"Love is reverence, and worship, and glory, and the upward glance."
--Ayn Rand

"It will make you feel young again" --The New Yorker
  < june 2007 >
So despite the terrible pedagogical risks of starting a Love Blender Digest with a quote from Ayn Rand, I'm hoping everyone is jumping into summer with both feet.

It's going to be the longest day of the year soon and so it's time to relish the time and weather and each other.

A stupdendous batch of writing this month. I hope you take the time to read, enjoy, and put your own voice into the mix, whether in comments or with your own stuff.

Ciao for now!
--Kirk, Blender-Keeper     

in night - darwin
Sensual and bittersweet, a great way to start a June 'Blender.

a few questions to DrunkenLobotomist's Bike - lilla
A response to a piece submitted last year.

Devil May Care
Two by Ali. Love lines like "You made me braver, then"...

You're Red White~I'm Still True Blue - B.K.
Tribute to our military folks. "Raving on at a windmill tilted sky".

Cuba Libre - chris
Just a splash of science.

Wedding promise - jwb71913
Sometimes I worry that a "promise to grow, change" is where I've messed up the most.

Kissing You - JD
"For G"... "These are the reasons why every kiss with you always feels like the first"

Number One. - Farah / twisted_lie
Prosey piece, decent despite or because of the typo.

the lonliest spot in the world(the pitcher's mound) - i'm just him
Ever since "Bull Durham" I'm a sucker for a good baseball reference.

fake smiles - bossy boots
New voice on the 'Blender

What Other Shoe? - cjking / hairdiva
I admire the attitude of this. Sometimes you need to go out on a limb or two or three.

Heart on Sleeve Corner
71 more heartsongs sent to the Blender last month.

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