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Username:Kirk, Blender-Keeper
Member Since:Fri Apr 27 14:15:05 2001
E-mail:blenderkeeper at alienbill dot com
Blender Board:754 comments


A Letter (by Emily Dickinson) 2024 Apr 25
         Emily Dickinson to Unknown, Late January 1878
no longer fluent (by modoaviion) 2024 Mar 10
         found online
only time (by Mark Twain) 2023 Feb 22
3 Quotes via "The Good Life" (by [multiple]) 2023 Feb 22
         quotes from "The Good Life" a book on the findings The Harvard Study of Adult Development
1000 times a day (by Aiden Chaya-Wongvajirapakdi) 2022 Sep 19
         A tweet from Egypt
love and sacrifice (by Sue Zhao) 2022 Aug 12
butterflies (by @tristehomo) 2022 Jul 23
         good tweet
Heart in a blender (by Dall-E mini) 2022 Jun 13
         An AI redoes our logo
What are the signs of love? (by Mustafa Mahmoud) 2022 Jun 02
The world is too big for love to be real. (by Daniel Kitson) 2022 Mar 26
         Quote referenced by David Byrne and Montaigne
Quote (by Simone Weil) 2022 Jan 21
         vector vs variable
narrative foil (by headspace-hotel) 2022 Jan 05
         an incredible piece inspired bu the epic of gilgamesh, the story of gilgamesh and enkidu
FOR WHAT BINDS US (by Jane Hirshfield) 2021 Nov 15
The Priest's Homily on Love (by Fleabag Season 2) 2021 Aug 18
         Homily while officiating a wedding...
biological highlighter (by from "The Opposite of Sex") 2021 May 27
On "From Blossoms" (by Kirk, Blender-Keeper) 2021 May 25
         A podcasters lovely thoughts on a lovely poem
Mountain Dew Commercial Disguised as a Love Poem (by Matthew Olzmann) 2021 May 23
         via the podcast "Poetry Unbound"
How Delicious to Say It (by Vievee Francis) 2021 May 11
         Sensual Love Poem
That One Electron (by Kurt Vonnegut) 2021 Mar 23
         from a letter to his girlfriend Jane
Quote (by Robert Graves) 2020 Nov 28
         about love poetry
Litany (by Billy Collins) 2020 Nov 10
         ah, imagery
overheard (by @hallierb) 2020 Oct 15
         quick tweet
The others speak of love, I speak of interest. (by Vladimir Alexev and the AI GPT-3) 2020 Sep 20
         The ending of a little dialog
I Knew a Woman (by Theodore Roethke) 2020 Jun 05
the woman i've loved (by William D. Jordan) 2020 May 14
         my cousin wrote this
The Older Ya Get (by Riley Shepard) 2020 Mar 16
i do not want to have you (by Rupi Kaur) 2020 Feb 13
4 questions (by The movie "Don Juan") 2019 Nov 06
from "To Grieve Is to Carry Another Time" (by Matthew Salesses) 2019 Apr 30
         on Capgras delusion
the heartbreak fairy (by zach weinersmith) 2019 Mar 16
More Quotes via "Love and Limerence" (by Kirk, Blender-Keeper) 2019 Mar 04
good n plenty n cucumbers (by 2019 Feb 14
         who knew?
This is Love Podcast (by Phoebe Judge and Lauren Spohrer) 2019 Jan 01
         A really cool podcast from the folks who made "Criminal"
Afterglow (by Wilkinson) 2018 Nov 24
         Sweet little music video
Afterglow (by Wilkinson) 2018 Nov 24
         Sweet little music video
Afterglow (by Wilkinson) 2018 Nov 24
         Sweet little music video
To Jane Love Kurt (by Kurt Vonnegut) 2018 Apr 12
         a letter from Kurt Vonnegut to his ex
Kiss and Tell (by Marina Tsvetaeva) 2018 Mar 30
         letter published via "Harper's Magazine"
Untitled Poem (by Kirk, Blender-Keeper) 2018 Mar 27
         Kurt Vonnegut
quote from reddit (by rayQuGR) 2018 Mar 25
relationship status : this girl (by Jacob Frye) 2018 Mar 12
         This tweet made me laugh and laugh
A Neuroscience Love Song (by NPR) 2018 Feb 15
         nerdy music video - "Oxytocin is the Potion of Devotion"
You look like a thing and I love you. (by aiweirdness' neural network) 2018 Feb 14
         training computers to make really bad but delightfully surreal pickup lines
The Shirt (by Jane Kenyon) 2018 Feb 02
         American Apparel
A Dad's Advice to His Daughter (by ...) 2018 Jan 29
         Making The Rounds
How to Cook Soup (by Dean Alan) 2018 Jan 19
         -Dean Alan, RIP. I missed him back in the day but online a lot of people I dig really dug him.
carrying water (by Stephen Dobyn) 2018 Jan 16
         I love metaphors that reveal further parallels as you think about it more.
Forecast for Sex By 50 When You Are a 46-Year-Old Black Woman (by Deeshaw Philyaw) 2018 Jan 13
         funny and sweet and sad
Spawning (by Zach Weinersmith and Abby Howard) 2017 Nov 13
         a cartoon of trout looking for love
A Kiss from "weetzie bat" (by Francesca Lia Block) 2017 Oct 26
Affirmation (by Donald Hall) 2017 Aug 03
         meditation on aging and love
from Eat Pray Love (by Elizabeth Gilbert) 2017 May 07
         on the soulmate's purpose
from "The Insect Play" (by Karel Capek) 2017 Apr 09
         two bits of verse from an old play about bugs
from "The Space Merchants" (by Frederick Pohl and C.M. Kornbluth) 2017 Jan 08
         a passage from an old science fiction book
Itsy Bitsy (by Carrie Fisher) 2016 Dec 04
         from "The Princess Diarist"
Fish in the Sea (by Carrie Fisher) 2016 Dec 04
         from "The Princess Diarist"
A Woman's Place (by Carrie Fisher) 2016 Dec 04
         from "The Princess Diarist"
You took my breath away (by Carrie Fisher) 2016 Dec 04
         from "The Princess Diarist"
The Dirty Laundry Poem (by Erica Jong) 2016 Nov 26
         from "How to Save Your Own Life"
Her Mouth, His Seed, Her Soul (by Erica Jong) 2016 Nov 26
         (NSFW) from "How to Save Your Own Life"
After a while (by Veronica A. Shoffstall) 2016 Sep 18
         the process
from "Peter Quince at the Clavier" (by Wallace Stevens) 2016 Jun 08
Kiss You (by Bo Burnham) 2016 Jan 27
         lets kiss all day
Sweet Sixteen (by Gary D. Wilson) 2015 Dec 02
         So nostalgic...
from "The Once and Future King" (by T.H.White) 2015 Nov 22
         amazing book
On the Peacock (by Kirk, Blender-Keeper) 2015 Aug 31
         Rachel E. Gross
A Mix Tape: "Don't You (Forget About Me)" (by Brenda Shaughnessy) 2015 Jul 27
         old technology
You and I (by Leonard Nimoy) 2015 Feb 28
Confusion (by from "Birdman") 2015 Feb 21
         pointed quote
from "To Fall in Love With Anyone, Do This" (by Mandy Len Catron @ NYTimes) 2015 Jan 14
soulmates explained? (by Kirk, Blender-Keeper) 2014 Nov 18
Give Me (by Tery J. England) 2014 Oct 24
         from "Spare Change" newspaper long ago...
Dialog from "Louie" (by Kirk, Blender-Keeper) 2014 Sep 23
         On the best part of love
Quote from "Adaption" (by Kirk, Blender-Keeper) 2014 Jan 09
         telling little quote
Requiem for Romance (by Jonathan Ng) 2013 Aug 21
         In this "crouching love, hidden breakup" story, inspired by 50's Shanghai water ink animation & kung fu films, themes of distance, tradition, art and longing dominate a telephonic conversation as a martial arts tango provides the visual backdrop.
Don't expect me to be sane anymore (by Henry Miller) 2013 Jun 02
         Henry Miller's note to Anais Nin
leaving is not enough (by Frida Kahlo) 2013 Apr 26
         a little rant like thing
What It Might Have Been (Lyrics and Video) (by Chris Smither) 2012 Dec 06
         Oh, man. Lyrics and the video for this zen-ish and resigned song.
The Most Romantic Photographs (by BuzzFeedVideo) 2012 Oct 11
         lovely montage
Robert Rowland Smith on First Love (by Robert Rowland Smith) 2012 Jun 24
         from "Driving with Plato"
Robert Rowland Smith on Tying the Knot (by Robert Rowland Smith) 2012 Jun 24
         from "Driving with Plato"
from "Driving with Plato" (by Shakespeare and Robert Rowland Smith) 2012 Jun 07
         the sense and science of sonnets and kisses
from "The Republic of Empathy" (by Sam Lipsyte) 2012 May 31
On falling in love with beauty (by Donald Winnicott) 2012 May 16
from "The Difference" (by Mary Louise Ritter) 2012 Mar 16
         excerpt from "The Difference" as quoted in Nicholson Baker's "The Anthologist"
Portal 2 Proposal (by Gary Hudson) 2011 Aug 27
         A guy proposes to his gal via a custom level for the game Portal 2
the power of puncuation (by Marda Dunsky) 2011 Jul 20
         Watch those commas, periods, and other marks people!
one (by O. K. Gently) 2011 Feb 28
         From a tweet
On sex and Laughter (by Hermione Gingold) 2011 Feb 02
         quick quote
Quote on Understanding (by Eye-Opener Bob" Edwards) 2011 Jan 27
         Brief thought
GBS quote (by George Bernard Shaw) 2010 Sep 28
         pithy! cynical?
Instructions (by Ronald Finke, Martha Farah, and Steven Pinker) 2010 Aug 16
         An exercise in visualization from "How The Mind Works"
New York City (by They Might Be Giants) 2010 Aug 08
         lyrics to a fun and romantic song
Need the Eggs (by Woody Allen) 2010 Jul 21
         famous quote from Annie Hall
from "Anathem" (by Neal Stephenson) 2010 Jul 08
         quote on beauty
On The Bullfrog (by Roald Dahl) 2010 Jun 29
         from "Danny: The Champion of the World"
Alan Kay quote (by Alan Kay) 2010 Jun 29
         quick lovely thought, quoted in "Designing Interactions" but with some implications for l'amour...
the triangle of loves (by Unknwon) 2010 May 19
         Infographic from Tumblr...
Lacunar Vals (by 9000) 2010 Mar 30
         graphic design excellence
Schmoop (by felisdemens) 2010 Jan 05
         A lovely LJ post by a frind of mine
from tufts.general (by unknown) 2009 Nov 09
         An exchange from an old, long defunct academic Usenet group
book review review (by Kirk, Blender-Keeper) 2009 Jun 25
         A quote and a metareview of "A Vindication of Love"
Jill & Matt Met At Work (by Jill Marleah / Matthew Jesse) 2009 Jun 18
         Amazingly aweseome Wedding Invite (via
What THESE Women Want (by "Johnny") 2009 May 31
         brilliant, clear piece from
from "Vicky Cristina Barcelona" (by Woody Allen) 2009 Feb 15
         passage from the Woody Allen movie
what did you do to herman? (by Eric J.) 2008 Dec 05
         a piece of "found art"
Keith Olbermann on Proposition 8 (by Keith Olbermann) 2008 Nov 11
         A moving video commentary explaining how terrible, terrible, terrible CA's mangling of its own Constitution was for the cause of love and romance and relatinships and human rights
Galileo (by Tim Hartwig) 2008 Aug 24
         from a set of coasters "The World's Shortest Stories" -- this reads like a poor man's Tom Robbins
from "Tender is the Night" (by F. Scott Fitzgerald) 2008 Aug 13
         A scene from the novel with a reference to mental illness
from Hotel Chevalier (by Kirk, Blender-Keeper) 2008 Jul 05
         an excerpt from the prelude to "The Darjeeling Limited"
the past doesn't go away (by Mr. Blue (Garrison Keillor)) 2008 May 20
         A bittersweet bit of advice from Keillor's old advice column
On a First Kiss (by Mary Karr) 2008 Jan 03
         from "Cherry"
to Tracey (by Charles Schulz) 2007 Dec 22
         Charles Schulz to his paramour Tracey
from "Fierce People" (by Dirk Wittenborn) 2007 Dec 18
         an excerpt from the novel
Personal Ads from the London Review of Books (by from "They Call Me Naughty Lola") 2007 Dec 03
         love among the british inteligensia
from the introduction to "Good Poems for Hard Times" 2007 Oct 27
         A mandate for poets.
What Was I Thinking, Part 1: He's Moving Out (by 2007 Oct 20 is doing a series of animations about breakups - the animation is a little gratuitous, but it's an interesting idea
Hemingway to Dietrich, June 19 1950 (by Ernest Hemingway) 2007 Apr 05
         excerpt of a letter from Ernest Hemingway to Marlene Dietrich, from their recently released correspondance
from the Inferno of Dante: Canto V (by Dante, translated by John Ciardi) 2007 Apr 03
         (as quoted in "The Sixteen Pleasures", Robert Hellenga's fine novel)
Packet of Letters (by Louise Bogan) 2007 Feb 14
Sugar In The Morning (by Unknown Homeless Gentleman) 2006 Jun 03
         A small quote about a famous song
from "Gettysburg" (by Garrison Keillor) 2006 Mar 19
         an excerpt from a short piece...will probably be the basis for next month's ramble, for some reason I find its idea about romance strongly compelling
Post Post-modern Man (by Devo) 2006 Jan 25
         Lame I know but I've never heard the song, just found the title and then lyric captivating
It's Alright With Me (by Cole Porter) 2006 Jan 13
         melancholy with a touch of lust
The Old Phedinkus (by Damon Runyon) 2005 Nov 20
         from "Tobias the Terrible"
Mileage (by Sara Shansky) 2005 Aug 31
         A mystery track from one of her albums...
A Lighthouse Gone Mad from Loneliness (by William Gibson) 2005 Jun 22
         A brief excerpt from "Pattern Recognition"
i like my body when it is with your (by E. E. Cummings) 2005 Apr 21
         lightly erotic work
LOVE (by Amy Krouse Rosenthal) 2005 Feb 11
         from "Encyclopedia of an Ordinary Life"
Who knows how to make love stay? (by Tom Robbins) 2004 Nov 17
         Excerpts from "Still Life With Woodpecker"
Quotes from Farscape (by Farscape) 2004 May 06
         Quote from the scifi show
All That (by Hugo Williams) 2004 Apr 16
         I think my soon-to-be-ex-wife would understand this one
from "The Great Gatsby" (by F. Scott Fitzgerald) 2004 Apr 10
         quote from the famous novel
First Love (by Wislawa Szymborska) 2004 Feb 24
geek love poem (by The Guys At 2004 Feb 08
         Brilliant code-pun poem with geek culture references...
from "Things My Mother Never Told Me" (by Blake Morrison) 2003 Nov 12
         My Mom forwarded this lovely little passage
The Meaning of Love (Parody, PG13) (by Jacob W. Haller) 2003 Oct 13
         from alt.religion.kibology, a wonderfully evil parody
from "Love Me" (by Garrison Keillor) 2003 Sep 27
         passage of reconciliation
from "Birds of America" (by Lorrie Moore) 2003 Sep 22
         On love affairs and raccoons in the chimney
...Of People Who Know What They Want (by Garrison Keillor) 2003 Aug 24
         from his new novel "Love Me"
A Note On The Rapture To His True Love (by Thomas Lynch) 2003 Aug 01
         lovely piece, result of a formal exercise
End Zen (by Donald Rumsfeld) 2003 Jun 30
         John McCaslin "found" this poem by Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld, but I think there's a romantic element here.
from "The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay" (by Michael Chabon) 2003 May 20
         a lovely description of a kiss
You're So Cool (by Quentin Tarantino) 2003 Mar 24
         from "True Romance"
Wet -n- Wild (by Hilary Price) 2003 Mar 05
         from her comicstrip, Rhymes with Orange
so close, so far (by brooklyngirl) 2002 Nov 26
         wonderful little flash movie
Marcella's Defense (from Don Quixote) (by Cervantes) 2002 Nov 23
         Marcella was accused of causing a shepard's death-by-heartbreak
Limerick (by Thomas Moore) 2002 Oct 24
         5 Lines from an early 19th-century Irish poet
brevity (by Kyle Parrish) 2002 Aug 14
         poem from an old unix profile (.plan)
feathered twilight (by Luna) 2001 Oct 18
         A Lovely Fantasia
Conversation (by Donald Hall) 2001 Jun 28
         work found in The New Yorker

= Front Page Pick for the following month's edition