Life is one fool thing after another whereas love is two fool things after each other.
--Oscar Wilde

"It will make you feel young again" --The New Yorker
  < april 2006 >
Another month, another new issue on the verge of lateness!
Current Blender Survey:
Who's treated you the best in love, and what did they do?
Your Response? / View Responses

We've been making changes here at the 'Blender. As you click on various works, you'll see a "Comment on This" link that will pre-populate a comment for the message board with a link directly to the work. There are some other small changes as well, with some larger ones on the way.

Anyway, another good month for works. Plus a very quick but worthwhile featured artist link, a Googlebomb for Lost Love...

As always, read and enjoy!
--Kirk, Blender-Keeper     

Two by abogada / abogadalbny. Both are thoughtful, detail-laden works.

Exquisite Passion Pie - B.K.
IHNMC,IJLS "beveled pelvic pair" (I Have No Meaningful Comment, I Just Like Saying...)

Quote - Oscar Wilde / B.K..
This month's top-of-the-page quote.

Driving - briana kassia
Sex and autos.

Fear and Loathing In Married Life - chris
From 2/7/01. "Oddly prescient."

Realizations - cryingshame58
I just dug the closing 7 words.

blue-eyed secret, august through december - beautifulstranger
A great melancholy blend of prose and poetry.

nigritude commences - aparajita
In a day and age where the guardians of political correctness sometimes have more good intentions than sense, the title is almost unfortunate, but it's a lovely sad little piece.

Fuel Economy - darwin
This piece carries a certain borrowed nostalgia for me; I think my dad's famly called standing on the heat register for as long as you could "burn your butt".

Resurrection - blakey
15 well-chosen words.

His Only - iLYd
The simplicity of this work belies some of the intricacy of its formulation.

young love - i'm just him
I admit, as I read through the Blender entries every month, I'm greatly surprised if at least one of ijh's doesn't have a small twist or way of putting things that makes me want to put it on the frontpage...

roughened colour - suffocating_lux
In a word: YOWZA

Why Does This feeling Exist? - stability
To quote an unfortunately similar sentiment by Ray Stevens: "get your tongue out of my mouth, I'm kissing you good-bye."

Sanctified - AnaBanana75
Someone who I think believes that the way we sometimes mix up love and posession isn't a good thing.

actions - average philly chic
Ending this selection with my favorite opening line this month...

Featured Artist Link
A beautiful way of trying to get people to link to this piece.

Heart on Sleeve Corner
97 more heartsongs sent to the Blender last month.

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