The Blender Survey Question

Do you think that real love is a fairy tale, or is it only achieved/maintained through continual hard work, or is it a little of both? Care to elaborate?
michaelt() Depends on what you think real love is. I can't think of anything worthwhile that doesn't require work and maintainence.
B.K. Well think about it most of the fairy tales are pretty grusome ha. With a lot of problems to be worked out and overcome. But with love and passion as a driving force then it makes it easier to overcome the obstacles life will continually place in our paths.
Misti Fairy tales were originally written for adults. Then Disney got a hold of 'em and cleaned 'em up. The witch in "Rapunzel" went into a rage because Rapunzel was pregnant. The prince wasn't just braiding her hair up there in the tower. Fairy tales give us magnified reality, enhanced with metaphors and fantasy. In the true fairy tales the girls are never saved. They save themselves. It's never as simple as a prince riding in and whisking you away to a castle on the hill, where there are no ugly stepsisters or poisoned apples or ashes to sweep away. There will always be a mirror that tells you bad things. There will always be dragons to slay. It helps if you have a best friend/lover to confront the gruesome realities of life with. And of course you have to work at it! When the clock strikes midnight those glass slippers can only getcha so far.
cryingshame58 real love lasts forever even though the relationship may not. it takes more than love or work for a relationship to grow and flourish. accomplishing "an in love relationship that lasts forever" is GERONAMO!
Kirk Dunno about the fairy tale, but it's initial luck followed by work.
Athena I would have to aggree that it depends on what you consider real love to be. Love and a good relationship can be two entirely different things. A good relationship will take hard work. But love is definitely something different. I recommend a very interesting book, called "The Four Loves" by C.S. Lewis (yes, the same who wrote "The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe"). It summarizes 4 kinds of human love: affection, friendship, erotic love, and the love of God. All obviously distinctly different, but worth exploring.
Star of David Real love is not a fairy tale and is very, very real. But it being real does not mean it stays forever just like that. You have to work at it, keep looking at what you did and how you could do things better and it is continual hard work. But the hard work is rewarded constantly, with every smile, every hug and every little bit of love.
Chances Real love is real love. But you can't treat it like a fairy tale and walk around staring at the roses... real life will intervene. I think if you work at keeping your love real and not taking it for granted, treat each other as human beings, not idealistic superhumans then you really will have the best of both worlds. Of course, this is all just supposition....
jack real love as opposed to umm false? and fairy tale as in fantasy? real love is simply heaven, even if you are in hell
B.K. Great line Jack, "Real love is simply heaven even if you are in hell." Kirk should quote you and put it on the front page as the quote of the month.
tj holland I believe there is love, real love, and true love. Love is something you can have for someone or something because it/they is/are here and you are too and the memory of it remains even if the thing or person is gone (think about that). Real love is a love that is deep and meaningful, but can dissipate with harm or lack of attention, leaving some sort of emotional residue. True love is the deepest connection to be found here on earth, where both 'lovers' understand and act accordingly, and will endure for eternity.
Violet I believe that true love helps you get by day to day. It makes reality rosier. I think that if you work at it and care for it, then your "reality" feels a lot more like a fariy tale.
muryan Goodness. Real love is real. Love is love. It either is or it isn't. A faery tale is as we all believe, fantasy. Love is only achieved through Time. Whereas a faery tale can be thought up in seconds, real love grows over time. You can like someone in a matter of seconds, but liking and loving are two different things. So, I think that though it feels like a faery tale, chances are, if it came about in a few minutes, hours, days... you like them, but you don't love them.
calypso I think that when you have found love, you are blessed because it is like finding a little bit of magic in this crazy world of ours. And if you and your love make each other a priority, your love will flourish. If not, it will fade.
Injun Joe REAL LOVE takes plenty of wampum and peyote...

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