The Blender Survey Question

Do you think that love is forever? Why or why not (or some other reasonable elaboration)?
Misti I think love is for now. Love is temporal, like anything else. I guess if you're Heloise and Abelard or Frank and Ava love is forever. But the kind of love I'm familiar with is not of the forever variety.
TJ Holland True love can be nothing but forever. Anything else is infatuation. I have never found true love, and the times I thought I had, there was always a tiny, wiser part of me whispering the truth of the situation. I chose not to listen. My mistake has always been to shut up the small voice, all the while listening to the big brass band, telling myself my dreams of love were now finally attainable. I have known love, but that qualifier, "TRUE", was never tacked onto the deal.
muryan I believe that love is forever. I'll take this quote from "The Crow" which states "Love never dies." And that is the truth. If it does die, then it wasn't love to begin with.
Bridget O True love is forever, no matter how badly you get hurt and no matter how much you deny it, if it's TRUE love then you'll alwyas be in love with them.
therosser1022 Love has to be forever, because love is more powerful than anything. It outlasts time, it's goes farther than distance. Nothing can stop it, not even goodbye. It has the power to completely change everything you've ever known. It's the greatest thing we have, and in the end... it's the only thing we have. So yes, I definitely think that love is forever.
deevaa A part of me still loves the guy I married, every now and again we'll talk on the phone and I'll glimpse the guy I knew before we got married, and it'll make me sad - for what I don't know... maybe sad because neither of us are who we used to be...

I believe love stays with us forever, but finding someone who grows in the same direction as you grow is the hard part.

I think the person I was 6yrs ago when I got married is still in love with him, the person I am now isn't. If that makes any sense at all.
dragonfleyes Love is one of the most mixed up things in our lives, that sometimes we never truly know we have it, until we "actually" have it.

There are so many varieties of love, that to say that it can't last forever, would be ignorance. But to not believe that sometimes love is fleeting, would be just as equally so.

It depends on who you love, and if they love you, you can be so completely in love with someone, and have it go unrequited.
spaceman Real love is forever....I would have argued the point when I was younger, but what other explanation is there for feeling like you got kicked in the gut when you see someone who used to be your lover? That sick feeling of longing to even just touch her again. It has to be love.
Course that is lost love. Current love is a different thing altogether.
MichaelT() For me, if it's forever then it is love. If it's love it may or may not be forever. And yes - I've felt the forever. Hope to feel it again.
wordley LOVE; May 27th, 1988; Friday. Place; The factory where I was an engineer. 10:25 am, a new service chemist walked in and introduced herself. " Hello, I'm Lesley " At that moment I new that love COULD last forever.To cut a long story short, she is the one, unobtainable, perfect being in my life. For six years we shared a love that was purely emotional, and I wont pretend that, at times , it could have become physical; but that would have ruined a most perfect relationship. So, we would have lunch, go for walks in the country, share so many hugs and kisses. BUT.....Lesley is married, as was I at the time, and yes you may say NAUGHTY.....BUT Lesley filled a space in my life, as I did in hers until September 1996 when, after a particularly difficult year for us both in our personnal lives, we decided it would be best if we didn't meet again. Oh we send each other an e-mail very occasionly, but nothing else. Only the Knowledge that there is a corner of her heart where no else may go, only me, and that there is a corner of MY heart that is hers for ever.Do you know, I hadn't written any poetry until I met her?....she unlocked my creative side and my spiritual side and I will be eternaly greatful to her. So, love does last for ever, but only if it's unconditional and has no strings
wordley If I may I would like to add that the first fifteen poems posted were dedicated to Lesley, and read the first letter of each line of 'LESLEY', it was my first cryptic.!!
Kirk Yeah, I think some loves are forever, but the ones where it's not forver, that doesn't mean it wasn't love.
Amethyst Yes, I think some love is forever, and I don't think it necessarily has to be true love either... I think that a person realizes love can be forever, when you find yourself thinking about someone you were with awhile ago, and haven't spoken to in ages, but they subtly seem to slip into your thoughts, without knowing how they got there in the first place. I think alot of you can probably agree with that. Those loves that never seem to completely leave your thoughts, that always seem to have a place in your heart, and you know that if you saw them again your stomach would flutter, and you would have to take a few quick breaths...those are forever loves
Violet Love takes many forms and fills many time frames... I think it depends on the situation. However, if you are lucky enough to find the kind that lasts forever, I'd hold onto it. ;-)
B.K. The forever kind of love is for the very lucky indeed. I think it could happen more often if people only paid more attention to their stars.

R. Stonecloud If love were forever, there would be no divorce or infidelity. Love is forever if you MAKE it forever.
Rhetoric Do I believe that love is forever? Of course love is forever. There are no assurances that your love will be reciprocated or that a relationship is forever. However, love - love can and does last.
Just Some Girl I believe that love is forever...I just don't believe that love with the SAME person is forever!!!
Liz Love has to be forever....I'm betting all my money on it!But a friend of mine insists that love is a lie, and that the notion of romantic love is something that has been taught to us; that we would not desire and search for it if we had not been conditioned to do so. He is an impossible man...*wink*
wandering_soul I think love is forever...the thing that changes is whoever or whatever you love...
Jon If there is one thing that I know for a fact is forever then it's change. So it's not crazy to think that universal rule applies to love as well.

Nothing ever stays the same.
entropy There are many different kinds of love, but the true love, the kind you dream of, the kind that you know the first time you meet someone that you have known them all your life... that love is forever.

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