The Blender Survey Question

Do you feel as if there is something you KNOW about love that most people don't seem to grasp? If so/not, what/why?
Kirk Nah. We're all just making it up as we go along.
coujeaux I don't think people fully grasp that in the right hands, there is nothing greater about the life we live than to experience it. In the wrong hands, it's perhaps the deadliest psychological weapon available to those who would misuse it. Too many of us take it as an inherent privilege of merely living, which makes it expendable and transitory when seen from that perspective. There's nothing more satisfying or more precious than love earned and kept the right way. My thoughts.
~Harem~ `
It took me a long time to learn something - that other
people also seem to have trouble learning.
And what's that ?

That there is not just "one" right person for you.


That most of us spend so much time with the wrong person
trying to make it right - that we don't leave enough
time to find the right one.

You can fall in love many times - with many different

There are lots of fish in the sea.

So if one doesn't work out - throw him back in-
and getcha another one.

Keep fishin and throwin them back in -
till you get the one that fits just right.


but then why did it take me so long to learn?

Duh ?????

Misti I'm an expert on romantic love. I've been falling in love since I was four years old. Don't kiss in a closet. Kiss in front of your parents. It's worth the ass beating. If someone doesn't love you back, leave them the hell alone. If you haven't outgrown unrequited love by 30, there is no hope for you. Don't treat romantic love as your birthright. It is a blessing and a miracle. Don't shove someone screaming into your mold. If it isn't happening for you, love the fuck outta yourself and don't despair. Despair makes you ugly. Been there, done that, got cigarette burns on the t-shirt.
jack umm yesss... its only that your love is free so why expect goods in return?
B.K. Wings

I know that love
Gives you wings
Teaches you how to soar
When before you
Could only walk and fall
That love
Gives me all I’ll ever need
To breathe
And fly……free


kevin urenda It IS a miracle, as Misti points out...

And yet I find that I'm of a mind with Kirk.
I have discovered that the more I love, the less sure I am that I KNOW anything about it. I think we all kind of fumble our way through it.

There are no absolutes in the human experience, but love sure is most delightfully close to that ultimate.
Violet Not about love exactly... but maybe something that a lot of unmarried people don't know... There is no perfect marriage. You can love the person to the ends of the earth and their dirty ceral bowl and strange habits will still bug you. You can't escape that. I have so many girlfriends looking for the "perfect" man. He does not exisit. You can only hope to be with your best friend. That's the only way you make it through the daily grind and still feel lucky. Oh, and it is a very bad idea to pause and think about the "what ifs" but maybe people do know that.
CryingShame58 I feel there is one thing about love that most people don't KNOW and that is that self-centered/self-absorbed people actually love others, but love theirselves more...he/she refuse to put someone else's desires above his/her's own...
Barefoot Bella In my short 25 years in this world I've learned to lovers come and go. Sex does not equal love. Romance does not equal a hot relationship. These things I've had to learn the hard way, and more than once or twice it's cost me my self-respect. I'm sure everyone here has read/heard this poem at least once or twice, but I can't think of a better way to put it.

"After a While," by Veronica A. Shoffstall

After a while, you learn the subtle difference
Between holding a hand and chaining a soul, And you learn that love doesn't mean leaning
And company doesn't mean security, And you begin to learn that kisses aren't contracts
And presents aren't promises, And you begin to accept your defeats
With your head up and your eyes open
With the grace of a woman, not the grief of a child, And you learn to build all your roads on today
Because tomorrow's ground is too uncertain for plans.
And futures have a way of falling down in midflight.
After a while, you learn
That even sunshine burns if you get too much.
So you plant your own garden and decorate your own soul, Instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers.
And you learn that you really can endure...
That you really are strong.
And you really do have worth.
And you learn and learn...
With every goodbye you learn.
ladyinwaiting How do you describe that is a million dollar question...
I think others are placed in our lives to love for different reasons...for instance...we are given our children as a gift to learn of unconditional love...others pass through our paths so we can learn to love ourselves...then others are placed in our paths to help us learn of what type of love we are willing to accept and others to help us know what is an unacceptable love...then of course there are those that help us to learn to accept love without strings attatched...gee, I have loved many persons for many reasons and i have been loved for a variety of reasons...I feel that with each person we love we have shared a special part of ourself and we leave a little part of ourself with them and take a little part of them with us when we part, by doing this we learn more about ourself and are molded into a better person as a result of the encounter...I would not trade any of my encounters...

then of course there is always the saying..."if i love you and you do not love me then someone else will"
that always seems to work too...
Liz love is fleeting. It is rare. We are all basically selfish and unwilling to bend to another's way. Compromise is key, but more difficult than I thought it would be. Monogamy is perhaps the single most important element. If one party is unfaithful, the fabric is forever rent.
Jon No I don't think I know something about love that most people don't seem to know/grasp, because love is what you think it is. Love is just a word, it's the feeling that is unique to everyone.
Cwgrltxamber You can love so many different people in so many different ways. Sometimes you don't even realize that you love someone, until you find out that they don't love you back.
spaded I think I know something about love that most everyone knows, but no one likes to admit.

Love is never enough, not sometimes, all the time.
It is the icing on the cake and it makes the world go round, and life might not be a whole hell of a lot of fun without some kind of love (romantic or otherwise), all this is true. However you have to eat, sleep and stay warm, and in the end love alone only takes care of the warm part. Which is why money is the cause of so many fights within a marriage.

To sum up the key to a good relationship (especially of the romantic variety), is to love madly and spend wisely. There is just no such thing as living on love.

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