paradise.net.nz
Date: 20 April 1999

hey hey all.. sheesh I am glad my little gripe one the board yesterday wasn't just me flapping off course.

Kirk, btw the link to "what a way to bring in the new year" --one of the stories you removed is still on the newmatic viewer page.

Lizzie, I would like to comment that even though I would not call your post "romance" based at least it was well written which is more that I can say about the others.

Heart song I am sorry you are in a down... (((hugs)))

Crys... hehe... I know you are counting down.. last time we spoke you even knew the number of days it was gonna be.. *wink* "Pain of Absence" was beautiful... and I know a few people here on the board that can relate totally.

As for me... I am coming to LA in Sept. and now I am in a similar position as our dear Isolde ... to meet or not to meet... I would hate to fly so far and miss out on meeting him... but to quote Isolde "Would hours brief together,/Sustain us all our lives?/Or would we be that much the worse /For tasting paradise."

(although I forget that your country is so vast... I have been told it would take my "special someone" 15hrs to drive to LA... drive for 15 hrs in NZ and you fall off the Island!) Are any of my friends here on the board close enough to LA to spend some time with the deevaa babe???? If so let me know... *giggles*


opss... sorry... hyper deevaa... *giggles*


From: deevaa - yes again...
Date: 20 April 1999

Kirk - maybe you missed one.. (if you left it for some reason, do feel free to tell me to butt out!!) "The Symphony" By Scott Mcalister. Submitted by deomonkoala@hotmail.com.


From: me again... sorry!
Date: 20 April 1999

hehe although it is kinda funny that that the descrption of that story is... "This is a story my girlfriend wrote once after we had sex." and it was submitted by Scott... LOL... and she calls out the name Brian in the story! *giggles* Scott... does she call out for Brian alot? and does that bugg ya?

*laughing* dee

From: Isolde
Date: 20 April 1999

Oh deevaa!!! You slay me, truly! I am laughing so hard that tears are running down my cheeks and I can barely see to type this!

Kudos to you for being so observant!

Still laughing like a loon-

From: *laughing dee*
Date: 20 April 1999

yes yes I know.. another... Isolde... I don't know if kudos are in order.. after all... having noticed that does prove that I did read the damn thing... not really one of my proudest acheivements.

From: heart Song
Date: 21 April 1999

Angel, Deevaa, thanks so much. You guys are great friends. I'm trying to put on a happy face! :-)

From: Crystevin
Date: 21 April 1999

Kevin and Dee-

Thanks so much for the recent comments.

Dee you KNOW the deal (countdown continues *wink*) ..*smiles* and being from LA i can give you some great travel tips but let me know exactly where in LA you are going, quite a HUGE place with about 100 cities surrounding what is LA proper. OH, and make sure you catch a few waves for me..(old surf bum missing the beach).


From: *dancing deevaa*
Date: 21 April 1999

Crys... hehe... right now all I know is I am gonna be at the airport in LA!! LOL... haven't worked out any other details than that.


From: me again... (gotta learn to do it all at once)
Date: 21 April 1999

Crys.. just read your ramble on online love... I agree that it is easier to fall for someone when you don't have to deal with their annoying habits... and you know... now that Ade and I are not living together, we get alone so much better!!

and the deevaa babe ain't catching ANY waves for ya... cause waves means beaches and beaches mean togs... and this chick is not gonna be seen in togs anytime soon!!! hehehe.. I am panicing just thinking about the idea... I didn't know you are from LA... sheesh... email me with all the hot things to be doing there!!!! (pity you ain't gonna be at home!)
So far the only plan I have is Disney Land.. I have someone dragging me by my ear to Disney Land.. *groan*

oh and Heart... have another... (((big tight cuddle)))


From: Snowy Forest
Date: 21 April 1999

I have a question for all the Blenderites. Which is more important, Romance or Love? There is a difference, and finding out what it is, is part of the question. Merry we Met, and Merry we Part, and Merry we Shall Meet Again.

From: Crystal
Date: 21 April 1999

Hey! I just submitted What's A Girl 2 Do? I'd appreciate any advice you all may have!


From: Crystevin
Date: 22 April 1999


What a beautiful ballad, what a shame the creator did not (for what ever reason) receive the credit. Some of the most wonderful works i've seen remain anonymous.


If we had the answers for you, we'd all be living in a world where love, romance and relationships were perfect. I cannot offer you any advice other than communicate the best you can your feelings, passion, love while hoping that the message somehow gets through.

From: Crystevin
Date: 22 April 1999


Love and romance go hand in hand within the scope of a romantic relationhip. However, NOTHING is more important that LOVE in it's purest form, for ourselves, for each other, our families and our "loved" ones.


From: Isolde
Date: 22 April 1999

Crystevin -

I'm glad you liked "The Water is Wide". It is beautiful, but you needn't feel too sorry for the "author", because to an extent, there really isn't one. It is a "traditional" ballad, the roots of which go back at least 500 years.

With most traditional ballads, there are many different versions, because the song grew and changed over the years from village to village, singer to singer, era to era, or country to country. The vast majority of "American" folk songs are actually just versions of traditional British Isles ballads.

With "The Water is Wide", it is so ancient that there are literally hundreds of different versions of it, all equally valid, so as you can see, there really is no one specific "author". I guess the best analogy is that game we play as children, where we sit in a circle and whisper something in our neighbor's ear, whch is then passed to the next person. It changes a little with each telling, and by the time it gets around the circle, it might be substantially different, so much so that the person who started the chain couldn't really take credit for being the author. Traditional ballads evolve in pretty much the same way.


P.S. - To those who are bothered by posts such as this, I apologize if this was too boring or unduly informative.

From: *Friday deevaa* deevaa@paradise.net.nz
Date: 22 April 1999

Hey hey all!!!

whoa... what a week I am having.. could someone stop the world, I wanna get off!

Isolde - no post from you could ever be boring.. and now I think it is me who owes the emails!

Kev - babe? you about... this chick misses ya!

Snowy - Love Vs Romance in the importance stakes?
Well this girl for one agrees with Crys, Love is more important, and not even the "romatanic love" .. Offer me an hour spent with my son Vs 10 with a lover and I will choose my son any day of the week. (yes even on a day when he is throwing a tantrum cause I won't let him eat chippies for breakfast!!)

Take care of your hearts..


From: heart Song heartsong@avsia.com
Date: 22 April 1999

Thanks Guys!!!!!


From: Crystal
Date: 22 April 1999


Thanks! I'm trying to communicate but somehow I feel exhausted from putting forth the effort!

From: Crystevin
Date: 23 April 1999

*sigh* unfortunately some loved ones have deaf hearts. Perhaps you have to learn loves' "sign language". (and a good whack upside the back of the head sometimes works) *smiles and hopes you the best*

Kevin-Just want to say, all of your recent works have been wonderfully soulful and mindful and i enjoy very much reading them. You seem to be flowing nicely, take advantage of this energetic muse and make sure you are archiving these for yourself.

Isolde- you can unduly inform me anytime..LOL. Thanks for the explanation and historical background. I would love to hear it musically.


From: me
Date: 23 April 1999


From: Peggy (Sleepybb@aol.com)
Date: 23 April 1999

HiHi ~ the poem u have in your sleeve corner is good but can i put a poem too ? i hab a really good one!! if u let me to ~ please reply to~~
thanx ~~

From: Crystal
Date: 23 April 1999


Thank you for understanding. Most of the time it's hard for me to not concentrate on all the little thing he does or doesn't do that hurts my feelings, when I do all I can to make him happy. I have to have faith that everything will work out, and if it doesn't then this will be the last heart break he'll have the opportunity to give me. Crystal

From: Crystal
Date: 23 April 1999

It seems as if you actually understand, Thanks! I've just got to keep my head up and a smile on my face and wait to see if this was truely meant to be.

From: Crystal
Date: 23 April 1999


Sorry it took so long to reply. Thank you for your compliment. I wanted to tell you that WE is a poem I honestly had to take a breath and exhale after reading it. Your poetry is great!

From: Geetali geetli@hotmail.com
Date: 25 April 1999

I stumbled across the Loveblender by some happy accident.

It's SUPERIOR, truly superior to the tripe that's passing off as love poetry on the Net these days. Unpretentious, bare guts stuff!

As for Deevaa, Misti Rainwater & Isolde : I'm abso. sold on you people.

From: John
Date: 25 April 1999


You have poor taste as regards what you choose as the
best poetry each month and year. You leave out ones
that truly are good, and put in others that are
mediocre or poor. Lousy taste you have.

Take another look at Kathleen Engle's poem from March
1999. How could you leave that out? I don't know
her, but I like it better than a lot of the drivel
you think is good.


From: deevaa - deevaa@paradise.net.nz
Date: 25 April 1999

wow.... Geetali I am sure you didn't mean to add my name in that list with Isolde and Misti! you sure that wasn't a typo?

If it wasn't a typo I am truly truly honoured!!
*does the deevaa dance*

John, I would like to defend Kirks choices for front page, he often says on the board that we shouldn't lay to much on his choices for front page, as they are only one mans opionion on one day. I am sure must be tough to choose out of all of the poetry submitted each month to find the 8 or 9 that make the front page, and that not every poem that Kirk thinks deserves a slot can make it.

*smiles* OK... shall I shut up now??

Catch you all tomorrow.


From: Kirk, blender-keeper
Date: 26 April 1999

Sorry you disagree with my picks.
Kathleen Engle's Love Poem ( http://loveblender.com/1999april/heart/luvpoem.html ) didn't feel very real to me, I had a difficult time relating to it. It had some decent images, but most were painted in very broad strokes. I think the best things in life aren't at the extremes that this poem suggests, and this opinion is reflected in the works I choose to place on the front page.

From: Crystevin
Date: 26 April 1999

Kirk-thanks for posting the link, i was too lazy to go find it for myself..LOL..

John- Just reiterating for you: Heart On A Sleeve (in my perception)is not a poetic review rather a chance for poets, writers and those who want and need to express feelings through a muse called poetry that compels us. Kirk has graciously added this possiblility to his site as well as allow submitter and writers to comment, coach and seek inspiration from each other through the blender board. Kirk has stated often, that those he selects are ones that personally affect or touch him in some way. We are honored we touched him enough when we find out we were chosen to be on the cover, yet we know this is one man's opinion of a submitted work and not a poetry contest. Certainly, there are MANY poems submitted that deserve recognition and there are many ways to go about seeking such. Instead of attacking Kirk's choices, perhaps you could have "recognized" Kathleen by simply offering your view of how her poem touched you and inspired us to go read it for ourselves.


From: kevin urenda, kluless70@hotmail.com
Date: 26 April 1999

(clears throat, shaking as he stands up to pitch in his two pennies)

Yes, I have been about (***waves at dee***), checking in daily amidst the mad frenzy of working on about half a dozen projects at once... This place is to me an oasis (or a refuge from the storm) on the Web.

Thanks for your extremely kind words, Crystevin, my muse WAS quite energetic for a time, but she has been on holiday whilst I have been slaving away in the salt mines...

Speaking of muses, I do hope yours returns soon as well...
I very much miss your work here, my friend.
I found your explanation of the beautiful ballad to be interesting and edifying. The roots of both the blues and jazz (two art forms I enjoy immensely) are in American Folk music, so it was interesting to see a thread continuing back hundreds of years. Thank you for sharing it.

To all concerned-
There is a LOT of so-called drivel out there in the ether... That said, I find that Kirk's picks each and every month to be quite sound. His choices to be 'showcased' may not always be my personal favorites, but they are ALL good works. EVERY month. It is his prerogative to edit this site as he pleases, folks, for he puts his money and his reputation where his mouth is. Opinions are like, um, NOSES... so if you don't like Kirk's picks, stop whining - fork out your OWN cash, invest your OWN time, and YOU come up with a site of your own, and publish whatever you like.

As for me, I won't criticize the poems of others (and only offer critical comment when it is directly solicited), and I DO keep my commments here on the work of others positive.


From: kevin (sheepishly)
Date: 26 April 1999

Even if I can't spell 'comment!'

Date: 26 April 1999

Just a comment:

<Madison ducks for cover, she's seen the flashing caution light on that *high speed ice-crushing* blender before and is very very afraid :-)>

As I tend to look for visuals that paint a simple, rich and textured picture, as was so eloquently achieved in Kathleen Engle's poem, I have to say I found the work incredibly enjoyable to read. On a personal level, I tire of uncomplicated (or needlessly complicated), albeit real, esoterical poetry at some point. (hey, I don't knock it completely! I've even written a poem by the same name haha) Words that pop the senses, make me feel, see, smell and imagine make for an inviting image - and a good read.

So many unique writers submitting poety here - what a great opportunity for people to discover new styles, relate to other authors, and receive that much needed feedback on which all artists thrive.

Everyone has different tastes, I guess that's why the world does not consist of one poem, one book, and one song. Imagine that.

Congratulations, Kathleen, I just noticed your poem won February "Poem of the Month" contest at www.lovingyou.com. Way to go! Keep writing, job well done.

Madison :-)

From: deevaa - deevaa@paradise.net.nz
Date: 26 April 1999

*wanders in waving to the crowd*

Hey hey all... been hiding for a few days, and only stopped by lastnight to check in on the board... but today I sipped my coffee while catching up on the new submissions.... and wanted to take the time to comment on those that made me put my cup down...

Kevin - heya handsome... "flowers" was very visual... it provoked some more images that this artist chick may be laying down on paper.. I reakon you and I make a great team.. if I ever get an exhibition off the ground you are gonna have to be named in the credits!

SinneD - "Untitled" was beautifully lyrically and moving... and I thought "two days" was cleaver...

H - I enjoy your works... and can relate to alot of them, but "the sea" and "Virtual Heart?" caught my eye...

Angel - *giggles* "Flour Talks" ... hehe... I ain't got nothing to say.. but it made me smile babe!!

So my fine friends... this babe is gonna do some work for abit.. (what an odd concept!).. email me...

Oh.. and Crys... long time on see... where are you hiding???


From: ILIANA DE JUAMBELZ jitomababe164@hotmail.com
Date: 26 April 1999

Love is old
Love is new
Love is all
Love is you

From: H
Date: 26 April 1999

I extend a heartfelt thanks to those who have read my poems.

In particular, I thank Crystevin and deevaa, who were kind enough to comment (and comment kindly!).

I hope that what I share has some relevance to the silent majority... Modern Technology is exciting, but dangerously deceptive in many ways. The human mind has bent reality to its bidding long before wires connected us all in this vast and intricate web. The 'virtual' intimacy of the web's possibilities offers new ways to explore one's own heart. When these possibilities are coupled with the lack of subtlety and nuance offered by this modern mode of interaction, and then layered upon our imagination and fantasies, they can create unintended demons in our minds and our hearts. Be careful everyone...

From: Isolde
Date: 27 April 1999

Hi gang-

Thank you for your very flattering comment. I'm glad my poems touch you.

Thanks for missing me! I too hope that my muse returns soon, it has been on hiatus for so long now that I am becoming concerned. For one who usually submits many poems each month, my postings this month have been very sparse...

Know that I am thinking of you and wishing you all the best.

I have been rather scarce lately, but will try to catch up soon. And if anyone has seen my muse wandering about, please give it a kick in the rear and send it back my way!


From: Pleasantly Anonymous
Date: 27 April 1999

Dear Blenderites-

Just realized I put my nom de plum (sp?) under Kris Kristofferson's 4 Rules. I don't want there to be any question as to who wrote it. It was Mr. Kristofferson! I simply submitted it. Thank you!!

From: Crystevin
Date: 27 April 1999


I'm here and about. *smiles* Been a hectic week or so and trying to catch my breath..i'll catch up to you soon..


From: deevaa
Date: 27 April 1999

Goodmorning all....

been hanging out on that new Subs page again...its such a bad habit... LOL..

Crys... "Weary Tears" ohh... that is so touching... man you nearly made me cry too! *waves to Mia* Mia, give your daddy a big old hug from me to, babe!

heart Song... "Sigh" knowing that feeling too girl!

Pleasantly Anon... "Just so Hard" hmmm....

SinneD... oh I had a case of "All of Line" a few nights ago... then the one person I REALLY wanted to talk to came online and we spoke for about 3mins then I got booted off and could NOT for the life of me get back online!!! arrghhh.
Also "Thankyou".. very touching!

*wiggles out for coffee*


From: Iyana_99_99@yahoo.com
Date: 28 April 1999

I think that this site is very good. I like the fact that
young kids with a very goos talent can show ot to others.
These poems are very good. Thanks to everyone for letting
me get a chance to read there work. Keep it up

From: heart Song
Date: 28 April 1999

Well it's hump day again! Happy Wednesday everyone!

From: *artist deevaa*
Date: 28 April 1999

*putting down the brushes for just a few moments*

*giggling* Kev Kev!! Isolde!! I have found both your muses'!! LOL.. but there ain't no way in hell I am sending her back untill I am done creating!
I have completed 3 paintings (well -two where ink and charcoal... but that counts) in the past 2 days!

*blowing happy thoughts to Heart, Crys, Isolde, Kev, Angel... and umm... anyone else that needs them..*


From: kate
Date: 28 April 1999

Just a quick apology, to whom it may concern, for the mistake in 'mix tape' (it's instead of its), and for being too lazy to fix it.

From: Crystevin
Date: 29 April 1999


Awesome sketches you sent me..Thanks!..Also, Mia was amazed at the fact her daddy wrote her a poem and even more amazed that you commented directly to HER about it. *smiles*

For those who may argue that this poem for my daughter was not romance related and didn't belong here (specifically the wimp who anony emailed me) I will say this: Romance has many facets affecting many people in many situations, so next time i get an email like that..you will learn that i know much more about computers than merely posting poetry. You are entitled to you opinion, but you'd better be respectful about it when commenting to me. *friendly advisement only*


From: Crystevin
Date: 29 April 1999

*apology to the innocent*

Kirk and blenderites:

Sorry about the above outburst, as i read the mail one last time before deleting, it was obvious this person was hoping to provoke such a response in me and by posting that, i let them succeed. To explain: The anonymous email I was sent was in very poor taste insinuating that my poem "weary tears" was about an incestual relationship with my daughter but in much more vulgar terminology. I'm sure most of you can understand my anger at such an absurdity.


From: heart Song
Date: 29 April 1999

Slow week!

From: heart Song
Date: 29 April 1999


I loved "On Bended Knees"!!! Wonderful!!! Lovely!


From: deevaa - deevaa@paradise.net.nz
Date: 29 April 1999

*struggles onto the board*
Man... I have been trying to get the Blender all day long, and no luck! sheesh... I was in a panic!!

Crys and Mia, I am so damn sorry you both had to go through that... I am sure that the stress you are both under right now does not need to be esculated by fools playing pranks.

(((hugs for you both))) email me if I can help...


From: Isolde
Date: 30 April 1999

I'm sorry to hear that someone would send you something so distasteful and insulting, and I can understand your anger. But consider the source... anyone who would think to interpret your poem in that manner has clearly got some pretty weird stuff going on, so I hope you try not to let the words of a fool bother you too much.

Your new sketches were great! Simple but quite striking. Thanks for sharing them.


From: heart Song
Date: 30 April 1999

Thank God it's Friday!

From: Jenna Holland (poetic_angel@gurlmail.com)
Date: 30 April 1999


"On Bended Knee" I though that was adorable- I really liked it. *big smiles*


From: Erica (LadyFebruary@yahoo.com)
Date: 30 April 1999

Just checked out the March issue (sorry it took me so long to do it). I'd like to thank you for including my work on the cover. I'd also like to compliment kate for her poem "Atlas."

I'll be sure not to wait so long before checking out the next issue. Thanks again.

From: Erica (LadyFebruary@yahoo.com)
Date: 30 April 1999

Just read April. "Afar" was beautiful. I'm partial to prose/prose-poems. I also enjoyed Isolde's "L'idiot."

I look forward to next month's issue - which should be soon. Good luck to everyone.

From: kate
Date: 30 April 1999

Erica, Thanks for commenting on "atlas," it's one of my personal favorites, and I keep re-working it.

Also, Thank you, Kevin, for your kind words concerning "timing." Sorry it's taken me so long to say.


From: anoynomous
Date: 30 April 1999

I'm sorry but you did not write "Nothing Else Matters".
You know as well as I and everyone else here those are lyrics to a song. Please don't try to pass something off again as being yours when it's not! How would you feel if this happened to you?

Date: 30 April 1999

The poem entitled "I love the way" seen on the heart-on-sleeve corner new submissions was a song originally done my country singer, John Michael Montgomery

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