Heat and humidity and sometimes rain, Summer working itself up into its big finale.
Sultry, or depending on your perspective, just sweaty and sticky and gross.
Keeping up the Blender tradition of not being constrained to review books and movies right when they're released, Lupschada graces us with a
review of the DVD "Kissing Jessica Stein". (Actually, I missed it when it came out, but I'm glad she got me to go see it.)
Another good month of works and quotes. Hope you enjoy it all!


A Coffee Moment
- CordovaGirl
Wonderfully evocative poem for coffee lovers, and coffee lovers.
Excuse Me
Two poems by Meredith, both seem to be about crossing over into new romance.
- k3davis
This prose piece has the best opening line this month.
- Misti
A strikingly bitter and dark work, runner up for best opening line.
More of the Same
- Chances
- Katherine Hepburn
Submitted by Inflatable Sushi.
- Barry White
- Bertrand Russell (allegedly)
Two submitted by B.K.. I guess people are figuring out how much I like a well-chosen quote.
Beauty in the world - Kevin Spacey in American Beauty
- John Mayer
Two quoted pasages via CordovaGirl.
The first one is well-known, but really amazing anyway; details are the seret to good literary passages as well as to life itself.
The second is an intro
from before a song, live in concert.
GRAPES in The Fridge
- SterlingRose
This is an interesting one to compare to William Carlos William's
This Is Just To Say.
- Violet
Rather different than the Kipling poem of the same name, but I think there's some common cause.
Waiter, More Logos!
- Echolocation
It pays to enrich your word power.
- foxinsox
A tiny poem-story.
on the night we saw the dead
- darwin
Darwin writes some terric prose.
One~Match~Struck~Love Sparked~Kiss
- B.K.
Close cover before striking?
Shone like the sun
- Angieubaldo
A sexually oriented work, but with an uncommon emotional note.
Meet Me at The Gates
- JiggyJ
A jangled and jarring work, emotions he "went through when my ex-girlfriend passed years ago".
July 2, 2003
- Lupschada
Submitted by Kirk.
Thought on heartbreak, taken from her journal at lupschada.com.
there be dragons...pet them
- RennieLorca
I've always liked that warning from the edge of ancient maps...

Blender Review
Lupschada reviews "Kissing Jessica Stein".

Heart on Sleeve Corner
379 more heartsongs sent to the Blender last month.
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