Then's the moment not to be astounded
When you find you've been merry-go-rounded
--Ogden Nash, Vernon Duke, "Roundabout"

"It will make you feel young again" --The New Yorker
  < september 2002 >
September is upon us...August's heat has passed, the nights are getting longer, and schools are cranking back up all over the place.

In fact, ten years ago this month your faithful Blender-Keeper was starting college. And that month I fell for a woman in the worst way. And by worst I mean best, and worst. To mark that time in my life, this month's feature is Selections from the K & R Carousel, a large amount of annotated e-mail from that ill-starred relationship.

Since it is so much material, I'll be serializing it into 4 parts, updated each weekend during September. The Carousel features highlights and lowlights of me and my writing. I hope that you will find it interesting, and maybe you'll find some parts that resonate with your own experience.

Some excellent works grace the front page this month as well...there's a lot of good stuff all around.
--Kirk, Blender-Keeper     

brevity - Kyle Parrish
A poem I put into my archive 7 or so years ago, originally posted as a unix .plan file.

Badda - Stephen
A nice bouncing around of the old expression.

Regrets Only - Foolish
A melancholy fantasia on that old counter to "RSVP". "We feast on half-baked schemes" is a brilliant line.

Dreaming - ASide
Something great and wistful about the lines "Last night we kissed. More than once!"

Honey Bun - Oscar Hammerstein II
Submitted by chris. Rogers & Hammerstein, from 'South Pacific'. Interesting choice! Lively.

A letter - Savannah Haze
Not entirely dissimilar to this month's Blender Feature.

"We'll Be Together Again" - B.K.
B.K.'s uncle passed last Friday, a glimpse of weathered and wellworn love from right before.

Fight - Liz
I guess it's fitting that this work was submitted during the Dog Days of August.

A Little Sip of Me - Ali
Sassy little number!

A Coach's Advice
Two by Varda. The first is tiny little work, roughly based on a Haiku I brought to the Blender Board for workshopping, the second, a take on the familiar story of giving romantic advice.

intimate mornings - Madison
Excellent summer poem.

A favorite quote - Robert Frost
Submitted by Jon...nice to see a different set of "three words" around here.

Damn Boy! - Bridget O
A lot of attitude, and some wisdom.

BETWEEN THE LINES: Hallmark Style - Maggie Mink aka RennieLorca.
One greeting card, one and a half stories.

Meteor Shower - splatipus
Little slice of life. The topic always brings me dangerously close to corny reminiscences about hanging out with M. on the stony beach looking at the shooting starts, 'til her dad came out...we had no idea it was 3am. (Whoops, did I say "close"?)

Selections from the K & R Carousel
Selections from the e-mail of a college relationship.

Heart on Sleeve Corner
432 more heartsongs sent to the Blender last month.

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