Maybe it's this diet, maybe it's this summer heat, maybe it's the odd placement of a month begining on a weekend, but something has made the Blender-Keeper awfully late with this month's issue.
But it was a solid month for works, as you can see from the highlights below. And for your snarky enjoyment (or pious warning), a review of T.A. Faulkner's 1892 warning tract, From the Ballroom to Hell.
As always, read and enjoy!


- DrunkenLobotomist
So far DrunkenLobotomist is 2/2 for front page picks... careful with that icepick, man!
Sugar In The Morning
- Unknown Homeless Gentleman
Submitted by Kirk.
A small quote about a famous song
Green Eye'd
- Ali
Don't it make your brown eyes blue. Err, green. And your dark hair red.
Sir Newtons Tennessee Cousin
- B.K.
Isaac Newton was amazing. A total freak, but I can't believe how back then scientists were already arguing about whether light was a particle or a wave. Astounding! I'm not sure what that has to do with B.K.'s poem, but that's the kind of tangental thinker I am.
Falling in Love= Gravity Works
- temmakrik et al. / briana kassia
An excerpt and link from an essay and conversation about love.
Postcard From the Road
- chris
Desert brothels... tawdry, tantalizing, both?
- rennielorca
If it wasn't about a truck it might be "car"ma. Nice to hear from Rennie again, it has been a while!
in the company of strangers
- darwin
Not the tale of storybook romance.
- angrykid
Savor the Savior.
- JD
"For G", nice use of detail.
- Abogada / Abogadalbny.
About the opening line, I'd just like to say.. "well, maybe, but the bars aren't helping matters much, are they?"
Inebriated Temptation
- softreign
IHNMCIJLS"swizzle stick" (huh?)
What a Book! : to Calvus the Poet
- Catullus / via goldflakes
Heheh... sometimes when I'm in the middle of a run of reviewing
works that prretty much just ain't "front page material", I can identify with this work's lines "Now what did I do and what did I say /
to be so badly cursed with poets?"

Blender Review
"From the Ballroom to Hell"... such dens of debauchery!

Heart on Sleeve Corner
more heartsongs sent to the Blender last month.
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