The Blender Survey Question

Will you use the New Year as a catalyst for changing anything about your love life? What and why or why not?
B.K. My stars say that I'm in the mood to turn everything upside down and backwards and when that happens WATCH OUT!

Star of David Yes; because I have begun to realise that he is too good to me to be treated badly and deserves better than a bad attitute. I am used to having my way and that's got to change if I want us to stay together.
He is very loving and I know that if I want this to work, I better show him the love I feel for him - because I certainly do love him - without being self centered or preoccupied with other unimportant things lest I leave him feeling unloved.
spaded Well my love life seems to be on pause for the time being. So while I will not set any expectations (than be disappointed in myself if this just is not my time)I will definitely remain (quietly) open to new beginnings.
muryan Since I feel that I need to begin to change numerous things in my life, including well, my LIFE, I also feel that I need to approach my love life (which is defunct at the moment) with a more mature attitude, and to begin to love people with all I have without NEEDING them to love me in return.
Poo Poo Kitty Farts More hookers and pornography! Hahahahahahaha!
Kirk Time for me to get back into datin' shape!

Luckily I haven't let myself go too much...
Injun Joe Thanks again Cap'n Kirk for proving my points. Maybe you can find new love among the Blunderheads...
julie gianni Please, Mark: Get help. I for one hope you can use this new year to GET OVER ME! (Really, am I worth all this angst?!)
Kirk Yeah, Injun Joe, this proves whatever fucking point you had.

It's a GODDAMN POLL QUESTION. It's PERSONAL by nature. There's no reason for me NOT to mention what's going on in my life, you bizarrely-self-righteous fucktard.

You really are a fuckwit. I'm ranting a bit here because I don't think people read this all that much and I'm just as happy to keep it off the board itself.

If I was trolling for dates you'd know it, assmunch.
Chances I've had it recommended that making new year's resolutions of any type is a kind of bad idea - what makes this time of year so good/more timely than the rest of the year - past, present or future?
And Capitaine - we IGNORE InjunJoe around here because he is a wanker. He is the supreme master of the pissant ramble and lives only for feedback/escalation of the topic of his incidiary (sic?) responses. At any rate, he appears to have left (again?).
Chances Incendiary. That's what I meant to say.

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