Walking Contradiction | I think it's important that you enjoy kissing the person. If you don't want to and they do then it can cause 'issues'. But if you enjoy it it doesn't matter if they're not the best kiss you've ever had. And if I'm wavering it isn't the kiss that pushes it, or at least I've never consciencely thought it was! |
B.K. | From: B.K. Date: 4 May 2002 "The Kiss," well yes, it's very important and can inject fuel into the fire or even make you decide to pour water on it all together. You have to connect the right stars and planets and the fireworks are awesome. I can't imagine being with someone I did not want to kiss, or who did not want to kiss me, as the mouth is one major erogenous zone. bk |
spaceman | For me the kiss is the deciding factor, it is all questionable until we lock lips, that's when I know if there is a connection or not. |
Ali | They don't have to be the best kisser in all the world, but they do have to be good at it. Also, the emotions that get wrapped up in a kiss are so very important--a kiss can say so much. So I suppose that if I'm wavering a great kiss can push me over the top. Think of that song "It's in His Kiss." |
Kindred_Spirit49 | The kiss can make it or break it. The lips, very senseous, and are usually the introduction to the whole love game. |
Misti | I've been smitten with various men who sucked at kissing (and everything else). My husband and I don't kiss much anymore. I'm forever placing lipsticked kisses all over his face, though. That's always fun, especially before we go out in public. I appreciate the fact that Chris has excellent hygiene. Excellent hygiene is so underrated. |
Randy1 | Yes and Yes. |
Jennifer | As long as "sparks" fly who cares how good they are at it. And for the second part...definantly! |
sweetness | It's not about skill, it's all about chemistry. And there is nothing sweeter than anticipating that first kiss..... |
deevaa | I don't think I'm that great-a-kisser that I can be too fussy! Because I'm self consious about my kissing skills I've always prefered mouths on my neck/ears/soft spot below my ear to kissing..... and I never waver, either I'm into someone or I'm not, nothing would push me over if I wasn't. |
jimmyallgrownup | Depends what they're kissing. But seriously...of course it's important. I think there's way too much of a focus in the gay world today on hardware and nothing else. So I therefore propose a kissing renaissance! And I'd like to begin with our very own Mr. Cod. That's right. I just KNOW he's a sublime kisser! (wink, wink) |
Galadrial | Sorry...I wish a perfect kiss was a SURE FIRE calling card of a great lover...but I have known men who turned my knees to jello with a kiss...and were abysmal lovers. And I married a man who was a wretched kisser...but a good lover. Go figure. |
Just Some Girl | YES, YES, YES!!! Passionate kissing (with intermittent peeking to look into the eyes of your lover) is the most important part of loving! Kissing-talent is dependent upon the chemistry between two people and less about skill, I believe. |
Kirk | Interesting array of responses to this question... ...I think kissing is maybe a little bit over-rated. (Blasphemy! I know.) It's not the same as being an interesting person or enthusiastic and skillful in bed. I don't think you gain any mystical knowledge about your romantic partner from the way they kiss. |
Violet | It is very important to be a good kisser. (Not the most important thing, but very important.) A great kiss might just do it, but a great heart, or brilliant mind does it even better. |
Jon | Anticpation is everything for me. You know, that moment that you are about to kiss. You think to yourself "Oh my god I'm about to kiss this person." And the excitement the feeling the rush...oh...it's just wonderful. So yeah what I think makes a good kisser is someone than can make me want it, beg for it, pray to God for it until just the thought of that persons lips upon yours sends shivers up your spine and giggles out of your mouth. Anticipation is everything. |
splatipus | I agree with Jon. The anticipation is fabulous. The whole build up and then finally that split second before you kiss somebody for the first time....but it can be such a bummer if after all the anticipation you find out they're a crap kisser. However, if the person is important enough to you, you dont care...you still want more....and after all...you can always train them! |
Hopeful | I have kissed quite a lot of people in my day *grin* What I have noticed is that the two people I have been ultimately in love with are also the two most memorable first kisses. Ok...duh. But the night I first kissed each of them I knew "this is something" They weren't the kisses that might have ranked highest in technical merit, but they hit me just the right way to let me know... |
Jasper Mook | .... eye wood haftagree wit jest sin grrl ass dis KISS diss KISS itz da KISS!!! shee speek ah troot sew tru infac aye KISS Hurr rt dis minit!!! Da KISS ist da portal o da sole! o mio my-o! Diss KISS, dis KISS!! (i.e. most intimate of Acts I 1-10 "Thou art thou soul and body my Temple." saith He. Ever forgetting the genitals are ALSO the portal to the soul, not simply a path to the potty - making sex an act power and manipulation where nothing is special - would that we would treat our peepees and poopoos and ovaries and Gods chilluns wit mo ree-speck. Reclaim your virginity, renounce dysfunctions and mate with that one tru thing ASAP, ban Pornography (be tru 2 yore genders X+Y : ) and dancin yo baby cause thatall yool eva evva need. that 1 tru THING - and you will know it by itz KISS, yes my cybrethren, it is He who shall save thee, Yeah, and lo I AM CUM Come Come Away Come Back to that 1truTHANGchemistry. Amen. [NOTE: JSG - itz knot ah KISS if U caKnot release! und BELIEVE when the eyes close and then open the eye beyond YOUR eye AMEN then sweet soul you shalt know yore 1TRUthing! Butt U must! BELIEVE! your soul kisses your every touch and thought and passion KEEP IT TRUE AND PURE amen. and amen.]get it on againandagainandagainwitdat!truTHANG! God Damn! I said. I am that I AM. Goddamn! PS - Go be EXTREEE Nice! to your mother today, so somebodies mother with jackassess for spawn. (c) Jasper Mook CWG MMII Go U.S.A! Amen! |
Jasper Mook | PARDONmonamour,monamis [NOTE: "newtatdis"] "PS - Go be EXTREEE Nice! to your motherS today, OR somebodies mother with jackassess for spawn. (Look, just be nice to some old lady today and , well, U JUICE Kant Gogh Wong...und Amen." (c) Jasper Mook CWG MMII Go U.S.A! Amen! |