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Username: | Kirk, Blender-Keeper | |
Member Since: | Fri Apr 27 14:15:05 2001 | |
E-mail: | blenderkeeper at alienbill dot com | |
URL: | kisrael.com | |
Chat: | AIM:kirkjerk | |
Blender Board: | 755 comments | |
from scripting news |
Emily Dickinson to Unknown, Late January 1878 |
found online |
quotes from "The Good Life" a book on the findings The Harvard Study of Adult Development |
A tweet from Egypt |
good tweet |
An AI redoes our logo |
Quote referenced by David Byrne and Montaigne |
vector vs variable |
an incredible piece inspired bu the epic of gilgamesh, the story of gilgamesh and enkidu |
Homily while officiating a wedding... |
A podcasters lovely thoughts on a lovely poem |
via the podcast "Poetry Unbound" |
Sensual Love Poem |
from a letter to his girlfriend Jane |
about love poetry |
ah, imagery |
quick tweet |
The ending of a little dialog |
my cousin wrote this |
on Capgras delusion |
who knew? |
A really cool podcast from the folks who made "Criminal" |
Sweet little music video |
Sweet little music video |
Sweet little music video |
a letter from Kurt Vonnegut to his ex |
letter published via "Harper's Magazine" |
Kurt Vonnegut |
This tweet made me laugh and laugh |
nerdy music video - "Oxytocin is the Potion of Devotion" |
training computers to make really bad but delightfully surreal pickup lines |
American Apparel |
Making The Rounds |
-Dean Alan, RIP. I missed him back in the day but online a lot of people I dig really dug him. |
I love metaphors that reveal further parallels as you think about it more. |
funny and sweet and sad |
a cartoon of trout looking for love |
meditation on aging and love |
on the soulmate's purpose |
two bits of verse from an old play about bugs |
a passage from an old science fiction book |
from "The Princess Diarist" |
from "The Princess Diarist" |
from "The Princess Diarist" |
from "The Princess Diarist" |
from "How to Save Your Own Life" |
(NSFW) from "How to Save Your Own Life" |
the process |
Lovely |
lets kiss all day |
So nostalgic... |
amazing book |
Rachel E. Gross |
old technology |
pointed quote |
from "Spare Change" newspaper long ago... |
On the best part of love |
telling little quote |
In this "crouching love, hidden breakup" story, inspired by 50's Shanghai water ink animation & kung fu films, themes of distance, tradition, art and longing dominate a telephonic conversation as a martial arts tango provides the visual backdrop. |
Henry Miller's note to Anais Nin |
a little rant like thing |
Oh, man. Lyrics and the video for this zen-ish and resigned song. |
lovely montage |
from "Driving with Plato" |
from "Driving with Plato" |
the sense and science of sonnets and kisses |
quote |
excerpt from "The Difference" as quoted in Nicholson Baker's "The Anthologist" |
A guy proposes to his gal via a custom level for the game Portal 2 |
Watch those commas, periods, and other marks people! |
From a tweet |
quick quote |
Brief thought |
pithy! cynical? |
An exercise in visualization from "How The Mind Works" |
lyrics to a fun and romantic song |
famous quote from Annie Hall |
quote on beauty |
from "Danny: The Champion of the World" |
quick lovely thought, quoted in "Designing Interactions" but with some implications for l'amour... |
Infographic from Tumblr... |
graphic design excellence |
A lovely LJ post by a frind of mine |
An exchange from an old, long defunct academic Usenet group |
A quote and a metareview of "A Vindication of Love" |
Amazingly aweseome Wedding Invite (via http://manolobrides.com) |
brilliant, clear piece from http://whichsurprisedher.blogspot.com/ |
passage from the Woody Allen movie |
a piece of "found art" |
A moving video commentary explaining how terrible, terrible, terrible CA's mangling of its own Constitution was for the cause of love and romance and relatinships and human rights |
from a set of coasters "The World's Shortest Stories" -- this reads like a poor man's Tom Robbins |
A scene from the novel with a reference to mental illness |
an excerpt from the prelude to "The Darjeeling Limited" |
A bittersweet bit of advice from Keillor's old salon.com advice column |
from "Cherry" |
Charles Schulz to his paramour Tracey |
an excerpt from the novel |
love among the british inteligensia |
A mandate for poets. |
slate.com is doing a series of animations about breakups - the animation is a little gratuitous, but it's an interesting idea |
excerpt of a letter from Ernest Hemingway to Marlene Dietrich, from their recently released correspondance |
(as quoted in "The Sixteen Pleasures", Robert Hellenga's fine novel) |
via http://www.slate.com/id/2135749/ |
A small quote about a famous song |
an excerpt from a short piece...will probably be the basis for next month's ramble, for some reason I find its idea about romance strongly compelling |
Lame I know but I've never heard the song, just found the title and then lyric captivating |
melancholy with a touch of lust |
from "Tobias the Terrible" |
A mystery track from one of her albums... |
A brief excerpt from "Pattern Recognition" |
lightly erotic work |
from "Encyclopedia of an Ordinary Life" |
Excerpts from "Still Life With Woodpecker" |
Quote from the scifi show |
I think my soon-to-be-ex-wife would understand this one |
quote from the famous novel |
Brilliant code-pun poem with geek culture references... |
My Mom forwarded this lovely little passage |
from alt.religion.kibology, a wonderfully evil parody |
passage of reconciliation |
On love affairs and raccoons in the chimney |
from his new novel "Love Me" |
lovely piece, result of a formal exercise |
John McCaslin "found" this poem by Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld, but I think there's a romantic element here. |
a lovely description of a kiss |
from "True Romance" |
from her comicstrip, Rhymes with Orange |
wonderful little flash movie |
Marcella was accused of causing a shepard's death-by-heartbreak |
5 Lines from an early 19th-century Irish poet |
poem from an old unix profile (.plan) |
A Lovely Fantasia |
work found in The New Yorker |