The Blender Survey Question

What is the worst thing you ever did to a lover/spouse/s.o. (this could be something you regret doing to them, or even something you feel was pathetic in the face of love)?
Misti Internet relationships are so odd. I had just "met" Chris online and we had been talking on the phone and sending letters and cards back and forth. It was pretty much established that we would be together eventually. I flirted with another guy online and went so far as to give the other guy my phone number. I told Chris about it after we met in person and it hurt him deeply. I still feel that it was a sleazy thing to do, even though nothing ever came of it.
Briana Kassia I've lied. Thing is, I've been called on iot, and given the most gentle opportunities to admit my sin, but... I don't. I cling to those dark secret untruths, as if they mattered more than the one I love. And I am ashamed, because as a poet, I think part of my calling is to be honest, to speak the truth as I see it and show others the clear purity of it. Uh-oh, feeling a poewm coming on... :)
Kirk I was going out with J for way too long. This was in high school. I had just gone on a week long trip to Boston with the jazz band and was completely falling in love with the german Veronika. I brought J back a plastic lobster and gave it to her and broke up with her later that day, I think in a note. I regret the way I handled it, but given what I was feeling for Veronika, don't regret the thing as a whole.

More recently, I regret panicking Mo, staying out playing the videogame "Worms Armegeddon" at a friend's birthday party til 5 or 6 in the morning. I wasn't planning to be out so long, wouldn't bother calling at 1 or 2am, and by 3am I figured it would be too late and she'd already be asleep. She was in a bit of a crying panic when I got back...I have a cellphone now.
Jon The worst thing I did to a lover and something I regret..hmm..

I never told her that I loved her.

"Looking back, I have this to regret, that too often when I loved, I did not say so."-David Grayson
sweetness I routinely lie about how many partners I have had. No man wants to hear that I used to have an appreciation for one-night stands in the days when I hated myself. I recount anything they want to know about significant relationships, but the one night boys stay hidden.
jackryhme i think this still fits...

i sat her down and told her she had cancer

think about it...
Ali I never told him exactly how I felt...I danced around it, but never came out and said it...I guess that I was afraid...
Just Some Girl The worst thing possible...leaving to be with another person.
Ophelia Poor old, umm - poor old Jim...
Ophelia, is it John, or Mark, or Julie Steaks or another lesbo in Austin?, jimminy crickets, I cain't a 'keep up wif em all...Peter Krow-suh, perhaps? You man eater you! But girls taste better, no? Oh to fall in love without ever meeting! Forever entangling poor self-image and low-to-no self-esteem, online and in the real world, in a multitude of identities neatly compartmentalized - with an airbrushed NOTHING IS SPECIAL painted just under your heart...

"Avoid Fuck Ups...FUs, I call 'em."
- Uncle Bill
wordley After HOURS of trying to get in her pants at our first meeting, gave her my friend's cell-phone no. BASTARD!!!.... they had the most AMAZING sex ever ( I saw the photos !!!) Must have been my deodorent!!
kylie I dumped him on Valentine's day. He was standing there with flowers and chocolate and I was standing opposite him saying it was over. And that I had to meet his best friend later that night...

Like it couldn't have waited until February 15th
Rhetoric I think the worst thing I have ever done to a partner (happened on more than one occasion) is to bail when I feel scared that I am falling in love. I have missed out on many a wonderful future because I didn't want to loose control over my emotions.
R. Stonecloud Too many times I've believed the grass was greener, and walked away without regard for his feelings. And each time I discovered I was wrong, he was there to take me back. I almost made the biggest mistake of my life by marrying someone else....fortunately I realized that I would forever regret walking away from the person that I truely want to spend the rest of my days with. I only wish I had grown up sooner.

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