The Blender Survey Question

Have you ever written your sweetheart/spouse/lover a love letter (the ink on paper type)? How was it received?
Misti I've been writing love letters since elementary school. I actually dictated a love letter to my best friend Amy when we were in fifth grade because she had a new calligraphy set and she was really good at it. Actually, it was a hate letter because the guy I puppy loved (Adam Finley...a tennis playing brainiac...he knew how to navigate a Commodore 64...swoooon)didn't love me back. I looked in Amy's dictionary for the worst name I could find. I called Adam a "chinchilla" in the letter. I think it's a type of rodent. I don't remember the response...he probably laughed and made fun of me with his friends. I wrote dozens of letters to Matt Hale, my first "real" crush", when I was a teenager. Never sent them. Wrote songs and stories about us as King Matthew and Queen Velvet. He never saw those, either. Fell in love for real when I was seventeen with one Chase Childers. He could publish a very thick book of all the letters and poems I've sent him. My love for Chase spanned the better part of a decade. He still has those letters and every other thing I ever sent him, or he did the last time I checked a couple of years ago. I've sent love letters to other guys and I guess they didn't love them because I didn't get any back. I corresponded with my husband via snail mail before we met in the flesh. He sent me about five letters a day. I sent him a bit less than that because I wasn't very creative with saying,"I love you, too, and can't wait to meet you so that I can give my right hand a break." I was used to writing crap like,"I know you don't realize this yet, but we are soul mates and when you're tired of playing the field, I'm the gal for you."
Athena Love letters are wonderful... I used to write them for my sweetie all the time and I think he liked them. But he's been a butthead lately so he hasn't gotten any for a while. Needs to straighten up and fly right before he'll get one again.
tj holland Everyday is a love letter. All day long. Given with no expectation of returns and received with awe.
Star of David I absolutely love writing letters... I choose the paper according to the person I am writing to and start off the first letter of the first word with a calligraphy stencil, make it quite large and fill it in in a different colour to that I am writing in. I change the margins and sometimes start paras in a way that the rest of the para lines are indented instead of the start. I sometimes print borders as well! I am a letter writing maniac. Even if I e-mail a person regularly, I love to send them letters occassionaly as well telling them how special they are because letters lift you up and make you smile. So far, all the people I have written to, meaning those I love, have been totally surprised and happy... Letters are such a beautiful thing.
Kirk Nah.
We're never apart. Or there's email. My handwriting is awful anyway. And surprisingly I'm not into all the mushy stuff as you might guess.
ThoughtFull Wouldn't we be a silly bunch of writers if we didn't write love letters? Actually, I have slacked off in this last relationship cause not too many men have appreciated my sacchrine soaked starry eyed off to the Blender I went.
frozencharlotte I wrote 'I love you' in red lipstick on the mirror once. Drew a heart around it. Hard as hell to clean off.
muryan You know, of all the times I've written love letters, it was always just to write them. I never gave them to the person. I did write a poem to a guy as a gentle way to end our "fling" he wrote me a great one back. So I guess it was well received. In fact, I think I'm going to write him a love letter to see if we can start the fling up again. Great survey question!
RennieLorca Yes. I wrote the first worst boyfriend volumes. Got lots of writer's cramp. Wrote lots of poems I don't have copies of...and don't know if he still does. He actually wrote me back. How he found the time with all the cheating and lying, I'll never know. I bought a typewriter and composed poems I never showed boyfriends. I married. My husband did enough writing for the two of us, but not romance. Wasn't in me to compete, since he was competitive creatively. Then I worked briefly for lawyers, where I learned not to put things in writing as far as relationships. I exercise real feelings in writing, don't journal, have some fun with what I write from a number of relationships. Pen to paper, or more than a pen -- no. Gonna take lots of trust for me to sign my name to more than love letters in the sand now ..... Rennie
bp no
cryingshame58 first love letters I wrote were to my parents...always signed them with X's and O's and always received applause and affection...later, i remember passing love notes in highschool and always got a kiss and a hug from my love after I passed it to was embarrassing when the teacher would grab it and read it in class...<blush>
Madi Yeah.... nothing like finding or sending in-the-mail, in-the-lunch sack, under-the-pillow or in-lipstick love notes. The favorite love notes I've written in pen were on piano scores, slowly and carefully inking every little sharp, flat, and stem. I guess I've never thought about how they were received because I was so busy enjoying the giving.
Injun Joe ugh...time for new query
Chances I have written one or two. He held onto them long after I wished he'd thrown them away.
Chances AND I have never actually got a love letter myself. hmmmph.
Chances Writing I love you in the sand is much better.

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