< december 2011 >    
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Hello and welcome to the Holiday Blender of Love!

Last month had many interesting things happening submission wise, and here we present a selection of the most interesting works readers like you sent in.

Just to plug a bit, you might enjoy this Online Advent Calendar made by your humble Blender-Keeper, offering a unique mini-videogame or toy every day of the Advent Season.

But anyway-- have a good set of holidays, whatever you celebrate, and as always, read and enjoy!
--Kirk, Blender-Keeper     

also this month

Heart on Sleeve Corner
48 more heartsongs sent to the Blender last month.

The Archive
Past digests and features.

The Blender Board
Read and Post Comments.

New Submissions
The very latest works, unfiltered!

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Author Name

Random Romatic Ripcords

Kirk in Japan
The Eskimos had 52 names for snow because it was important to them; there ought to be as many for love.
--Margaret Atwood
front page picks

Match Box Magic For Two - B.K.
A fine word and image blend.

Last year was different - Star of David
Star of David made a heap of submissions last month; most short, and to the point, all worthwhile.

Epic fail - Star of David

Colder than London - Star of David

Broken - Laurel Ahlfeld
Putting things together.

Midnight - wolfscreamer
'Round about midnight.

Mayhem - heartSong

Here Kitty Kitty - Just L
Wow, dark.

2029 - seck
Study in negative space.

Plastic - Cire Nehtrow
One word: plastics.

Change - Farah / twisted_lie
Change, sometimes the only constant.

Raw Material - Jane Rain
A new coldness.

Ain't No Moonlight Here - Marshall Hann / Blessed23
Little bit o' sultry heat in Winter.

Untitled - peregrine falcon
Live in hope.

Don't forget the plastic spoons - Em Hatemore
It's a good discipline to foster awareness of such moments.

A Certain Age - Enchanted

Goodbye Guy - Enchanted
Delighted by these works by one of the newest voices on the Blender.