The Blender Survey Question

Is 'Winter Depression' an urban myth? If you feel it is not, do you find that your relationships are affected by it? How?
aparajita not myth, but factual! i am living proof that SAD does occur. every winter i feel like i die along with the leaves on trees and the flowers and it's like i am holding my breath until the first few rays of spring come. i hate winters in a big way.
B.K. My poetry on the front page this month and written in Jan speaks to this question. Yes, I'm more sensitive and that's wonderful and horrid at the same time. Ha.
mrwinterhill Winter depression? Maybe it has to do with darker days, longer nights, shorter colder rarer forays outdoors. Winter holidays can be a reminder of difficult family relationships, past and present. Certain New Year's Eve countdown and mistletoe traditions require a partner. If one is depressed about relationships or their absence, winter may be a low point. On the other hand, spring is coming.
Violet It is not a myth. It has to do with lack of sun. Sun provides vitamin D and that is the vitamin that helps keep you from feeling "sad." I am a victim myself. It helps to take a multi vitamin and go tanning once in a while. :-)
~Harem~ `
I personally do not find one season better or worse
than another for romance. Each has their own wonderful
ways of making love and romance special.

WINTER - A time when two is better than one for keeping
warm, and snuggling under the blankets.

SPRING - A Time when life is budding everywhere. The
flowers, butterflies, and singing birds - are very
romantic and inspiring.

SUMMER - A time of unlimited Sunshine, warm breezes,
and splashing teases - to enhance love and romance.

FALL - A time of cool winds and breath taking
auburn sunsets, lend itself to snuggling, cuddling, kissing, and rubbing noses. A romantic rodeo of love.

To me, they're all good and conducive to Romance.


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