"Love is sometimes more than just blind."
--Jonathan Lethem, "Gun, With Occasional Music"

"It will make you feel young again" --The New Yorker
  < february 2006 >
Another Valentine's Issue of the Blender of Love Digest is here... the seventh, by my reckoning, though the Blender itself is well into its second decade.

I think it's great to have a day of Hearts and Candy. Commercialization, Shmercialization... selling out is the New Sincerity anyway.

This month we have a fun Blender Feature, the results of a little game on the Blender Board...Tongue Twisters to Tantalize and Titillate.

By the way, if you're a regular reader, why not come say Hi on the Blender Board? And of course, the Blender's main purpose is to be a place for people to send in their romantically themed works...it's a great place to get friendly feedback.

Another great month, so read and enjoy!
--Kirk, Blender-Keeper     


Moment of Truth - girlonthewing
Nicely sexually and emotionally charged piece.

Happy New Year 4703 or 4? - B.K.
You have to love the Edna St. Vincent Millay reference...

Your Letters Break My Heart - Star of David
I've kept a bunch of old letters, some from my "great romances", some from relationships that seem a bit foolish now. Sometimes I wonder what it will be that leads me to read them all again.

story of a sunday - chris
Great closing line.

Once Upon A Time...But Not Now - Jennifer
Turnabout can be fair play, I guess...

New Year's Thought - Kirk
Small, melancholy observation from 1/1/2006

High Horse - cryingshame58
Ballad for a Flyboy.

rainy day - ladyinwaiting
Right now all my rainy days get turned into black ice. Bleh, New England weather.

a silence solid enough to touch - aparajita
There are times when I realize it's a tragedy that I hardly ever get out to see the stars...I've noticed the Milky Way like only three or four times in my life.

the colors of you - darwin
Oils and watercolors...extravagent!

2 Weeks? I Can Live With That... - Irongirl
What melancholy lurks beneath an innocuous mouse pad?

Language - sassy
Love a gal with a penchant for puncuation.

what you want, i don't have - i'm just him
The burn of old heartbreak.

unnatural disasters - bob / lonesome_day01
"An apology to my oldest daughter..written 4 years ago when she was about to graduate high school"

It's Alright With Me - Cole Porter
Melancholy, but with a touch of lust

Post Post-modern Man - Devo
I hadn't heard the song before stumbling over first the interesting title, and then the great lyric.

The Goodbye - Marshall Hann / blessed23
Kind of a mixed message.

Blender Feature
Tongue Twisters to Tantalize and Titillate!

Heart on Sleeve Corner
86 more heartsongs sent to the Blender last month.

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