The Blender Survey Question

Now that it is a New Year, do you have a resolution with regard to your love life?
Violet My resolution is to make him my number one priority all the time... to make time for kissing, love making, talking etc... no matter what. He's the most important thing in my life, so he should come before homework and waitressing and all the daily boring things I do in order to "get by"... I'm rambling.
Misti I did so much damage to my marriage in 2002. You can read all the gory details in my poems. I want 2003 to be about stability...sanity...true love without the gaudy glitter and fantasy. I want to learn and cherish my husband and give him the friend and mate he deserves. I want to be a more mature, generous wife. Tonight we discussed baby names. The whole thing terrifies me because I will always be a gypsy at heart. But I know I will be happy having a family with Chris. It will make me a better person.
spaceman My resolution is to let myself love her without worries and shadows from the past getting in my way.
tj holland To live simply so that others may simply live.
jackryhme to keep it in my pants?
Echolocation For this is wisdom: to love, to live
To take what fate or the gods may give
To ask no question, to make no prayer
To kiss the lips and caress the hair
Speed passion's ebb as you greet its flow,
To have, to hold, and in time -- let go.
Bridget O To be happy, genuinely happy, because when i'm happy it's easier to make him happy
Inflatable Sushi love is a grave mental disease (plato)
Chances are Personally, I would love to find meaning, love, trust and a wonderfully wonderful good time in my relationship! - as posted on the board before I knew this question was up here!
Kirk eh, sort of, not deliberately but see the january ramble, about setting some time aside with Mo
kevin urenda to take responsibility for making it good - for both of us.
kevin urenda and to start answering the question every time!

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