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Another great March here on the Blender of Love!

In these economic times, charts like the one here can seem like something to fear... but find out what this one is all about in this month's Blender Ramble

As always, read and enjoy!
--Kirk, Blender-Keeper     

also this month

Heart on Sleeve Corner
50 more heartsongs sent to the Blender last month.

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Kirk in Japan
Love never dies a natural death. It dies because we don't know how to replenish its source. It dies of blindness and errors and betrayals. It dies of illness and wounds; it dies of weariness, of witherings, of tarnishings.
--Anaïs Nin
front page picks

from "Vicky Cristina Barcelona" - Woody Allen
Passage from the Woody Allen movie.

Valentine 2009 - B.K.
'Cause everyone loves penguins!

Quote - B.K.
This month's top of the page quote.

Politely Torn - distant moon
Nice rhythm to this...."My words, Jason Mraz's beat." was distant moon's original comment.

The Human "HEART" - ~Harem~
Biblical quote (not in the Biblical sense of "Biblical")

At Night - Laurel Ahlfeld
Tale of a dream.

snow-ku - Briana Kassia
five, seven, five, brrrr.

of mud and simple things... - jack
Graphic/word combo. Think the space background might be a little shmaltzy, but I dig the poem.

God, I Miss You - CryingShame58
Mind like water.

The Simple Complex - Lilla
"... green over black camisole" was Lilla's original note -- interesting.

Starr Power - Irongirl
A nice physicality here.

Had I Known - never_enough
A little knowledge can be a crucial thing... I empathize with that feeling of not knowing that something was the last of its time.

Bad / Good...You - Bighead
Result of a challenge to list 10 good things / 10 bad things.

Rekindle - beginagain
The work name and the author name are in synch!