"No vim! Brrrrrr." That's how I feel about this month, marking
the onset of cold weather for this part of the world, the
first full month of the return to Daylight Losing Time.
And while I'm on the subject, doesn't it seem as if the official change of season dates are all off my about a month? December always feels Winterish to me, by March I'm looking for Spring, June has always fallen in "Summer Vacation" land, and September marks the start of the Fall semester...
But I digress. Somewhat fewer submissions last month but the quality remained high, as you can see with the Front Page Picks. This month the Blender reviews the movie Secretary, an
intriguingly dark romance that may or may not be playing at a theater near you.


thoughts on fading time.
- twinkle
Gentle, melancholy meditation.
Wild Orchid
Crescendo of Eyes
Two by B.K..
I think both are striking in their beautiful concluding lines.
The Worst Part
- Nonitta
New twist on an old cliché.
Rebut: I hate the way you...
- J. Knipp.
On the peeves that help demarcate our relationships.
my addiction
- secondhandsmoke
Interesting subject matter given the username...the thing is,
I think the opposite of the problem presented here can be a problem too.
flowers for me
- galadrial
Mmm, cynical clever.
Rain, October
- Liz
Après Mark, Le Déleuge.
36 days
- Savannah Haze
She says "I miss those nights parked in a field."
Within a Heart
- Ali
Sweet small work.
- Thomas Moore
Submitted by Kirk.
5 Lines from an early 19th-century Irish poet
- Cyan
Seems like a dangerous conversation for two married people to be having; in fact, it rings a little more like speculation than history.
everything i can't have
- rthoseflipflops
A terrific simplicity framed by uncertainty.
Diurnal Grappling
- Misti
A bit of an experimental piece, or at least not following the usual forms. Not the easiest to read, but with Misti's amazing eye (ear?) for detail that make it worth the effort.
- RennieLorca
Myself, I've never been moved by traditional lace and satin, but
works like this let me see what they mean to many people.
Harvest Moon
- Violet
Great work for showing the power of picking a simple structure.
I love the first and last lines.

Movie Review: Secretary
The world's first S/M date flick?

Heart on Sleeve Corner
more heartsongs sent to the Blender last month.
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