"Love is an act of endless forgiveness, a tender look which becomes a habit."
--Peter Ustinov

"It will make you feel young again" --The New Yorker
  < december 2004 >
Here comes the holiday season, and another issue of the Blender of Love Digest.
Current Blender Survey:
Who's treated you the best in love, and what did they do?
Your Response? / View Responses

And your [insert appropriate holiday here] gift is a terrific set of poetry and prose...a really excellent selection this month.

This month features a guest ramble by Gala, a musing on dealing with the holiday season while down on your romantic luck.

As always, Read and Enjoy!
--Kirk, Blender-Keeper     

Who knows how to make love stay? - Tom Robbins
Excerpts from "Still Life With Woodpecker"

hilltop on a cloudless night - Kirk
My humble attempt at emulating Robbins, a long time ago.

Breathe You
Two works by juan d'fule..."Monday" is especially lovely, but I can't resist the skinny dip reference in "Breathe You".

Chain of Thought - hollywoodfox
I love the closing five lines of this work.

giving it voice - galadrial
"Some people simply have a way with words" Galadrial wrote while describing this work...and as Steve Martin added, "and others...oh, uh, not have way, I guess."

my safe haven - darwin
Another fine little prose work. But either my tastes are simply changing, or NPR is overrated. A little. Do I need to hand in my offical token liberal/moderate card now?

Quote on one of my favorite words PASSION!
Two quots found by B.K., including this month's top of the page quote.

so we kiss - chris
Off the top of my head I can't remember a work that does as good of a job at painting a scene as this one does.

Heartbreak or Heartsongs - Ali
I'm running out of intelligent things to say, so I'll just say...remember that Looney Tune where Daffy dresses up as Pocahontas and says "Me Pocahontas love-um! ... marry, raise-um little 'poca-chips'!"? Weird what sticks in your head through all the years.

Closure - angieubaldo
I can never bring myself to delete stored email...

Holidays Equal Loneliness - ThoughtFull
Ugh...this piece on divorce and the holidays really hit home...

pointless - Lauren
Submitted by rthoseflipflops. Nice use of nine words.

What Matters - cryingshame58
Seven words now? What is this, "Name That Tune"?

intimate distance - Violet
Shades of "The Unbearable Lightness of Being".

Because They Killed the Bull of Heaven - Misti
No one has an eye for brand-dropping like Misi.

Fun With Dog Physics - jwb71913
Delightful playfulness in the content and use of rhymes.

Blender Ramble
Blue Christmas. "When All You Want Is Love For Christmas.", a guest ramble by Gala.

Heart on Sleeve Corner
185 more heartsongs sent to the Blender last month.

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