The Blender Survey Question

Survey Question: Special Edition... Do you (or your lover) tend to make a big deal out of Valentine's Day, or do you look for opportunities to make 'special days' at different times throughout the year?
Violet My fiance and I make a lot of random special days through out the year... but I am sucker for romance, and I strongly feel that Valentine's Day should be celebrated with effort, creativity and a lot of love. :-) What can I say... I love to be pampered! :-P
Kirk Mo and I aren't big "days" people, though we make some effort for the big holidays.
TJ Holland I can't say that St.Valentine's Day is very important to me at all. It bugs me that people expect their lover to go all out on that day, and if they don't then that person feels unloved or even spiteful. I think those people ought to pay more attention to the things that reflect REAL love. Those things are there to be seen every day, and if they're not...well then, one day a year ain't gonna make up for it, Pookie.
scqueen I second that exactly, TJ!
B.K. I don't think it takes presents but a gourmet meal, a bottle of wine, some music and a little rug cutting across the living room floor, a little romance is always nice no matter what day it is. (Valentines Day, Ground Hog Day, You woke up breathing day, any excuse day. Seize the moment and make it yours. Keep Love Alive!
kevin urenda Never really celebrated V-day... Have *tried* to make other days special...
scqueen Hmmm...Kev? Maybe we sould change "V-day" to Virgo day. Now wouldn't that be romantic....
deevaa since Valentines day is also the day we made a committment to each other, we HAVE to celebrate it!
Hopeful Amen to BK. I can't understand why people ever let the "in love" feeling go...and I guess I can't wholly support a day like V-day when couples slack off on the other 364...Stay in bed and make love on the early a.m of June 5th...make dinner together on January 20th...slow dance in the living room on October the get the picture. Of course, that's just my opinion.
Misti We give in to the hype. Chris gave me a devil Snoopy holding a heartshaped box of chocolates and I was thriLLed to my toenails. Of course other days are special! We're always givin' each other little surprises. I guess some people only express their love on Valentine's Day. But they're probably the same people who read all the books that Oprah recommends.
GOOD idea, scqueen!

deevaa - GOOD for YOU guys!
kevin urenda (whoops - that was me)

GOOD idea, scqueen!

deevaa - GOOD for YOU guys!
wistful I never have cared much for Hallmark holidays, but I have never been in love like this before! We do special things for each other all the time, but it was a wonderful "excuse" to have a dozen chocolate-covered strawberries delivered to his work. Now his office-mates thinks he's a stud, which I, of course, knew all along!

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