"Love is the difficult realization that something other than oneself is real."
--Iris Murdoch

"It will make you feel young again" --The New Yorker
  < may 2006 >
The weather in the Northeast USA is still less than inspiring yet there seems to be something about Spring that brings out the best in the 'Blender.
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Who's treated you the best in love, and what did they do?
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April was a simply fantastic month for works on the Blender of Love, and so the May issue gets to benefit from that. The blender makeover hasn't quite happened yet, but any month now...

Also, a small little Ramble by your humble Blender-Keeper about photos and previous romances, July 28 2003.

As always, read and enjoy!
--Kirk, Blender-Keeper     

You complete me- NOT! - JD
I can barely express how much I agree with the sentiment of this work. The title's a little dated but overall I think it's a very important idea to be expressed.

talk about confusion - lilla
I'm bowled over by the intense melancholy of this tiny piece.

Bike - DrunkenLobotomist
This work does a great job of setting a tone of uncertainty and implying its own backstory.

Road Song
A Mostly True Story
Two by chris...the first is what I think of as part of his desert series...the second is meant as a Hemingway parody but I think it works reall well. I really dug the ending of it.

Let Alone - Ali
"No glory in pretending Prometheus"...nice.

Kiss Kiss Wink - B.K.
Didn't really dig on this one til the final few lines.

Flake - Savannah Haze
A rather adult work, and rough, but one of the best told stories we've had in a while.

Good Friday III - briana kassia
A bump to i'm just him's Heaven Only to Me, but also a true story.

Better Than Celexa - Misti
"Parody of a parody"...in search of a happy ending.

The Pain of Us - Cyan
14 well-chosen words.

If it were - j. knipp
Who knew such poetry could be hiding in "HEFTY HEFTY HEFTY! wimpy wimpy wimpy"?

sugar free fudge bar - darwin
Sexy and sweet (but not syrup-y)

Containment - Irongirl
"What is it of flesh that holds the attention of men at any age? The unique areas with birthmarks, freckles and suntans."

James - sassy
Lovely tribute.

something to think about - i'm just him
Good opener.

(True)Lies - Abogada/abogadalbny
Lovely clever woman call of loneliness.

silent conversations - average philly chic
Another piece about lost potential.

Orchid - Sarah Elizabeth Hume/Sarah143
Sarah's work is almost too... scholarly? for my taste, but it's still some solid stuff.

untitled - j/green waves
Song of sex.

Ramble on Romance
July 28 2003, an unhappy little piece about some old photos.

Heart on Sleeve Corner
97 more heartsongs sent to the Blender last month.

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