The Blender Survey Question

Have you ever so loved another and/or carried a torch that the mere sound of their name made your heart leap? (note: this counts even after they may have been long gone)
sweetness Oddly enough my answer is the same as to the last question...Rob. My heart does this leap into my throat when I hear his name, but then suddenly plummets.....
Ali I'm going to have to say yes...And I've always thought it strange that it always seems to be the ones who break our heart, have our heart...

Sweetness, you described the feeling well...the heart leaping and then plummeting...
Kendra143 Yeah, same guy that was my answer to the last survey question...silly jerk! Despite all of his issues, and the awful way in which he dumped all of his issues on me...I feel like I'd take him in a second if he ever came back.

Maybe I'm the silly jerk...
Violet Funny, that's exactly how I feel about my fiance... even his NAME lights up a room for me. :-)
akane23 Michael and I had the kind of love one only experiences once in a lifetim... a complete intertwining of souls.. which was interrupted by day to day reality. It's been several years since we were together, and we're still friends who e-mail one another. I so carry a torch for him that merely seeing his screen name on my monitor causes my breath to catch in my throat and my heart to pound so loudly it can nearly be heard by the naked ear.
Galadrial Steves can still bring me to my knees...
wordley Dear B.K.And Just A girl, Thank you for your comments, I have 34 poems altogether, some sad (divorce does that you know,)but mostly happy. You can have the happy ones!!! My love to you both
wordley My dearest Lesley, A friend who can be no more than the lover in my soul, as I am in hers,love's sweetest angel and in my heart forever
kevin urenda yes... and I'll NEVER tire of hearing her name...

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