* The Blender Board
From: Vandalarius
Date: 1 November 2001

I was woundering who wrote the poem about the person on stage. And how they enjoyed to see them on stage. I can't seem to find it and it is one I wish to read again. Anyone that can help it would be greatly apreciated.

From: B.K.
Date: 1 November 2001

Thanks to all who have mentioned my words lately. I have a family crisis going on and my poor brain has gone from awful cold to mix master. I promise I will be back to normal soon and read and comment.

Holly; Your question I can get carried away in ha

21 strawberries in a bowl along with dark choc to dip or not

21 rose petals on the bed

21 A book of the kama sutra marked with 21 of your favorite positions

21 Happy Birthdays or I Love You's in various sizes all around

21 kisses (this is my favorite one)


From: Stephen
Date: 1 November 2001

Vandalarius~~ Eh, could of been me. I was a major drama geek in highschool, and I wrote a couple poems about a girl I admired when she was acting...but that was a long time ago, and through my many many formats(windows sucks!), I probably lost them...only poem I recently made about theatre is Theatre Rat .. sorry I couldn't be much help.

From: Vandalarius
Date: 1 November 2001

Actually you are much help because that is the one I was looking for. Thanks, and I really enjoy that poem..

From: Jon
Date: 1 November 2001

Hi I have a simple question.

How can I get back to last months poems? Do I have to wait until the next issue comes out or is there a way to access last months poems?


From: Galadrial
Date: 1 November 2001

Damn Misti---

Got a weakness for micro pop---but only if it has the fake butter slime? None of that healthy crap please---junk food should be junky---or what's the goddamned point?

Also have tootsie rolls in FLAVORS...(Love the Vanilla)...and almond joys are premium....


From: Rhetoric
Date: 1 November 2001

Jon...if there is a specific author you want to read from last month - just click on thier name and thier entire works submitted will come up. If you just want to look around...well, you are going to have to wait til the issue.

Stephen -
I spin and fall
off the overdose of love you gave me..
Good shit man.! The first two lines have it.

Hang in there, B.K.
I always tell people I wouldn't have had a childhood if it weren't for family crisis!

Truelies...I LOVE The Bell Jar - great book choice!
deevaa - I also love Cornwell - If I could be Kay Scarpetta when I grow up....


From: Rhetoric
Date: 1 November 2001

Pretty dark stuff. Both your posts hint at something...I am just not sure what. Do you get your name from JIHAAD, the arabic word for Holy War of the Crusaders? I hope you find what you are looking for - that is if you know what that is.


From: hollymccormick
Date: 1 November 2001

Thank you all so much, some really great ideas.
B. K. I loved the Kuma Satra thing, (i'm sure he will too...)
Starbright's idea about the wearing the ribbons and that's all. I'm sure he'll like that.
Misti- Why didn't I think of the beers, thing? That is a great idea. He loves beer (Miller light)
And T.J. the 21 candles will set the mood perfectly.
Thank you all again!!!

From: TJ Holland
Date: 1 November 2001

Jon ~ if you want YOUR poems back, just post something else. That's what my "Getting It All Back" was all about...it wasn't actually a POEM! Heehehehee!

From: Darkwing
Date: 1 November 2001


I am not who you think I am...

and yes, it really *is* in the dumpster...


From: Just Some Girl
Date: 1 November 2001

What the hell is going on around here????

From: TJ Holland
Date: 1 November 2001

Just Some Girl ~ I think the best thing to do with entities unknown and full of bile is leave them be, don't you? Feed no flame and be not burned. Every once in a while the heads of malicious people are reared and it's best for those who aren't involved to turn away...


From: DarkWing
Date: 1 November 2001

~sigh~.....I just wanna keep my head down and read a bit of poetry.....

There are too many people here with multiple personalities, and I'm having a hard time keeping up. And there are too many people using this board for personal agendas, things which should have been kept in-house.

No longer feeding the trolls,

I am,


From: jill
Date: 1 November 2001

i don't think you could put into better words than "nothing"

From: Galadrial
Date: 1 November http://www

If this is ego tripping, too bad!

A poet at the Arcanum Cafe has his own site---his name is Michael Petti, and he is an astonishing;y good writer...so you could have knocked me over with a feather when he asked me to be his November featured poet...I said sure...

and this is what he came up with---Oh YIKES!

Pay it a visit, but I am so freaking....! Yes!

Love, Gala

From: Galadrial
Date: 1 November 2001

Rats...hyperlink did not work....

Sorry gang...cut and paste?


From: deevaa
Date: 1 November 2001

TJ - you don't actually need to post a poem, you can just click on your own name (or the name of the poet who wrote the poem you want) on the comments board, and there it all is.

Gala - way to go!

From: Rhetoric
Date: 1 November 2001

This Indian Summer must be driving us all batty. I know is has me on a rollercoaster.

Gala - Congrats...Sweeter is wonderful. I don't think I had ever read that one of yours. That is an interesting site.

Teej...Yep, I agree - best thing is to let it lie. Great advice!!!

Holly - you got some great ideas...what about hiding 21 little somethings (a combo of some of the other ideas or fave practical items - gum, chapstick, etc) around his apt. I know it isn't romantic - but if he uses certain things regularly, why not.

Just Some Girl - Oh, you can remit payment and pick up your fat, very spoiled, and slightly "slow" kitty at your convenience. She comes equipped with a brand new bag of food and a fresh litter box! I will throw in her flashlight..for when she is feeling spunky.


From: Echolocation
Date: 1 November 2001

Darkwing - so you thought jehad's latest was aimed at you? I must say that's a more comforting interpretation than mine: I was starting to wonder if it was some sort of coded terrorist message (jehad, evil-from-the-sky, etc etc etc). Guess I need not have notified the FBI after all! Give them my apologies, Kirk, when they show up at your door ;) (Of course, if it WASN'T aimed at you then maybe... nah!!)

From: Just Some Girl
Date: 1 November 2001

Have you spoken to your significant other about the pending kitty-adoption? I think he loves that furry thing! But hey...he can always get visitations!!!

From: Preciousprncss
Date: 1 November 2001

This comment is in regards to Soulmate? I used to think like that all of the time, so yes everybody ponders that at one point and time in their life. I no longer have to question about my soul mate because I found him :) and trust me, it is definately worth the wait. We have started our own little family and everything... I couldn't be happier... :) Just be patient..... Again, definatly loved the poem.... Preciousprncss

From: Preciousprncss
Date: 1 November 2001

What is love was great! It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside thinking about what true love is... it's poems like yours that reminds me of what I have and why I still have it.... because it IS love :)

From: Jasmine_77
Date: 1 November 2001

this is to b.k. I loved the latest poem you wrote. I read another one from a while ago and I liked it too. You are really talented.


From: Jasmine_77
Date: 1 November 2001

thanks for the compliment I read "touching souls" and it's almost just like moon bathing. It's crazy but I really like it.


From: Stephen
Date: 1 November 2001

Tangerine~~ The Bin Laden thing was pretty funny.. but I wanted to comment on a few things... Like the line where it says he's a coward. Our presidents don't grab a Ak-47 or jump into a F-16 and go shootin' over enemy lines. All current day leaders are cowards, if you think about it. Also... Kinda funny how the world only looks at things that happened to them in particular... The united states bombs the hell out of many many places, killing thousands of people... innocent people. Take Panama.. I Don't know the exact reason, but I do know we bombed the hell out of it around 10 years ago... Killing around 7000 people sitting in their beds in the middle of the night. It's all a matter of perspective, I suppose. Yea what happened to us was terrible, but you gotta look at things in the perspective of everyone. Everyone has "good" reasons for doing things.
We shouldn't worry too much about things any ways. Curious George is already goin' ape shit, and there is nothing we really could do to change it. (If we wanted too.. heh)

From: deevaa
Date: 1 November 2001

I'm most likely going to get jumped on, but can we not talk about the 'war against terrorism' here.

This site has been the one and only place that I don't get constantly reminded -- if you are going to write or post a romance related piece with regards to events surrounding Sept 11th then please do, I (personally) don't think the Bin Larden thing was appropriate for this site.

... I wasn't going to mention it, but since Stephan brought it up....

From: DarkWing
Date: 1 November 2001


Yes, I'm fairly certain it was about me. Not to worry...no need to call the FBI...~snicker~...

Now, back to your regularly scheduled poetry hour...


From: jackryhme
Date: 1 November 2001

i find i have to really agree with you Deevaa, there are too many opinions out there on the subject of bin ladin infact every one has one that differs... and far too easy to hurt another's feelings with those, no matter how well thought out, we have many people here of all walks of life and a number not from the states as well so please on this subject can we have an end?

From: deevaa
Date: 1 November 2001

Violet I have 'the pilot's wife' beside my bed to read, I haven't started it yet... have heard good things though. My sister-in-law gave it to me saying "oh, you'll LOVE this" which usually puts me off big time!

I've just got done with Chocolat by Joanna Harris and La Cucina by Lily Prior... the first was good, the 2nd had its moments but was abit 'chatty' for me... they both had plenty of romance.

From: scqueen
Date: 1 November 2001

Dee ~ I liked 'The Pilot's Wife'- but get ready to question every man on earth after reading it! Makes you aware of the possiblity of those leading 'double lives'...but it is a page turner!

From: Preciousprncss
Date: 2 November 2001

I am new to the Blender... so if somebody could read one or two of my poems and let me know what you all think, I would greatly appreciate it. pleasure the fine line..... sigh.......

From: Preciousprncss
Date: 2 November 2001

I would really like to hear the comments on "sigh".... thanks.. alc

From: Preciousprncss
Date: 2 November 2001

Has anybody ever loved someone else so much that it hurt? WOW!! I've been with my guy for almost 2 years... we have a daughter together... I love him more than anything, but I am still longing.... I want to be his wife. I want to hold the title for the job I already fulfill. Is that selfish, is that wrong? I personally don't think it is. We are supposedly just waiting until we become more financially stable, but it's DRIVING ME CRAZY!!! How do I cope with it? Any advice???? I really love the Blender, by the way.. =) This web site has helped me out more than anyone will ever know.. I can release all of my built-up frustrations and then talk about my romantic life.... this is just an awesome site and everyone here really knows how to write... it's like you people put my feelings into words... that is truely a gift :)

From: Violet
Date: 2 November 2001

Dee~ The Pilot's Wife really is great! And I agree with what you said about the Bin Laden thing. I get it everyday... so nice to escape from it here. This sight is for romance related works.

From: BlueDenim
Date: 2 November 2001


I don't know what musical tastes you have, but your poem Pleasure, definitely reminded me of two bands. One is Nine Inch Nails, the song Eraser, in which part of the lyrics are: lose me hate me smash me erase me--similar format.
The other band is an older band called King Crimson, the song The Ladies of the Road, lyrics are: would you like to taste her, and even crave the flavor.

That's all I really had to say

From: BlueDenim
Date: 2 November 2001

maybe part of the reason you wrote the moon poems is because it was just a full moon, and a blue moon at that.

From: Tangerine
Date: 2 November 2001

To Stephen, Deeva, and Jackrhyme ~

I do believe you are right that the Bin Laden thing has been over done, and I apologize for having put it here. Many of the other sites that I write on, have special categories just for the 911-America thing.
I had second thoughts about putting it here, and should have listened to my gut feelings. I don't even side with thoughts of the last bin laden poem that I submitted .... just thought it was humorous and wanted to share. I personally don't believe in revenge.... as everything has a purpose and fulfillment, which I belive is in the hands of a higher power.

This is a romance and love sight, and we should use it as a refuge from the world's problems.
And I also agree, that all the countries, including the U.S., have their shameful horrors to account for.
Again, I apologize, and hope that Kirk deletes all reminders of the ugly sides of life.


From: jackryhme
Date: 2 November 2001

and to think...some people wonder why we love this site , ROCK ON all

From: B.K.
Date: 2 November 2001

jasmine; Thank you for your comments, I like your moon poems as I am quite partial to the moon and stars. My favortie poems are ones about kissing.. ha

preciousprnces; welcome to the blender. It's a wonderful place to write

jehad; ha pretty obvious who that one was for

It's dangerous to get my Red White and Blue blood boiling (speaking of heathen fundamentalist terrorist slime) so best if we speak love and romance here ha ha instead of poor, brainwashed,left handed motherless sons of swine, wound up like coo coo clocks and aimed at us.


From: B.K.
Date: 2 November 2001

Misti; "Beguiling by 12" is one incredible ride. WOW, that one is one of my fav's of yours lately. Bravo woman!

Dark Wing; yes jehads poem was for you and my last comment was not about either of you..ha it was about all the other comments about the situation..ha

My last poem I blew the ending to. It's in rewrites now..ha My Hero (sigh, yes he is)


From: B.K.
Date: 2 November 2001

Kirk; Another half million hits as of today! WOW!! This Place ROCKS is right Jack!

bk (sigh, I love you guys)

From: Violet
Date: 2 November 2001

Misti~ Beguiling By Age 12 is really great! I'm very impressed. I always like your work. :-)

From: Misti
Date: 2 November 2001

BK and Violet~
Thanks for the compliments on my latest mania inspired poem. I'm trying to put together a decent body of work for the chapbook contest.
...I'm in bad shape. Two hours to go 'til lunch and I am craving Chicken McNuggets with barbecue sauce. I've been eating those nutritious morsels almost everyday for the past week. Richard Simmons would be dismayed!

From: Rhetoric
Date: 2 November 2001

Misti - Beguiling By Age 12 is amazing. I love it! Your entry was the first I clicked on today and I just had to rush right over to the board and comment. Very Ginsberg to me...have you ever read his piece "A Supermarket in California" - it has the same kinda feel as your newest. This is what I wish my more "stream of consciousness" stuff could sound like. Very, very well done.
Also - I found the words for the writers challenge, finally. Are these the same you got today?
frantic silky verbena bumpy sprint sparingly backwards
fuchsia simmer pancake? Thanks for the help.

Have a great day all.

From: Just Some Girl
Date: 2 November 2001


I loved "To Start My Day." Try banana pancakes!!

From: Echolocation
Date: 2 November 2001

Rhetoric/Misti -- where do you guys go for these writer's challenge things? I'd like to take a shot at them too...

From: Galadrial
Date: 2 November 2001

to the geek who screwed with the subs....

Seriously stupid. Not Amusing, and I hope Kirk follows your trail asshole....


From: Kirk, blender-keeper
Date: 2 November 2001

Ok, I'm looking to get things cleaned up now.

Does it seem like things are missing, replaced by blanks, or just blanks inserted?

From: Kirk, blender-keeper
Date: 2 November 2001


That problem cleaned up easily. I'm not sure if it was maliousness, someone being stupid, or even a bug in a script of mine.

I tried playing with a script or two, seeing if there was some obvious way to duplicate the effect, but I couldn't find it.

It doesn't look like works were lost, just judging by the number.

I'm a little more suspicious about this than I would be otherwise, since twice in the past few days my Blender-Keeper password has been mailed to me, as if someone hoped my password mailing system would mail it to their address.

I'm making my own backup of the site now. My webhost does some, but I should be keeping up with it more than I am.

From: Kirk, blender-keeper
Date: 2 November 2001

Oh, and I should say, if you see a post her that seems to be from me but it doesn't sound like me, drop me some e-mail.

From: Misti
Date: 2 November 2001

Wow, thank you! Yes, I found the list this morning. I did a short blog using those words. I might be inspired to make a poem out of the list later. I'm glad you found it!

From: Misti
Date: 2 November 2001

Go to http://www.projectgreenlight.com on Friday mornings until about noon. Click on "community" and then "message boards." You'll need a user name and password. Then click on the first forum, the basic projectgreenlight forum. You'll find the writer's challenge thread there. Have fun!
Since Rhet just posted the list on the Board, anyone who is interested should try the challenge out. Any takers? Gala? Michael? Violet? BK?

From: B.K.
Date: 3 November 2001

Hey Misti; this is a lot harder than it looks. Ha I will get it yet though..ha

Little Blue Man; I don't know you or your brother but I have heard rummors. Good Luck to you.


From: deevaa
Date: 3 November 2001

Violet, Squeen, I guess i have to start reading that damn book now. LOL.

and I went and checked out Gala's feature spot, (she posted the URL further up the board)... if you haven't already been, go now... it looks stunning, the whole site over all is lovely.


From: TJ Holland
Date: 3 November 2001

Ya, I have to say, "The Pilot's Wife" is definately a good book. I read it about 3 months ago. Man, let me tell ya, whoever said you'll never look at your mate the same way was right. (But then, I went through that "Oh, so you have a double life" thang a while back, so it was even more to the point than it would have been otherwise.) And while I was reading the book, I kept thinking, "OMG! What ELSE can happen?" And then something else DOES happen that just blows you away. LOL! I was almost at the end of the book when it took a turn and seemed that it would need another 100 pages to work through it!

And Gala...congrats!! I checked out that link and you were very well presented! Proud of ya, wench!


From: Galadrial
Date: 3 November 2001

Thanks TJ...

And Misti---

I'll give it a whirl sometime---but my heart isn't in it at the moment. Last year I went nuts preparing a chapbook---and not only lost, but lost to a subliterate moron on a suicidal stream of conciousness bend...


From: Rhetoric
Date: 3 November 2001

Blue song...
Wow...your writers challenge submission makes me wish I never posted mine. I wish I had put more effort...
I think that I tried to get them all in as few sentences as possible...you however, took your time and mapped out a scenario. Well Done

From: scqueen
Date: 3 November 2001

Blue Song ~ frantic silky verbena bumpy sprint sparingly backwards ... anyone? I love it!!!!!!!!!!
Now that took talent.

From: Blue Song
Date: 3 November 2001

Ah thanks Rhetoric and Scqueen ... lol... I take it, I done got da words right?

From: scqueen
Date: 3 November 2001

Yep, you done did.

From: Misti
Date: 3 November 2001

Congrats on being the Featured Poet! I just checked it out and was very impressed. As for the chapbook contest, I'm sorry to hear you don't feel like entering but that'll just make it that much easier for me to win or at least place! The winner of last year's contest is a truly phenomenal writer, a hard act to follow.

It's weird...I've submitted hundreds of poems to the Blender these past three and a half years, but when I read my old poems I feel like I don't really have a decent body of work. There are maybe twenty poems that I feel really, really good about. But I'm still young. I've only been writing for ten years (the Snoopy diary and Queen Velvet and King Matthew stories don't count)...around eighty, maybe I'll be bombastic. The thing is, I have to write. It's how I get through.

I'm glad to see takers for the challenge. Now I'm going to give it a go. Hope everyone is enjoying their Saturday. Last night I started watching "Pollock," which I bought for ten bucks at Hollywood Video. It's the best movie I've seen in a long time.

From: scqueen
Date: 3 November 2001

Hey Kirk ~ I just read the blog about your car. You don't know how in style you are! I think you should paint a big eye on the side... Then you'd be right in sync with the new Pixar movie, 'Monsters, Inc.' :-)

From: Rhetoric
Date: 3 November 2001

Damn Misti!!!
Let me reinforce what I said in my email - you are an amazing writer. You captured that movie (possibly the man as well) in so few words - yet there is so much vivid context to be absorbed still. Isn't Ed Harris wonderful? Since The Right Stuff, I have thought him one of our greatest actors. Some of you Blenderites must get your water from a different well than me - could you send me some?

From: Ali
Date: 3 November 2001


I like Jackson Pollack's work...*smile*...Great poem...=)

Love and sparkling moonlight, Ali

From: Galadrial
Date: 3 November 2001

Know what you mean Misti---when I was working on my chapbook last year, I was little horrified when I saw how much was love poetry...(I mean I LIKE love poetry, but editors don't take it seriously...) Turns out I had just enough to make the entry---with all the stuff I write??

Good luck girl...fingers crossed!


From: MichaelT()
Date: 3 November 2001

Misti ~ Thanks for the compliment of thinking I'm up to the challenge -- but that's not what I'm after at the moment. I did go to the website though. Didn't find the thread.

Gala~ Congrats! Very sensual works..

From: Violet
Date: 4 November 2001

Hey Everyone! Since this is a sight related to love... I just wanted to scream out loud about how happy I am.... I just got ENGAGED to the most wonderful man on earth (Pepper ;-) and I cannot contain my happiness!
*Big Huge Grin* Thank's for listening!

From: Galadrial
Date: 4 November 2001

Congratulations Vi---

Much Luck, Much love...and happiness always...The blender has hosted some amazing pairings...and I wish you all the best!


From: Ali
Date: 4 November 2001


That's so awesome!!! Congrats!! *big smile* Yay!

Love and glimmering sunshine, Ali

From: Kirk
Date: 4 November 2001

B.K...wow I didn't notice you had caught the meter going to a million and a half. Let's see, looks like we hit the first million in October of last year. That means it took 4 1/2 years for the first million frontpage hits, and just over a year for an additional half million. I haven't run more numbers, but based on the submissions count I think we've leveled off somewhat, which isn't an all bad thing.

scqueen, about that car, and more specifically that one eyed monster... did you see http://kisrael.com/viewblog.cgi?date=2001.07.20 where I talk about how much that monster looks like my own alien bill? ( http://alienbill.com ) I also point out how much alien bill looks like the monsters from "Awful Green Things from Outer Space", an older board game. Alien bill added arms, and Monster, Inc added a mouth.

November blender out soon.

From: scqueen
Date: 4 November 2001

Kirk ~ I didn't see that blog from July. But I do like your car :-) Much better than this:

I inherited a 1976 Yellow GMC Pacer as my first car in college. I have never ever lived it down. It looked like a fishbowl and had many a nickname...

From: Preciousprncss
Date: 4 November 2001

Thanks for replying.... you were the only member from the bblender to even read and reply. As far as musical tastes go, I have heard of NIN, but never listened to them and I have never even heard of the other band you were talking about. I usually listen to pop, rap, sometimes country... but never hard core rock..... thanks for checking out my work.....

To everyone else at the blender, can someone please read something I submitted and comment on it..... I am new at the blender and if you guys like me I'll stay, but if not I can go..... thanks, alc

From: Echolocation
Date: 4 November 2001

Preciousprncss -- Re your comment about "if you guys don't like me I'll go." You may not see a lot of comments until you've posted for a while, but don't be discouraged by that -- after all, it's easier to make an intelligent comment about someone's work after you've seen a lot of it! But since you want some feedback now -- I thought sigh....... showed a lot of emotion; I like the part at the end about "somewhere inside there must be the real me". Is this piece autobiographical? It reminds me of another quote from a teenage mother about her baby: "When she was born, it felt like everything I loved about being young was being ripped out of me."

Misti -- loved Beguiling By Age 12 -- wish I could do these stream-of-consciousness kind of things. Mine all come out sounding like a bad imitation-Dali painting: very weird stuff with no meaning at all...

Charade -- Love is Blind is lovely -- reminds me of my grandparents, 82 years old but when he looks at her I can tell he still sees the young girl he married sixty years ago...

Gala -- Love is Blind -- amazing, the power of one single word to change everything

Kirk, hurry up and get the November issue out so we can get to last month's submissions! There was a poem posted last month I want to comment on and I can't remember who wrote it. Thanks!

From: Echolocation
Date: 4 November 2001

Gala - sorry - that was meant to be a comment on your again. Drat that copy/paste thing!

From: TJ Holland
Date: 4 November 2001

To Preciousprncss

In response to your comment...I'm sure others have read your comments and poems besides one person. I did. Thing is, like someone said, you'll not always get comments, even though the stuff is good. Try not to see this place as a source of compliments and attention (although that may happen) think more of it as a place to release and expand. It's a bad idea to like a site, but leave it just because people may not like you or your stuff. I was just telling a friend last night, I don't understand why people look on the net for love or acceptance and why they get emotionally involved with people they've never met. I'm sure I'll get a bunch of flak for this, but man...it's weird that people become so high maitenance and they don't even know the people they're demanding from.

Wow...I gotta go back to bed.

Ah well, I just woke up and am a grumpy

To everyone else at the blender, can someone please read something I submitted and comment on it..... I am new at the blender and if you guys like me I'll stay, but if not I can go..... thanks, alc

From: TJ Holland
Date: 4 November 2001

man, that was weird...my message was all garbled. hmmm....what's up?

From: sweetness
Date: 4 November 2001

I did read "Sigh" and I have to tell you it sounds like ME a few years ago when my daughter was a baby....you do give up a huge part of yourself to these little people, but they enrich your life ten times over....you will know love in a capacity you have never experienced before. For your child, for your man and ultiamtely, for yourself. So hang in there.

I really enjoy reading everyone's work...I've only posted a few here, but you guys inspire ME to keep creating.

From: Galadrial
Date: 4 November 2001


Fishing for compliments can backfire...being snide pretty much can finish you off.I'm just a reg here, but I think you'll find TJ was pretty much on the money. And for what's it's worth, Two things influence if i comment at all---the title of the piece---and the author's name...I don't have to know someone to be interested...but i never respond to tantrums...

Just my spin...

From: frozencharlotte
Date: 4 November 2001


From: Kirk, Blender-Keeper
Date: 4 November 2001

November Blender is here

From: Ali
Date: 4 November 2001

Congrats to all the front pagers!!!!! A most excellent front page this month...*smile*

Love and shimmering sunlight, Ali

From: jackryhme
Date: 4 November 2001

congrats to all the front pagers and kirk for his picks!!!

and lol Lady Gala, you did make comments about me trying to leave a long while ago... if i remember ..

From: Rhetoric
Date: 4 November 2001

Violet & Pepper ~
Wow, WOW, wow...congrats from Rhet. I have been reading your romance for a couple months now here at the Blender and I am so glad you two Oregonians are going legit! Many wishes of good health and happiness to you both and your families. You snagged your Birk man, didn't you Violet?
BTW - way to go on 2 front page picks. You are such a gem to have around with all your happiness and glee.

scqueen, Ali, Stephen, and Starbright,
your entries today are very well written.
scqueen - sweet, yet naughty, wrapped into one lick!
Stephen - I thought D&D was big in the 80's..is it still around?
Ali - great poem...packed full of potent similies.
B.K. - I like your entry with the contest words...steamy!


From: Ali
Date: 4 November 2001


Thank you kindly...*smile*...Glad that you liked...=)

Love and shimmering sunlight, Ali

From: B.K.
Date: 4 November 2001

Kirk; Thanks so much for the pick and for the wonderful place to write. With all it's strange happenings, this is the place I love to come (just to see what's going to happen next ha) I know, sometimes I am guilty of making it happen as well ha, but I was thinking, we are like one big family, we fight and make up and have bullies prey upon us that we vanquish in the name of LOVE.(and a lot of sarcasm) But hey, what is family for. You had best start planning Kirk, cause when we hit 2 million we are all coming to your house for the party. HA!

Rhet Darlin; You are a delight here you know, you give us such encouragement and I can always depend on you for a big smile one way or another and best of all your poetry makes for great reading.

SCQueen: The Keeper of My Mother's Bookcase is beautiful. What a lovely toast.

To all the Front Pagers, Bravo! Keep em coming!


From: blue sky to your clouds
Date: 5 November 2001

Ali~ WOW! I really loved The Fire Rises. Very Nice.

From: Ali
Date: 5 November 2001


Thank you very much girl! *smile* Thanks!!!

Love and falling leaves, Ali

From: Rhetoric
Date: 5 November 2001

SweetBeene ~
Aw, shucks! You are so very kind. Great words to read on a Monday. Thank you kindly. I love how you call me Darlin...it has this familial ring to it that I just love - like we have known each other for years!


From: Violet
Date: 5 November 2001

Sweetness~ Jason Was great! :-)

From: Violet
Date: 5 November 2001

And hey Gala, Ali, and Rhet~ Thanks for the tidings of happiness! :-) You guys are great. ;-)

From: sweetness
Date: 5 November 2001

Violet...thanks so much for the notice....I went back and read all of your stuff and I have to say, you are great....you really strike a chord emotionally.

From: TJ Holland
Date: 6 November 2001

Jasmine ~ I really enjoyed HIS EYES. It captures the depth and fleeting essence of profound love.

Sweetness ~ Tonight was too sad for words. I have asked for the same things.

Misti ~ Beguiling By Age 12 was very well done. Made me think too many things.

Gala ~ I empathize with again. I have never wanted to be seen that way, and it's so hard to always be the lover, and not the wife, isn't it?

Anyway, you guys are all so inspiring! And huge KUDOS to all the Front Pager's!!! Well deserved!


From: Rhetoric
Date: 6 November 2001

Teej ~

I, Icarus is fascinating! I love the reference. Wow. I Have Elected Grief , Falling Through Walls , and Oedipus Cried, Jocasta Died , are all favorites of mine that you have posted...but this new one is equally moving.


From: Preciousprncss
Date: 6 November 2001

Galadrial and TJ
I think you misunderstood me.... I wasn't fishing for compliments.... I just wanted to know what you all really thought because I don't write much. I appreciate your honesty and all, but I didn't mean it the way you took it. I just wanted honest feedback.

To the blender
Thank you to everyone who replied... I appreciate some honest feedback. Life gets in the way sometimes and I feel like this is the perfect place to escape. :)

From: Violet
Date: 6 November 2001

Gala~ Look here, Mr. Beefy.... made me laugh. :-)

From: TJ Holland
Date: 6 November 2001

Preciousprncss ~ Sure. That's cool. Um...hope you enjoy the Blender and get what you need from it.

Rhet ~ Love ya girl! Thanks. ...hey, you ARE a girl aren't you? LOL!


From: lill_hugz
Date: 6 November 2001

Hey....ever feel like we are combine into this big ball of inspiration. Ah..maybe it's just the coffee that's going to stunt my petite little body that's talking. Hmm..well I'd love to get some opinions on my writing negative or positive. thatlittleasiandoll - thanx

From: Echolocation
Date: 6 November 2001

Aha, Nov Blender Digest is out -- now I can look up that one from last month I wanted to mention. Turns out it was yours, T.J.! Nepenthe is a jewel, thanks for putting into words what I've thought incoherently many times.

From: deevaa
Date: 7 November 2001

Kiwi girl.... *does the deevaa dance* ya for you... yay for him.... yay yay yay!

From: Jon
Date: 7 November 2001

Hey littleasiangirl,

I loved "For You", I thought it was very touching.

From: Devin
Date: 7 November 2001


You are on a roll woman!! you are my hero!


P.S. Great Issue this month Kirk, well deserved recognition for excellent works.

From: sweetness
Date: 7 November 2001

Snow.....I really liked "Just Breathe..." very sensual!

From: Rhetoric
Date: 7 November 2001

Hi Dee Ho, Neighbors!

TJ...Spartan is wonderful... you are really letting me feel this one. Page's Autumn's Ocean is great - thanks for sharing him with us. And yes, last time I checked - I was a girl - although I don't like anyone to know!! LOL!

The Princess and the Warrior is a great film Blenderites for those of you who haven't seen it yet - do so. It is in German and directed by Tom Tykwer, the same of Run Lola Run, and it was wonderful. The ending was a bit corny - but the rest of the movie will have you freaked out by how crazy these characters seem to be!

Just Some Girl ... his name is Benno Furmann and he is only 3 years older than me!! He looked older to me. He has lots of movies under his belt, so we can start at the top!!
Good Times...


From: Rhetoric
Date: 7 November 2001

Kirk -
Kiko is quite the interesting educator...wouldn't you agree? I mean, she has beauty coupled with an amazing talent to design a much-needed tool to help ALL people in this world. Dare I say that she is a humanitarian for all!? I am shocked that someone hasn't patented her device. Thanks for this link! Folks, if you ain't reading kisrael.com - you should be!

From: Kirk
Date: 7 November 2001

Thanks for the plug rhetoric...I work to keep kisrael.com interesting, despite my habit of posting my old t-shirt collection there ;-)

For people here today (the seventh's) link is rated PG-13/R, but it's pretty funny in a raunchy kind of way...

From: kevin urenda
Date: 7 November 2001


LOL @ link!

I'm scurrying around this week preparing for a feast this weekend (in-laws' Golden Anniversary), but I am loving the works of November... very much...

From: kevin urenda
Date: 7 November 2001

oh, and new survey question!

BTW, Kirk, the stories are what make the t-shirts interesting...

From: Violet
Date: 7 November 2001

Rhet~ Reconciliation (Part I)... OOH! I can't wait for PartII!! There will be a PartII won't there? Oh the joy of amazing poetry! :-)

From: deevaa
Date: 7 November 2001

oh man, my butt kissing never works.... damn the fact I can't spell, damn it all to hell!

From: deevaa
Date: 7 November 2001

oh, has anyone got any of the blender mugs yet?? I'm thinking of putting together a 'deevaa' art mug, with a painting and my URL on it ....

From: scqueen
Date: 7 November 2001

Oh, Dee! Please!! Can I have a say in which ones I would like to see on a mug??? That would be so cool. I love my Blender mug. And my coffee :-)

From: scqueen
Date: 7 November 2001

Oh, I knew you would agree :-) So my suggestions are:

1) 'Forget Me Not' with the image and those 3 words, as well as September 11, 2001. That way we could all share your wonderful contribution.

2)With the buyer's permission, I also think 'Diva' and 'Golden Glow' (for the blondes in the audience)are two that would look great on a mug.

3)And I do like 'Love in Peace' as well.

And could you hurry up with the images on your site from 2000??? I want to seeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!

From: Just Some Girl
Date: 7 November 2001

Thanks for the word on "He the Beautiful."

I thought your latest was very sad. "Reconciliation (Part I)" made me worry!! Should I be worrying????? You did call it "Reconciliation," though, didn't you?

Who is Willow 24? Are you trying some funny stuff??? 'Fess up!!

From: Galadrial
Date: 7 November 2001

And a welcome to Snow...

You have a real gift...and welcome to the Blender...


From: Rhetoric
Date: 7 November 2001

Violet ~
Yes all is fine with me - THANK YOU so much for asking...times are rough for everyone - except you ...you fiancee!!! Thanks for the comment on Part I...I do hope to write a MUCH improved Part II. We will just have to see.

Just Some Girl ~
Willow? No clue - honestly. We are sitting here trying to figure out what you mean. Did you happen to see Mr. Wonderful's newest name. Oh, how sweet he is to bring everyone into the mix. Go to the survey and it will hit ya. I really did think that he was gone from here...but then again, he is a persistant fellow, huh?

Derelict Daisy/Blonde Victim/One Nut Jim ~
Great Websites...you rock!! I will be sure to look at each and every one!


From: SN0W
Date: 7 November 2001

sweetness, thank you for the nice comment.

Gala, appreciate the warm welcome
thank you...

From: Inversion
Date: 8 November 2001

Hazel Vision is a great shot of emotion. Thanks for sharing.


From: deevaa
Date: 8 November 2001

OK, squeen, since you got so excited, I had a little play about, using the images I get most comments on.

If anyone else is interested with product different to what I've made, let me know, I can change things...


From: Rhetoric
Date: 8 November 2001

B.K. ~
You newest, Erotic Pink Think, probably isn't supposed to make me laugh...but it did. The band XTC has a song called Pink Thing...and when I saw your entry, I couldn't get that song out of my mind. Have you heard the song? Well, I do like your poem...even if it does remind me of a "pink thing". Sorry, smut has gotten the best of me this morning!

Darlin Rhet

From: B.K.
Date: 8 November 2001

Rhet Darlin; I meant it to be funny. You picked up my exact thoughts. No, haven't heard that group, just trying to keep a smile on the most wonderful man's face. He's My Hero, in a horrible foreign country fighting to keep our Freedom.

I haven't had time to read much you all, I just post and run lately but I promise to come back and comment soon. Keep up all the good work and know I love you all.


From: Rhetoric
Date: 8 November 2001

Derelict Daisy, Blonde Victim, etc ~
www.hypnotic.com (register and watch "Tokyo Breakfast")
Tokyo Breakfast - interesting. I am concerned about the cultural significance? Either you have a varied sense of humor or your are way off target in what constitutes quality cinematic endeavors. I am just not sure about you.


From: Just Some Girl
Date: 8 November 2001


Wow. So sad...but powerful was your letter.

From: B.K.
Date: 8 November 2001

Harem and Any Others that feel the same; You know, you try way to hard and go way overboard. I do too at times so I recognize the symptoms HA. But here's what I think about it. Go a bit slower, don't fill the boards with five and six poems a day. Take it slow let everyone get to know you slowly. Don't beg or whine and hold back a bit, for god sakes have some pride quit telling us what to do or what to like or not like. I know I do a lot of belly flops, but I just get over the sting and come up and try something different..HA I really could care less who likes or does not like my writing or me for that matter, I do it for me and for him. He never comments on which ones he likes or does not like and do you think I ever ask? If he says anything I beam, if nothing, I just try harder or find a different way to go. But beg, only for him to say hes ok. Just buck up woman, quit whining and try something different. As for cliques, ha, we all take shots at one another and get mad but we know that it's like everything else, it changes with the moons phases and the PMS will go away. Even Jack admits to PMS..HA Right Jack. HA (so watch now everyone will post six poems each and stick their fingers up at me..ha ha ha right Misti. HA (We love this place or we would not keep coming here.)Sigh.


From: Rhosymedre
Date: 8 November 2001

Hello to Blenderites. I am new to the board, but not new to the site. I have been visiting for some time and hope to gain enough courage to post soon. Thank you for a lovely opportunity and great poetry! Rhos

From: TJ Holland
Date: 8 November 2001

Harem/Tangerine/Charade/Taboo/BettyBoop et al ~

People should try to be themselves while at the same time try to display a large portion of public decorum. Part of being 'liked and accepted' is to pay attention to the reaction we cause in other people. Their reactions to what we say, do , write, etc. and adjusting ourselves to make people as comfortable with us as possible (if that is our goal), while still retaining our personality. Sometimes it's not possible to do that, so you find new friends, join new groups, and hope you find people that suit you better. One can't blame the individual or group for not accepting a person as they've presented themself, only adapt or relocate. The important thing is...listen, learn, and understand. Perhaps you've misunderstood a few things (such as the Blender Keeper's comments and that of some others). Regardless, keep in mind that this is a virtual community, and the opinions expressed here should have little bearing on your ultimate choices. That is one of the very few positive aspects of internet involvement...you don't have to 'take it with you'.

For what it's worth...

From: TJ Holland
Date: 8 November 2001

bp ~ WOW! Passion's Dancewas incredibly arousing! Please sir, may I have another?

From: Kirk
Date: 8 November 2001

Guys, please keep blender metadiscussion on the board, not as new poetry? (Nuthin' Personal, Tangerine, but I Am Not Alone isn't much of a poem or prose work...) Though I do appreciate the view people have of the blender, namely the quote from Tex, the talk needs to stay on the 'board.

And I'm surprised you see the board as so hostile. It's rare to see negative comments on poetry, or even constructive criticism, usually poems that don't strike a chord are ignored. And while there's the intermitent feud, most people are very friendly and supportive here. As far as I can tell.

From: ~Harem~
Date: 8 November 2001

I did not come here for acceptance or love.
I have plenty of that from my family, friends, and fiancee.
I also have plenty of that from within myself, and my higher power.
But, staying where the atmosphere is negative and gloomy is not good for anyone with a very positive and happy aura.
The blender served its purpose in my life, for the time that I needed it. I have outgrown it.
I have also learned, as you put it.... that negativity due to personality conflicts or whatever is best avoided....
Changing ones way or style of writing to soothe the jealousy of others, or to appease their anger, is not my idea of true writing with fulfillment of soul.
a GOOD EXAMPLE of what I am trying to say is :::
My short story, "Slow Comfortable Screw", has had tremendous reviews on two other sights. It is already at the top ten after only one week of reviews. And yet one of the readers, a man named David, sent an e-mail to me asking me to change the name of this work, because he is offended by it. I spoke to the owners of the site, who told me that to change the name would ruin the whole effect of the story.
I just ignore him..... everyone else likes it....
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
I vibrate on a different level than most of the people who are irritated by my presence....
I have found new sites to write at, and so I have outgrown my need for the blender...
I cannot be creative under stressful circumstances or negative feelings. I am not alone in those feelings about this place - see for yourself below :

A final tribute to the blender can be read at XANGA under
Tex_69 under his September 26, 2001 entry.... where he wrote :

Go to http://www.loveblender.com for the best love poetry in the universe.
It will astound you. You may even find your true love there. Don't go on the Board, though.
The Blender regulars will chew you up and spew you out.
They're a vicious lot. The ringleader seems to be some chic who calls herself "Gala"---
she bitches about nada, and her poetry isn't that enticing.
But there is some real promise there. I promise.

Evidently Tex felt a negative aura here as well......
I am not alone.....


From: Galadrial
Date: 8 November 2001


Please in the future keep your mitts off my name. You are no sterling exmaple of female virtue yourself ducks.


From: B.K.
Date: 8 November 2001

Gala; Woman I don't know about you..ha The power of words, what can I tell you..ha If poor ole tex only knew what a real terrorist you are he'd be in shock, but we won't tell him right...NA

Hey Tex: It's TJ that will bite your head off and have you for breakfast and Misti will do a Tex Mex dance on your poor spine and there's always SCQueen, she'll probably kung fu you into next xmas and Rhet Darlin knows all about ginsu carving knives and well now if you get me mad enough hummmmm I will do Indian war chants and scalp you..HA
Vicious bunch here..snicker (yeah right)

From: Rhetoric
Date: 8 November 2001

Rhosymedre ~
Curious...did you take your name from the the Welsh (I think) Church Parrish? It is an interesting name...not likely to be a birth name. I was wondering if you are of Brit/Irish/Welsh heritage.

B.K. ~
Yep...my experience with sushi has taught me a thing or two about Japanese cutlery!! He he

Harem ~
I don't know what is wrong. I thought you were glad to be back! I am sure many of us were happy to see you back - even as Taboo/Charade/etc. Are you upset cuz some of your works aren't getting enough praise? We all come here for different reasons - praise is a great perk, but that's not all, is it? You know how things are here - certain "moods" influence what gets comments. Sometimes we are happy - so happy stuff gets all the kudos. Other times, when the blender is down... the sad stuff is talked about. You just shared some really personal stuff about Dark Angel...most of us felt your pain...and some even commented. Is that not a feeling that you want - comradery? I guess I just hate to see anyone feel that they don't receive enough praise...it really isn't about that.


From: deevaa
Date: 8 November 2001

Gosh, its tough being the only nice person in a board full of wenches, vixen's and vicious bitches.

*sweet smile*

God, I've been here 4yrs, I post stuff that doesn't ever get commented on, and sometimes its the stuff that is least talked about that makes the cover, that's just the way it is... get over it and you'll be just fine. This is a site for poetry not a popularity contest.

If you are moving on, do it already, I don't need to know why... I personally don't like the drama queen act.

From: TJ Holland
Date: 8 November 2001

Hahahaaaaaaa!!!! I was eating my GrapeNutO's when I read what I'm more likely to have for breakfast! LOL! Yup, you're right BK, people's heads are the breakfast of CHAMPIONS! OMG! I am still laughing! (and wiping off my screen) You're the greatest, girl!

I DO spend half my life working with people whose thoughts and actions are slightly left of center. I deal with pathos and psycological 'events' every day, 12 hours a day. I am an officer / counsellor, trained to see beyond the struggles and gropings of troubled people and bring light to the core of the problem. I do recognize 'faulty thinking' and conditions of mental health. I firmly believe in the inherent and equal worth of every human and strive to always show respect to people while still getting my message across.
.....and I REALLY like BREAKFAST! LOL! Have a wonderful day, Blenderites, 'cause it's all how you make it!


From: lill_hugz
Date: 8 November 2001

JON~ aww.. thanx. I read your poem MINORS. Simple but impressive ...hehehe *smiles*

From: TJ Holland
Date: 8 November 2001

Rhosymedre ~ welcome!! And please DO get up the courage to post here. Often. You just need a touch of talent, plenty of backbone, and a brain. You sound like you may posses those qualities! And I love your name. How do you pronounce it? And like Rhet asks...where'd it come from?

Lookin' forward to reading you! (and don't worry, I already had breakfast!


From: Galadrial
Date: 8 November 2001

Just for the hell of it, I just visited Tex 69's xanga...Jesus girl, you do go for some classy types, don't you?

And oh yeah---he's qualified to comment on poetry, I'm sure.
Ringleader? Last time I checked, this was Kirk's crib. We are guests...so why don't you try acting like a lady, instead of a harridan?

From: Rhosymedre
Date: 8 November 2001

Thanks for the comments on the name! You are correct that it is not my given name, rather, Rhosymedre is the name of a 19th century hymntune. It is one of my favorites, and the screen names of Blender folk are so unique that I just had to find something equally unique and expressive. I think the name evokes tranquility and musicality, which I hope gives a glimpse of my personality. It is pronounced
Rhos-meh-druh, with the accent on the second syllable. My hope is to make music with words in the coming months and I am looking forward to some constructive criticism and comments. I have never written much, but have often had the creative urge to do so. Although I have observed some of the periodic lunar uproar on the Blender, things always seem to wax eloquent again, and I am sure that this place will always be, to quote Martha S., a good thing!

From: Misti
Date: 8 November 2001

I just now noticed the new poem you submitted. I'm honored to have inspired it! Don't I know THAT feeling all too well.

From: chris
Date: 8 November 2001

Look, I'll be the first to admit that I've been a part of the past rancor on this Board, but, Harem, c'mon.... I've found that people are generally decent here. And if they're not it's usually for a reason. Saying that the "blender served its purpose in my life, for the time that I needed it" is somewhat self-serving, dontcha think? If that's the attitude that one takes about a website or message board, then they shouldn't expect much from it in return.

From: sweetness
Date: 8 November 2001

Madison- I loved "Mixed Media".....and BP "Passion's Dance" was great...very evocative, both poems....I got all warm and tingly reading them, thanks for putting a sweet idea into my head.....

From: TJ Holland
Date: 8 November 2001

Um...Deevaa ~ LOL! Um, excuse me, mistress, but you were the scariest of us all when I first showed up at the Blender! Heeeheeeeeeeeee!! If I hadn't had Gala explain a bit about you, I swear, I would have had you out for 'breakfast' and you would have drop kicked me in the mouth! LOL!! OMG! *smiles sweetly* she says! Hahahahaaaa!! I LOVE you Deevaa!!

Oh, and I kinda agree with this:
"If you are moving on, do it already, I don't need to know why... I personally don't like the drama queen act." but I'd add..."If you plan to stay, hold your piece and show us your pen!(in modest amounts)"

Been here waaaay too much today...

From: deevaa
Date: 8 November 2001

*raises an eyebrow*

Gala explained 'a bit about me' huh? oh yes, do tell... (don't trust Gala, haven't you heard about sneaky fairy types?)

From: Ali
Date: 8 November 2001

Blue Denim~

I love 'Living for Monday'...Made me smile...Great poem...=)

Love and lingering light, Ali

From: scqueen
Date: 8 November 2001

Nice ones today ~ Madi mixed media and TJ Greenlake Strangers!

BK ~ you are hilarious. Yoga I know about, but kung fu? I'm more likely to kick somebody into New Year's with an attitude :-0

And pssst everybody ~ Deeva is too a drama queen :-) shhhh!

From: deevaa
Date: 9 November 2001

squeen.... you take that back, up against Harem I'm not even a princess. :-P

From: Galadrial
Date: 9 November 2001

Hi misti...

When I was commenting---that line "don't get too comfortable---I'm not planning to remember you"...was like a ping pong ball in my brain...and it sent me back...

Was it just me...or were men bastards back then? I know you are younger than me...but there have been times when I read your work, and thought damn...that sounds familiar...guess it hasn't changed that much. But thanks...and happy birthing day to you, chica...I think the angel is gonna love the keyboard...and the books...

From: TJ Holland
Date: 9 November 2001

Dee ~ you asked...

"Gala explained 'a bit about me' huh? oh yes, do tell..."

-Ya, she said that I shouldn't take anything personally because you razz everyone equally.

"(don't trust Gala, haven't you heard about sneaky fairy types?)"

-Hmmm, she also said you were harmless, and rather sweet! Should I still not trust her? LOL!


From: Galadrial
Date: 9 November 2001

Now Dee...

I can explain...please don't beat me....again?

Gala, quaking...

From: deevaa
Date: 9 November 2001


as punishment you are both to go to my store and by a deevaa mug or something.... www.cafepress.com/deevaa

off you go.

From: kevin urenda
Date: 9 November 2001

I've known Dee longer than most of you folks... She is the epitome of talent in my book. Not only that, I respect her opinion. I am in the same boat as her in that what I post these days here tends to go unnoticed. But that is okay. The point is to contribute positively, and I think that most of you do. Growth is never a negative thing, now is it?

From: kevin urenda
Date: 9 November 2001

I've known Dee longer than most of you folks... She is the epitome of talent in my book. Not only that, I respect her opinion. I am in the same boat as her in that what I post these days here tends to go unnoticed. But that is okay. The point is to contribute positively, and I think that most of you do. Growth is never a negative thing, now is it?

From: Madison
Date: 9 November 2001

Thank you sweetness and scqueen - that really means a lot to me, and thank you Kirk for the November pick.

From: Stephen
Date: 9 November 2001

Aye, Chris is right...
and writing to please others is like being an actor.
this world has too many as it is.
just write cause you gotta
They'll end up on your HD some way or another any ways.
lately this place resembles more a social get-together
more than just poetry.., battles and dating firms
like the corner with a starbucks
damn yuppies...
respect others
we're all just nerds pressin' keys
write to write
not to submit

From: Rhetoric
Date: 9 November 2001

Hey All....
Um, Stephen....I do prefer Geek to Nerd. Let's not make that same mistake again, OK? He he - that is my best Dirty Harry.

Kev -
You rock. Since I have been spying on this site back in August, I have submitted 2 or 3 times as much as you - and I would take your quality over my quantity ANY day. Burn baby burn...even your intro sounds great!

Violet - music...you found your Music man, huh? Love it!

Madi ~ Yeah...yeah! You probably would have gotten bitten up with sand fleas..best to just stay home. :)

Teej and B.K. ~ I just don't know about you two. Have you thought about going on a comedy tour with each other? You crack me up! Scqueen and deevaa could rotate in and provide the heckling! I have enjoyed the hilarity of late on this site.

The Darlin Rhet, glad that I am STILL evading the law from that B&E back in '72!

From: Galadrial
Date: 9 November 2001


You found us! And man, that is lovely...welcome to the Blender sir...but wait...been here before? Gala is old dear...forgive me.

And this poem melts the heart into an icky pool...

From: TJ Holland
Date: 9 November 2001

Okay, okay, okay! You're definately right Kevin, Keeper of the Questions. Dee IS talented. And VERY demanding. lol!

Now I suppose I have to go buy something from her....Gala?? Lend me fifty bucks, will ya?

And you also are correct about posting positives. LOL! As a matter of fact, you are just plain correct!

Seriously, Kev...I have always thought your work was extremely well excecuted. Tight. Precise. Yet flowing and changeable. EXTREME TALENT. I hope you stay here till you are old and grey and can't type anymore.


From: Misti
Date: 9 November 2001


(the latest writer's challenge)
I'll be back later with my attempt. Have at it! Bye.

From: Max-Rom
Date: 9 November 2001

I have been reading alot of the poems lately. I must say that I think that anyone who has the ability to put down their thoughts in written form, be it tangible or not, has talent. I have posted a few poems here and there, but I wish that more people would comment on fellow writers' works. It really is frustrating to post something you thought had reasonable promise, only to have it lie in its own "surface glory". Responses make me feel worthwhile, personally. Tell me what you think.



P.S.-- And yes, I do comment on others' work. I enjoy the correspondence. :p

From: blue sky to your clouds
Date: 9 November 2001

I have a question for anyone who can help...why are guys so stubborn and unwilly to express there feelings. (not all guys, I am stero-typing). Do they honestly think girls are smart enough to figure everything out for themselves. Because so NO ONE can completely figure out anything all by themselves. grrr...I'm sorry everyone, I'm just really confused and no amount of poetry or letters seem to let this guy know that all I want is for him to quit playing games and just tell me what's going on. Then again, maybe I have firgured it out for myself...IT'S ALL JUST A WASTE OF TIME, and it's time to move on. What do you all think?
Love Always

From: Pepper
Date: 9 November 2001

I'm bad at keeping up with reading the board all the time... I know. But I read your latest schpeil, and thought that it was a little unnecessary. I understand that some groups of people can be more accepting to some people than others, but thats part of why there are so many people and groups out there. If you find a little friction in one, maybe you just don't mesh, then don't sweat it and move on. I don't understand the purpose of pointing out that you're moving on though... if you haven't been happy here, why tell everyone else? If you are completely free from needing the support of this board, then why say goodbye?
I hope I haven't offended anyone, but people who maliciously try to hurt people really upset me. Anyway Harem, I'm glad you found a new home, tah tah.

From: hollymccormick
Date: 9 November 2001

Soulsease- I really liked Can you? . Just wanted to tell you that I thought it was really good. Reaaly great imagery. Thank's for sharing!!

From: Rhetoric
Date: 9 November 2001

violet_karma ~
emotional waters is great.
/My story a fortress
Reflected in your pool/
Great metaphor!

Misit ~
I like your "song". You really come up with clever verse.
/there are lies to tell
myths to dispel/
Yes there are – I need to get around to mine!

Violet ~
Your attempt at the challenge, your elephant nonsense, is so cool. Even the title rocks! I hope mine doesn’t appear too pathetic. I have been really analyzing my lot in life lately, so this one is real, as well as a stab at the challenge!


From: Violet
Date: 9 November 2001

Hey Rhet! How dare you show me up! And immediately after my submission... *sigh* must i live in the shadow of the rehtorical one!??? ;-)

*Hiding in Shame* ~Violet~

From: Echolocation
Date: 9 November 2001

Hey all -- misplaced my Note-To-Self about where to go to buy cool Blender t-shirts etc, someone please help me out? Thanks!


PS Is there a link to it somewhere on Blender Home that I missed? If not, perhaps hint hint there could be?

From: Preciousprncss
Date: 9 November 2001

blue sky to your clouds--
I can totally relate! I have been with my man for 2 yrs and he still keeps all his crap balled up inside... I hate it for you that you are going through that. Jason still refuses to talk to me and tell me what he honestly thinks unless it's something negative about me. I have came to the same conclusion as you-- IT IS DEFINATELY BEGINNING TO BE A WAIST OF TIME..... but you see, you have it more fortunate than I. I was stupid enough to have a child with this man.

From: TJ Holland
Date: 9 November 2001

Violet ~ you have absolutely NO reason to be concerned about the quality of the writer's challenge. Oh my Go-!! Yours was incredible!!!!!!!!


From: Misti
Date: 9 November 2001

Rhet and Violet~
I love your writer's challenge poems! The list seems harder than usual, for some reason. I'm going to submit my stab at it on the sly. I'm at work. They can't catch me. My attempt sucks, but here we go!

From: Violet
Date: 9 November 2001

TJHolland~ :-) thank you muchly! you really liked it? Yay! "they like me, they really like me!" :-P

And Hey Misti~ I thought yours was great! Iliked the line that had "ameliorate" in it. :-) You're wonderful!

From: B.K.
Date: 9 November 2001

Ok, I'm way behind in comments but here are some

Kev; Darlin you could write hey diddle diddle and it would sing in my ear like music. You are not unnoticed here ever.

ChildQueenFree; This one made me cry. Very powerful writing, I hope you will write more for us here.

MaxRom; I liked 'Secrets,' and 'Smithereens.'

Blue Denim; 'Living for Monday' was nice writing, thanks.

bp: WOW, 'Passions Dance' this one was yummy. More please!

holly; 'Does he see,' sounds like a song. Nice one.

Madison; Like Kev you could write squat and it would be magic. 'mixed media,' was wonderful.

lill hugz; 'Still,' very good writing.
memories consumed into tears of blue petals
that only bloom in the deepest darkest shores
of loneliness....nice work

violet and pepper; First off "Congratulations!" on your engagement. Secondly, I enjoy the writings of the both of you. Third..ha write more please.

violet; 'Music,' is just lovely.

Jubal; Chemistry101 was a fun read, thanks.

soulsease; your work sounds familiar somehow. I like 'Can You.'

Rhet Darlin, Misti, Violet; love all the latest friday word challenge poems. I wrote one but it's not love related, I may post it anyway just for fun.


From: BlueDenim
Date: 9 November 2001

To Ali and BK,
thank you for your comment on Living for Monday. it's the first thing i've been able to write in almost a year, so i was worried about its execution.

From: BlueDenim
Date: 9 November 2001

Corinna- I loved Behind The Eyes, it's exactly what i'm going through right now.

Jubal- Chemistry 101 was cute, i especially like the allusion to deer hunting.


From: Rhetoric
Date: 10 November 2001

Teej - Yes, Violet was just being nice when she said that about my attempt at the challenge. She is a great writer...and her ability to connect with people shows!!
Also - TJ, are you Jewish? The way you spelled God without the d - that is a specific trait I see in my Jewish friends. They don't spell it out. For many years, I didn't either out of habit reading thier stuff.

Misti and Violet - Great jobs using all those crazy words!!! Yes, it did seem more odd than previously. Misti - antsy, pantsy...great phrase!!!

Michael T - your newest is great.

BK - SweetBeene...I still laugh each time I see your "Use a different finger"!!!

The Darlin Rhet - full of snot and all in all tired of having this head cold!

From: B.K.
Date: 10 November 2001

Rhet Darlin; It was straight from Julia Child's lips while making strawberry shortcake with Katie Couric on tv. I laughed so hard I almost fell out of my chair. She was wheezing so hard and sticking her fingers in to taste the whipped cream. The woman is a national treasure

Deeva; I was thinking last night driving home that I forgot to tell Tex that when all else fails (though you may be far away) we send out the Deevaa Monster who single handidly will stretch his neck then tie him into a bow tie knot.ha (the kiwi being the meanest of the blender chew-em up and spit them out bunch ha) Vicious crew we have here..ha


From: B.K.
Date: 10 November 2001

Randy1; I had to come back and comment on 'Can You,' and 'A Forever Love,' both beautiful. You made me cry.

bk (Good-Night-Moon)

From: deevaa
Date: 10 November 2001

I guess I'm like one of those little old Italian mothers... all of 5'1 and so vicious that no one will ever cross her.... I'll be Tony Sprano's mother when I get old.

From: deevaa
Date: 10 November 2001

ameliorate, what kinda word is that??? god, its hard to use a word you can't even pronounce! Thank god for dictonary.com ...

From: MichaelT()
Date: 10 November 2001

Rhet ~ Thanks!
Misti ~ I tried to step up to the challenge.
All ~ I owe lots of people comments and they're coming - I'm really busy this week..

From: Stephen
Date: 10 November 2001

Hey Michael, you tell women you're a poet? (referenced from "She Blushed") And they don't think you're creepy? Or dislike the idea of it? Oi.. wish I knew women like that...

From: Jubal29717
Date: 10 November 2001


Don't feel badly about not knowing what "ameliorate" meant! Although I knew that one, I had to look up "harridan" the other day while reading the board (I think Gala was the one who used the word). Imagine if William S. had written "The Taming of the Harridan" instead of "shrew"! Increasing our vocabularies...another positive effect courtesy of the Blender!

From: Madison
Date: 10 November 2001

Stephen, I totally enjoyed She says, "I love you". Thank you for posting it.

From: Misti
Date: 10 November 2001

Michael T~ you make a damn good dragonfly. You rose to the challenge with splendor. You are a true Gemini. An exceptional wordsmith!
Dee~ it's funny you should mention ice cream. Last night I sent Chris out to buy me some Ben&Jerry's Heath Bar Crunch. Coffee flavored ice cream with big chunks of Heath bars. Well, he brought me a new kind. Vanilla with Heath bars. I was dismayed. But I'll probably eat it, anyway. I love ameliorate! It's one of my favorite words. Right up there with eBuLLieNce and salacious. I love your poem! You used the words well.
(everyone check out Dee's store, if you haven't already)

From: Misti
Date: 10 November 2001

p.s. Chris wants to "confirm our white trash status" (HA)with an anecdote from last night...this is why Dee recommended I go to xanga ;-)
but here it is:
last night I was on the computer and Chris was smoking on the balcony. There was a knock on the door. Chris opened the door without even looking through the peephole. It was the drunk from downstairs, a disgruntled corrections officer. He said,"Can I come in and look around?" I screamed at Chris to close the door and call the cops. He was just a harmless drunk but I don't like harmless drunks knocking on my door and trying to come in and look around. Bye.

From: Jubal29717
Date: 10 November 2001


I just got round to reading "Amoeba Love" and it is appealing on so many levels! (The title first caught my eye since I used to teach biology) ...just watch out with those amoeba belly buttons lest they make you into paramecium parents! I also love to cook and think Julia Child is a stitch, so "Just Use the other Finger" was delicious!

From: Violet
Date: 10 November 2001

Hey Blenderites! I'm writing a scavenger hunt for my honey and I... We're going to wander around the city, finding things and taking pictures of them... I was in the mood for a not so ordinary date. :-) Any ideas of what I can put on my list?? Thank's :-)

From: TJ Holland
Date: 10 November 2001

LOL! No, Rhet, I'm not Jewish. I'm of another faith. I was raised not to take the Lord's name in vain...meaning not using it as an exclamation or curse or anything else besides referring to the Man himself. It was the worst 'swear word' we could say as kids (and adults). Buuuuuuut, I find myself in a quandary. When something strikes me hard (like Violet's poem), I hate saying 'gosh' or 'gee' or any other mild and geeky exclamation. And so I compromise. But I shouldn't. Pure and simple, I shouldn't. Badbadbadbadbadbadbad....hmmmm.....maybe I AM jewish, I got the guilt thang going.

Oh, but Stephen may be Jewish, he said 'Oi'! LOL!!!

From: Randy1
Date: 10 November 2001

BK, Thank you. Both of these come from deep within. And it is nice to have people to share them with. Also I would like to say that I have enjoyed your work too! Keep it up!

From: TJ Holland
Date: 10 November 2001

bp ~ Death's Two Sons is interesting, it almost becomes religiously devotional, yet has a distance from that. Does that make sense? I mean it doesn't sound bible thumpy. It sounds like the thoughts of everyman when looking over his life and seeing he's gone wrong at times. And the idea of Death's TWO sons...am I reading it right when I see one as the physical body on earth, and one as the spirit closer to his maker? Good stuff!

From: deevaa
Date: 10 November 2001

Misti -- you make it sound like I suggested you go to xanga cause you are white trash!!!!!

Everyone seems to think I'm so damn mean *sobbing into her coffee*

From: Stephen
Date: 10 November 2001

I'm happy you enjoyed my entry Madison, thanks for reading it. It goes especially well appreciated coming from you.

Ermm, no TJ, I'm not jewish..Oi.... leave me alone...lol

Ha Rhet.. alright... alright... you're right
we're all geeks.. yea...

you're the only nerd here. >;-P

From: Misti
Date: 10 November 2001

Nononono! Oh, god...I've ruined your coffee! What I meant was that in the gaudy days of yore, I was notorious for posting personal anecdotes unrelated to love poetry on the Board and you finally called me on it, as well you should have! Chris likes to go back and read old Boards, where I would post manic paragraphs about my life in Bridgeport. I'm embarrassed by the whole thing. You were right to suggest that I start transferring it all to xanga!
The "white trash" reference was something else altogether. Make yourself another cup of coffee, chica!

What an awesome idea! Here's a list:
1. a mural
2. a mannequin
3. a green car
4. a tattoo parlor
5. a donut shop
6. a laundromat
7. a city worker taking a smoke break
8. guitars displayed in a pawn shop
9. 8-tracks (usually found in Goodwill stores)
10. an ice cream truck
...Do you have a xanga blog, Violet? You should post your pictures there. I'd love to see 'em!

From: bp
Date: 10 November 2001

teej: yes to your question concerning death's two sons.

and to anyone who read blue water's edge my apologies it should have read "sleep: nature's sanctuary" I apologize if my mistake ruined it for anyone next time spell check......


From: sweetness
Date: 10 November 2001

So much great stuff the last couple of days!

Echolocation: "Crazy Quilt" is so nice, warm, affectionate....makes me feel like cuddling up with someone I am comfortably in love with.

Jubal: "Overtones"...I experienced that just this morning, after "he" left and I clutched my pillow to my nose to keep on breathing him in.....

Deeva: I loved "You Left in a Fit of Anger, but...."
you worked all the "required" words in seamlessly, it didn't feel contrived at all.....great job!

From: Randy1
Date: 10 November 2001

BK, Amoeba Love. I give this one a 10. It is sweet.

From: Violet
Date: 10 November 2001

Misti~ I don't know much about this xanga thing... what is it, how do i get one?? DETAILS! :-) Hey, thank's for that list, it's a good one. We'll add some of those to the list we have going. :-) You're awesome.

From: deevaa
Date: 10 November 2001

Xanga is a site where you can write an online journal, it can either be public or private, or even some of each... you can sign up for one at www.xanga.com

Misti has one here: http://www.xanga.com/Supercalifragile
I have one here: http://www.xanga.com/deevaa

Lets see who else.... Gala has one, snow has one, Harem has like 3, Chris has one,.... lots of folk do... its great fun.

From: deevaa
Date: 10 November 2001

missed out Kevin and scqueen.. opps.

From: scqueen
Date: 10 November 2001

Mine is http://www.xanga.com/scqueen

From: Galadrial
Date: 10 November 2001

Here's mine...I got a sort of bonus this year...I won the laptop computer from Xanga in the spring!


From: B.K.
Date: 11 November 2001

Since we are running one big xanga ad here. Mine has been dead for a while but it's about time to start it back again. I might have something to tell you about soon, who knows..ha.


From: Misti
Date: 11 November 2001

I just now noticed the comment you posted for me regarding Julie Kate. I can't believe I overlooked it! Thank you so very, very much. Yes, we've fixed up a huge box for her and I added a few gifts for her little sister, too. I can't wait to send it off!
...I think my main trouble with men was always me wanting far too much far too soon. And I was always the pursuer, not the pursuee. I had stars in my eyes and my fingers and toes crossed. I was starving for real romance and adoration and loyalty and passion and affirmation. I got all that and so much more in Chris. He was worth the wait. But I've still got those pesky scars and all that dreaded baggage (and it sure as hell ain't Louis Vutton! ha!)

From: B.K.
Date: 11 November 2001

Someone very special made me realize why we are the "Home of the Brave, Land of the Free." (think I have that backwards) Anyway, I just want to thank all who have served our country at any time. And for those that are fighting now, GO GET EM! We honor you and Love You ALL!

Gala; 'honeydrips,'is beautiful woman, I love it!


From: Rhetoric
Date: 11 November 2001

Wow...I take a day off and The Blender blows up!!! GREAT new subs from Friday and Saturday!!!
This will be an abreviated version, but here goes:

echolocation - fabulous - two velvet references!!

bluesky - reads like a conversation - I love it

B.K. - we are with you and your special someone! Very sweet. I hope there is internet in that faraway land so your devotion can be read

Madi - /Oh contraire, I take it well and I take it often./
Yes, girl! Give it to me - I love the anger and desire to encapsulate your thoughts into 5 heated lines!

bp, snow, winterviolet - great to see ya here! I like what I have read so far...keep it coming.

Violet - what was your final list for the hunt? Misti's was great - what did you finally do?


From: sweetness
Date: 11 November 2001

Unchained: I LOVE "History Lesson".....I don't know if it's true or not, but I relate to the bitterness. It's a clever and fun piece of work!

From: brattydiva
Date: 11 November 2001

I am new to this website and I have to comment on a couple of the poets work that I have read thus far... I am thoroughly impressed with both "Sweetness" and "Violet." They both have a very haunting style of writing. I am utterly impressed with the way that Sweetness gets right to the heart of heartbreak! Amazing... Thank you for bringing wonderful poets work to life! --Brattydiva

From: Randy1
Date: 11 November 2001

Elaina; Guys have a tendency to sit back and see what transpires. We also seem to have an aversion to hurting a girl's feelings. So we jst sit back see if you get it. We also do not comunicate verbaly like girls do. Just watch two guys work together some time. There is not a whole lot of talking going on. As children guys are taught to hold those feelings in and all guys understand this concept. On the other hand guys don't seem to understand why girls need to verbaly comunicate. And stop the practice of giving hints, guys don't get it. Tell him straight out what you wamt him to know. Otherwise you will just confuse him then frustrate him. Next he'll just get mad and give up and turn away.

Remember, for a guy to get the hint, he has to understand the concept that you are hinting at. Guys don't think like girls, they hink like guys. And they interact like guys.
(Please foegive my bad spelling.)

From: blue sky to your clouds
Date: 11 November 2001

yeah, well i got dumped...so i guess i'll know for next time. thanks for the suggestions and just so you know i completely understand that guys think like guys and i did try my hardest to communicate like one. he got what i was trying to say, he just didn't like what i was saying he also just likes me to come out bluntly for his own benefit.
but live and learn right.

From: Randy1
Date: 11 November 2001

BK, Hang in there girl. Your friends here are with you and your fella. From what I have read you are his "Fountain of love", in that love arrid place. From what I've read he has a lot to look forward to when he gets home.

No wonder my two poems made you cry.


From: blue sky to your clouds
Date: 11 November 2001

thanks rhet

From: blue sky to your clouds
Date: 11 November 2001

du' doll
i love only...it gave me much hope! :)

From: soulsease
Date: 12 November 2001

Gala...yes, I found you...thanks to "beforedawn" for the pointer left at The Maelstrom...sorry I've not been here to comment yet, but I tend not to get on line much at the weekends...

To all those who read and liked Can You...many thanks...

From: hollymccormick
Date: 12 November 2001

B.K. thank's for your comment. I haven't had a chance to do much posting or reading here lately but I will try to get on the ball today!
Thank's again,

From: Galadrial
Date: 12 November 2001

Not Bad Hedwig...

But you remind me more of the wizard, than the owl...

Dang sir....who could say no?


From: Galadrial
Date: 12 November 2001

Just saw the other post...

Snow...tommorow does come girl---it really does.


From: Derelict Daisy
Date: 12 November 2001

Welcome to the Blender, Hedvig. Since you just signed up and submitted, please tell us a little about yourself. Your writing so resembles a couple of other writers here that we simply must know more (to assure you aren't one of the nutty "multiple name" writers here).

Great work! When is the wedding? May we all come to it?


PS - Have you seen the great play/film that also uses your "name?" W o n d e r f u l !

From: Hedvig
Date: 12 November 2001

To Daisy Derelict and Galadrial `

Thank you for commenting on my work.

I don't plan on getting too cozy with the other writers here. No offense.
I am here strictly to enjoy the writing.

Most famous writers and painters were eccentric / and possibly considered nutty in their day. Some cut off their ears, some wrote as if they were depressed (E.A. Poe), etc., so I am not too worried about the nuttiness of anyone here.

Like I said, I'm only here to enjoy the writing.

Hedvig / H.C.M.


From: deevaa
Date: 12 November 2001

*rolls her eyes*

From: Just Some Girl
Date: 12 November 2001

Dearest Derelict Daisy/Blonde Vampire Victim/etc...

Sounds to me as if you are calling the pig's ass pork. You are barking up the wrong tree.

From: violet
Date: 12 November 2001

Wow! you leave for one night... :-P Lots of great writing on the blender today! Too many to name... hedvig~ welcome! I like your style... and BrattyDiva~ thank you for your compliment. :-) I hope you are all enjoying better weather than I am. *pouting* I hate rain.

From: Violet
Date: 12 November 2001

PS: Deevaa~ you make me laugh, woman!

From: B.K.
Date: 12 November 2001

Hedvig; Harem Darlin, you could not fool us at 100 paces!!!
Give us a break, we didn't fall off the turnip truck today!
You can call yourself anything, it's still you!

From: deevaa
Date: 12 November 2001

But BK - Why, or why would Harem being post her poetry here? Only last week she said (and I quote):

"But, staying where the atmosphere is negative and gloomy is not good for anyone with a very positive and happy aura.
The blender served its purpose in my life, for the time that I needed it. I have outgrown it.
I have also learned, as you put it.... that negativity due to personality conflicts or whatever is best avoided...."

Coming back under yet another name would just be, well... hypocritical.

*bats her eyelashes*

From: ChildQueenFree
Date: 12 November 2001

I wanted to thank some people for their comments about my first submission.


I didn't feel very powerful when I wrote this poem...
I actually wrote this poem many years ago, but was just recently thinking about it for a variety of reasons.

Thanks for your comments. I definitely want to share more.

From: B.K.
Date: 12 November 2001

deevaa; Ha, too too true!

holly; 'Requirements,' nicely written, bet he liked that too.

violet; 'the cat,' is wonderful, very well done!

Soulsease; 'Come To Me My Love,' wow, again, very nice.

twinkle; 'the haunting,' nice work

Wonderful work everyone! This place is so easy to love.

Darlin Rhet, Randy, Jubal; thanks for the kind words. This man of mine, sigh, is just so incredible, that I have to write about how he makes me feel. (sigh)


From: One Nut Jim
Date: 12 November 2001

Just some girl?

Are you okay? You were commenting on MY submission, but wrote your comments to other "Blenderites."

What wrong tree are you suggesting I'm barking up? "Calling the pig's ass pork?" What is that? Some hillbilly expression?

Seems my submission REALLY resonated with you, perhaps you should discuss it with your therapist or a member of the clergy. Oh yeah, I see - attack the messenger when the message hits too close to home. How could I possibly be directing this submission to YOU? Man, you multi-persona chickies really are thin-skinned. And when I read some of the bile YOU spew onto this site, and when I try to imagine who you really are (obviously not just some gurlie, probably some damned pedophile or some redneck bugging us writers...)...nah, nevermind my submission clearly plugged some of YOUR issues in, via the World Wide Waste. Take your problems somewhere else, buddy. And remember, no man likes a slut for long.


Jim, the one nut variety
(my last lover was in to "erotic vampiric castration," I just wish she'd told me first)

From: scqueen
Date: 12 November 2001

Um, Madi ~ andalusian dancing Fonda San Miquel's or Guerro's??? Or uh, where was that place where Laura Bush, oh, nevermind :-)

From: aqua_lady
Date: 12 November 2001

This is goodbye dear friends on the board. I came here earlier this year at the urging of a man I was seeing at the time. I have read many wonderful poems....and posted a few of my own. But now it is time to say goodbye. I will still endeavor to write....but from now own.... I will be posting on my xanga site. To be quite honest...this site has changed since I first started coming here. It has gotten too click-ish (for lack of a better term). There are many great poems on here...but it seems that only the ones from a "chosen few" are ever selected for the front page. I know that my own work is not that note-worthy, but there are many on here that are extrememly gifted who are being totally ignored. So this is my "good-bye". I wish you all well.

Melissa (aka Aqua_Lady and Dancing_Eyes)

From: Rhetoric
Date: 12 November 2001

Golly, One Nut,
Why would you assume Just Some Girl was talking about you and referencing your quote from To Sir with Love?
Where in the comment did Just Some Girl even mention your entry:

Dearest Derelict Daisy/Blonde Vampire Victim/etc...

"Sounds to me as if you are calling the pig's ass pork. You are barking up the wrong tree."

I think (and I am sure EVERYONE) here would agree that your brand of love poetry (spewed by a pseudo-acolyte) is not what this site represents. Can't you take it off the board and out of our space? Once again, you assume that everything is about YOU! You ARE barking up the wrong tree. You are far less clever than you would have anyone here believe - please just join in the fun here at The Blender or leave. You said a mere 2 weeks ago that you were gone.

What is it with all these people announcing their departure and then lingering to fixate on stale issues?

The Darlin Rhet

From: Madison
Date: 13 November 2001

hi scqueen! I need to rework that one bad and plan to when it comes to my head. It’s top heavy. Needs the middle developed but mostly the end rewritten in a big way. That [event - ha] really took place under the speakers of my living room to the tune of Andalusian Nights – a wonderful CD worth checking out, but it borrowed from scenes at [what’s the place next to Baby Alcapulco’s & Chuy's?], Romeo’s (I think this is where the fake grapes are) and a particular night at Cafe Mundi. Wish I’d waited to send it in when it told the whole story.

<Madi, carefully picking up and gently rolling deevaa's eyes back to her>

From: TJ Holland
Date: 13 November 2001

Madi! ROTFLMAO <------ Rolling On The Floor Laughing My Ass Off!!!!! *picking up deevaa's eyes*, hilarious!!! Thanks for the giggle!


From: lunaa
Date: 13 November 2001

Well I think aqua lady is right with her statement, I know that all of you became friends, nevertheless there are a lot of good works that shall be commented instead of spreading questionnaires and survey that no one care about.

From: Galadrial
Date: 13 November 2001

Except maybe the man who owns the site? They were implemented because KIRK wanted them dearie....

From: One Nut Jim
Date: 13 November 2001

To Just Some Jerk and DarlinRhettfranklyidontgiveadamn . . .


Weak minds always reveal themselves in their language/writing/speech...a life built on lies is exhausting due to the need to maintain the lies (and inevitably you admit your own guilt) when the lie tells YOU.

Why YES...I AM calling the pig's ass pork!

Wanna know WHY?

Because the pig's ass IS pork.

What a maroon! Where'd you larn that pun...K-Mart? I AM calling a spade a spade. A man doesn't like a slut for long. I rest my case.

You assume you are making a pun, when in fact you are telling me I AM CORRECT, SIR! Give the blue freakin devil the grand prize. The truth hurts, baby. The prob is that ol' Jen will never know what Little LuLu did to ME...and I am too much a gentleman ( lol ) to tell what she could NEVER be responsible enough to own and admit. Oh yeah, I know the sanitized fabrications...she's been weaving those fer years, Rhatt. You must not come frum these here parts...hell, baby you un me already done the deed ourselves (mathematically speaking) in this little cesspool. And all that vampirism and erotica and value-less high risk behavior (with souvenirs!), the proud declarations of a yen for debauchery, the floozies and the flappers and the head that cranes as you pass each titty bar...and the sad thing is that I bought the original email con, another imagined identity without doing my homework, surveying the friends and neighbors, the classmates, the former studs, run an MMPI or have some sense of what I'd gotten into. And just be clear, I was as patient as a sane human could be through all the mixed signals and dissonance and inattention and manipulation, and lack of discipline, honor, integrity. Modeling behavior after whatever shiney shiney bright sparkly baubles pass her view, with an enormous chain bonding her to childhood trauma unexamined and incomplete - never vindicated or released, just bathing in pools of vintage reds and whites...like THAT would matter. Poor little girl lost, unable to be the mature adult that she would have me believe.

Her demons NEED for you to snuggle and nuzzle and comfort and entangle and agree...but you're feeding the addict pure junk, and you pretend you are a friend. You haven't a clue who your girlfriend is, and you'll larn ya own lesson from her soon enuff. May take twice as long as it took me to see it, maybe 20 times while she is on her best behavior (lol)...but you'll learn. Everybody does. And frankly, I'm fascinated by the beast - I haven't come this close to a train wreck since my intern daze...

People never learn, do they? The wino thinks his quick walk once in a scorpion moon will be enough to rid himself of that chunkyass butt. Rust never sleeps.

So, for the final time Just Some Germ...stop leaving messages, mailing unwanted thoughts, animating feeble attempts, tapes, porn (HA! The emperor has NO CLOTHES!) to rescue your self from the morass. More ASS. I said ass. heheheheheheheh bye bye baby

And Rhatsorizzo - you mistake me for someone who gives a f*ck about YOUR opinion.

Yeah, yeah, I'm leaving Kirk and Kev and Deev and madi (i'll come to austin and be yo man!) ya don't hafta shove..."set up" again by the master manipulator. Screw this bar, buncha punks...

Hell buddy, my Haxan pals turned me on to this site during Blair Witch Proj (the GOOD one), via the Heart Of Love website. Turned MY lady on to it as a random act of romance (the "Sonnets" page), and now everything she does here she does for me, hoping, yearning. How do I know, Darlin'R? Cause I KNOW. I know her like a dirty book hidden under my mattress, cross-referenced between more compartments than she EVER thought a person could discover...I'm just shy of a shrink (I just freakin detest crazee peoples). I wanted what I was SOLD (which was and shall remain the BEST version), not this cheap imitation! Like cheap chinese porcelain...

So there, that is the best romantic poem I can write at the moment. KMA!


Go to www.hell.com

Me? I'm going to DISNEYWORLD!

From: Echolocation
Date: 13 November 2001

Well, yeah, Gala, but Kirk did it because the consensus seemed to be that we'd all enjoy it (or most of us would), right? After all, if a site like the Blender (which is made up of contributions from its visitors) ignores what visitors to the site request, the site won't have visitors very long. I think we all appreciate the fact that Kirk has been alert to reader/writer requests. So my response to aqua lady and lunaa would be "Actually, a lot of people DO like the surveys. That's why they're here."

On the other hand, I think Gala's response is very applicable to the occasional complaint that "only a few people's work gets picked for Front Page". The Front Page has always and unabashedly been Kirk's Favorite Stuff, and that's entirely as it should be. Most people here don't post in order to get on the Front Page, anyway; we post in an effort to make a connection, share a feeling or thought, or because we simply can't NOT write. Getting onto the Front Page is just icing on the cake.

Finally, if you believe a comment-worthy work isn't getting noticed on the Board, the solution is simple: comment on it yourself! If you think something's good, say so, rather than complaining that no one else has noticed it. Who knows, you might pique others' interest in that piece!!

From: Rhetoric
Date: 13 November 2001

Sweet Boy, Dear Sweet Daisy/Victim/Jim,

Ole Jen is ready and willing to hear ALL the horrible things. I have given you several opportunities to get in touch with me and avoid obstructing the lives of the nice people at The Blender. You know who I am and more importantly, WHERE I am...so lets set up a pleasant little moment where you can tell me all about "my disturbed" pal. I have known her MUCH longer than you. And lil ole Rhet doesn't care if you enjoy what I have to say. I have things that I can do rather than drive by an ex's house at night - Oh, yeah I saw you in her ally (you remember - the car that was pulling out while you were driving by last week!). All the hours of self-involved messages can never make you right, Pal. Nobody here cares what you say about another member - ask 'em, they will tell you. They neither know you OR me OR her. But I know you...you leave a trail. Be an adult. Anytime you want to call me of tell me all the terrible things she did to you - I am all ears lover.


From: One Nut Jim
Date: 13 November 2001

Hurray for you, so a predator entered your family and has a far deeper COn going with you. You think YOUR relationship is special or stronger or more honest. Fine, trouble follows trouble. I wouldn't admit that you think you know so much when you know what the beast WANTS you to know (or NEEDS you to know). And I'm frankly suprised you're even getting involved...NONE of this was about you, and your nosing into other's bidness says volumnes about you (church or social work or funeral homes be damned). Hell, it assumed you were just another of her games. YOU are the one that showed YOUR ass, honey. Lulu gets to entangle lots of good people, maybe she touches you in certain special ways. Incest is best, right loser? Perhaps you deserve each other. So, like I said f*ck OFF, Tillie.

PS - wanna guess how many invites I get to drop in/drive by?

From: Kirk, blender-keeper
Date: 13 November 2001

aqua lady: I really resent the accusation that I'm playing favorites with a "chosen few" for the front page picks. I pay no attention to the author names on the first pass where I select 20-30 "maybe"s and "yes"s. Only then do I look at who wrote what, and then I *am* guilty of favoritism...names I don't recognize are much more likely to stay selected, I have higher expectations for people who've already gotten front page coverage.

Some people are more consistent at writing poems that catch my attention. I won't go so far as to say they're better poems, since I know the front page picks are subjective. If you read the comments I make, you can probably start to figure out what I think makes the best poetry and prose... concrete imagery (but not so much it reads like a journal), clever wordplay, different moods, maybe something other than first person for a change.

I mean, hell, one of the reasons I don't make the Front Page Picks into some kind of voting based system is to avoid cliqueshness.

Lunaa: I spent some time making the survey system. I did that because people were enjoying answering Gala's 20 questions, but I liked the idea of keeping the board less off the topic of the poems at hand. I mean, it's one damn little link at the top of the page. Sure, the blender board can't keep up with the influx to comment on every poem, but I think it takes a fair stab at overcoming the "more writers than readers" problem that plagues so many similar forums.

One Nut Jim: Please consider keeping your rants and interpersonal squabblings to a paragraph or two. Actually that goes for everyone. There's been a lot of bleedover from people's baggage around here (on the board, in new submissions, and sometimes in e-mail sent to me) and it's getting distracting.

From: Just Some Girl
Date: 13 November 2001

Kirk's right...Let's keep this stuff off the Blender. Kirk, I apologize for my part in this.


You obviously have a great many things you need to say to me. Say them to ME.

From: BlondeVampireVictim
Date: 13 November 2001


See what a tangled web you weave when first you practice to deceive? Crissakes, I thought I WAS talking to you. I didn't realize you had shared the Blender with your other lovers (aka losers). Now you're using all my best material on your your other play pals, things that came from deep in my heart (and my commitment, regardless of "feelings")you blithely share as if you'd discovered it for yourself. Nobody gave you the proper direction as a child, a sense of value and responsibility, and you eventually reek havoc on those who care the most. See, LL, Jen NEEDS you to be the same old person, she needs you to have your problems, she needs you to remain sick. No transformation for you, honey - you get held back with all the other damaged remedial lovers in your world. She just wants to be somewhere, but alas is a nowhere girl. It is not that you are bad or evil...just ordinary and boring and unoriginal (which for you is the greatest sin). You took the easy route, you take and take ...even taking all this faux-support from Rhut, you maroons treat the symptom and not the disease. I've never been ripped off like this before, never suffered such a deep twisted violation of my heart and soul and wallet...so cavalier, so arrogant, so despicable. You stole from me, you took all you could get and then you cut and run. And you made my reactions the issue, cleverly fleeing responsibility. Same as it ever was, same as it ever was. When nothing is special (i.e no hope) to a person, they learn to take all that they can get...look it up in yer sociology books, survival mentality - quick, expedient payoffs irregardless of the high cost. Your soul. It'd take a cult deprogrammer to help you be the woman you aspire to be, to get you out of the mess you've made of people's lives. And yours. Too late. The ride has long since begun, please remain seated and keep your hands inside the car - Z tickets only!. You are becoming the very model of a modern Zelda Fitgerald (only without the tortured talented husband). Congrats ballerina!

Gutentag, mein schmerz!

From: Violet
Date: 13 November 2001

BK~ Thank you! :-)

From: Echolocation
Date: 13 November 2001

Kirk -- very well said, thank you!!!

From: Stephen
Date: 13 November 2001

Man...Maybe a seperate board should be created...
"The Blender Arguement Pool, Where Lots of Crap, Nobody F'in Cares About, Goes"
Yea.. probably too large of a name.. sure we could work that out eventually.. *sighs*

From: Jubal29717
Date: 13 November 2001

Well, folks, the ship has hit the sand again on the Blender. Since I know nothing of this current storm, I shall not comment on it, but I do want to say that I enjoy the survey questions. Granted, it has nothing to do with writing or commenting on writing, BUT it is a neat way to make connections and get to know one another. Plus,I gleaned some great menu ideas and websites to explore, books to read or re-read that I had forgotten about, etc. If one does not particularly like the survey, don't participate...simple solution, would you not say? You don't purchase everything in the store when you go shopping do you? Pick and choose, just as one would do with anything else, and if you don't like the merchandise, shop elsewhere. Play nicely!

From: Jubal29717
Date: 13 November 2001

Violet: I love "The Cat". (loud purring)

From: Rhetoric
Date: 13 November 2001

Amby ~
End This Sweet Torment is wonderful. I really like your style.

Violet ~ The Cat - Too Yummy. He really writhes on the floor? You got powers sister!

holly ~
requirements - isn't that the truth? You said it all.

Stephen ~ shipwrecked relationship is great. I hear it as I am reading it. Great imagery.

To All (especially Kirk)~
I want to add my deepest regrets for my play in this latest mud-slinging festival. I will not participate any longer - no matter how desperate the comments need rebuttal. I hope that it can all quiet down and get back to the real issues -who is next to declare their disgust and leave! :o) Sorry -just a bit of comic relief!! Keep it up Kirk. The surveys are a great way to get a piece of info about a member AND leads some of us to books and movies we should have experienced earlier.


From: deevaa
Date: 13 November 2001



Why do I feel like I haven't had my coffee this morning? My eyes are all gritty.

I've posted some new art... comments welcomed.

Take care of your hearts,


From: Ali
Date: 13 November 2001


I love that tatoo, 'Dove'...It looks awesome...*smile*

Love and falling rain, Ali

From: Just Some Girl
Date: 13 November 2001


Your art work is absolutely beautiful. I love the round, almost human shape that your objects have. Beautiful!

From: Violet
Date: 13 November 2001

Rhet~ i'll keep all details of writhing to myself thank you! ;-)

Dee~ Your artwork is purty. :-)

From: Violet
Date: 13 November 2001

oops! sorry kirk... I forgot something important!

Jubal~ thank you very much! :-)

From: B.K.
Date: 13 November 2001

Ha ya know Rhet, they call names, put up a stink and then they sneak back in as someone new.

As for the surveys, well I for one hate lists, but I enjoy some and will comment on some and besides that I like to read what everybody else likes so I can make sure mine is completely different..HA

If anyone hasn't noticed well, there aren't many followers around here, thus the fights and the strange osama-blen-try ta-takeovers, drive by shark bites and extreme opinions. I love all the differences, god forbid if we were all the same. BLECH


From: Rhetoric
Date: 13 November 2001

Amen, sweetbeene, Amen!!!
Life is a little more fun with a wee bit of drama!
as for the new art, dee...rock on

More torture for my students, tonight. I graded the papers due last week and I wonder how some of these people got to be 24 and in college. Where are the coherant sentences?


From: Stephen
Date: 13 November 2001

Thanks for the comment Rhet

Dev, I love your Dove. It's lovely.

From: chris
Date: 13 November 2001

VampireVictim = overeducated psycho-boy.

We feel your pain, Rhet...

From: hollymccormick
Date: 13 November 2001

Thank's Rhet!!!
Well, good night all. Off I go, have a good one.

From: deevaa
Date: 13 November 2001

ohhh that was fast feedback!!

Thanks guys!

From: B.K.
Date: 13 November 2001

deevaa; Wow, I missed new art. Just woke up and saw it. The dove is lovely!


From: deevaa
Date: 13 November 2001

thankyou thankyou all, thats like the most feedback I've had in MONTHS..... ohhh I feel all princess like now!

Stephen, thankyou... just wanted to let you know there is also a Devin and the occasional Dev0n who post work here, so calling me Dev might be confusing, dee or deevaa are good.

From: blue sky to your clouds
Date: 13 November 2001

Deeva_ Love In The City, reminds me of seattle...the city part anyway. I enjoyed it.

From: Preciousprncss
Date: 13 November 2001

My Treasure Is You was great! :)

All that matters was wondeful... I haven't read much from you, but so far I like what I see :)

End This Sweet Torment was deinately something that I can relate to. I enjoyed your work.

Requirements was awesome! WOW.... I cannot believe that someone put exactly how I feel into words! Love your entry...

To all:
Guys, I don't know about y'all (and yes, I'm from the south) but I absolutely love the Blender! I can always come here to get away from my daily stress-- everybody here writes with such passion and real emotion... I greatly appreciate that. This is a wonderful website... thank you all for sharing your work with me (and everyone else) :)
~Preciousprncss :)

From: deevaa
Date: 13 November 2001

coming home and wonder ohhhhhh my, oh my... oh.... MY!

OK, you know you are like my most favourite writer around this place, and you pop by so seldom... AND I was only just talking about you this morning, did your ears burn and lead you here?

Can you post your poem about jumping in the elevator? Thats my favourite ever.... or the one about the board room. *grin*

take care of your heart,


From: deevaa
Date: 13 November 2001

ah *blush* that last comment was to dev0n...

From: Madison
Date: 13 November 2001

devOn ~ no.3 liferaft muster station exit this side and beach: very cool; really enjoyed these.

From: Kirk
Date: 13 November 2001

BlondeVampireVictim, ok, I know I requested people keeping things to a paragraph or two, but I meant small paragraphs, not the leviathan of personal attacks and ranting you felt compelled to share with the whole board. Here's a quarter; please call someone who gives a damn.

From: dev0n
Date: 14 November 2001

deevaa.. my ears weren't burning.. and i hadn't seen your post this morning! what a coincidence. :)

thank you madison and deevaa.. nice to know people still like my drivel. ;)

deevaa: i will post jump right now, just for you. :)

From: deevaa
Date: 14 November 2001

I still love that poem dev0n!!

Thankyou... hey is there another one about the board room...?? I had a feeling there was another poem...

From: deevaa
Date: 14 November 2001

ah, guys..... could I ask a favour?


I've just done like 2 nights work on my cafepress.com store... can I get some feedback?


email me if you like -- deevaa@deevaa.com!

From: lunaa
Date: 14 November 2001


Thanks for you comments, I also played the survey and enjoyed it! But only after you put it on top, before it saw like an endless sausage within all other comments and that was pretty disturbing to me. Anyway I will keep submitting my works as usual, I like this site anyway...

From: Galadrial
Date: 14 November 2001

I've been watching this board for the last few weeks, with few comments. At the moment, I am mourning the loss of another site that I loved---of PEOPLE I loved...and am feeling something like hate for the faceless few who pulled it apart like a turkey bone for their own amusement.

To those who come to the blender for the poetry---post away. But the world wreckers will have a harder time here. The Blender folk are a different breed. They are more stubborn, and head strong then you know...and are unlikely to change their opinions because you gossipped, or spread a little hate.

I will miss my friends---and what that site meant to me---but not everyone is so gullible. Not everyone will fall for such deceit. The point was and is the poetry, folks.

And btw...Dee? You rock girl...GREAT ART!

Love Gala

From: kevin urenda
Date: 14 November 2001

speaking of questions (which to my thinking are an interesting way of getting to know a little bit more about each other), there is a new query at the top.

From: hollymccormick
Date: 14 November 2001

Preciousprncss- Thank's a bundle for your sweet comment. BTW I am in the south too (Louisiana) Where are you hailing from?

From: hollymccormick
Date: 14 November 2001

Truelies - Starlight how very sad and very sweet. Gave me chill bumps.

From: Sophia
Date: 14 November 2001


I'm really glad that you're so happy. It's really exciting! Keep posting. You're an awesome poet!

~you know who!

From: deevaa
Date: 14 November 2001

Derelict Daisy, you are really starting to bug me.

From: sweetness
Date: 14 November 2001

Can't we all just get along? This site is dedicated to LOVE, and sometimes that seems in short supply here. I think as long as we feel good about what we post, that should be enough. I need no further recognition....but I do like to give it!

Madison: "Andalusian Dancing"....your imagery, as always, is perfect....I almost feel like I am at the cantina.....

Hedvig: I loved "Instant Replay", as I have lived it so many times, and also "Practice Makes Perfect"...very witty and clever!

Brattydiva: welcome, thank you for your "Light".....hope to see more soon!

From: distant moon
Date: 14 November 2001

Deeva...i checked out your stuff, i like...I've been workin' on my own cafepress for a while, but i've sorta neglected it of late...but I really like your stuff, the only thing though, ESPECIALLY with the dancer, I'd love it if....umm...ok, I can't explain this easily, you know how it has those little links at the top of the page...with the circles around the pictures...I LOVE that cropped version of the dancer with the circle around it...i can see it on a shirt and it'd be great...but otherwise, they're still amazing

From: Randy1
Date: 14 November 2001

Elaina, Just remember one thing, ok? Some guys are jerks, some guys are big jerks. Take it from a guy, we are all jerks to some degree or another. You have a beautiful soul and you will connect with your mate some day. Don't get discouraged!!!!!

(Sorry it took so long to get back to you.)


From: TJ Holland
Date: 15 November 2001

Ya, and also remember that females are generally emotional beings. To one degree or another. And, being a female myself, I can say that. LOL! Thing is, women's emotions don't always make much sense (I tend to think more like a guy and analyze/problem solve too much. I also don't let my heart get in the way of my head and so I make EXTREMELY PRACTICAL decisions most of the time - to the frustration of my men). Sooooo......maybe, Elaina, you might try stepping back from your heart feelings, and taking a look at what is actually good for you. We women don't seem to do that very much. We just make decisions based on the behavior of those around us (and then tell ourselves that it is what we really wanted anyway). Not healthy.

And girl, you ARE sweet. Don't settle for less than what you deserve!


From: Hedvig
Date: 15 November 2001

Sweetness -

Thank you for taking the time to both read my work, and also to comment on it.

Hedvig / H.C.M.


From: hollymccormick
Date: 15 November 2001

A Forced Gift
Oh girl!!! Boy do you have problems. I am speaking from experince on this one. I went through the EXACT same thing with my (now) ex-husbands family. Please, please lay it on the table now, before it gets any worse. If you don't put your foot down now (esp. with the daughter thing) you will never have any control over anything with his family. Please, please heed my advice and hash this out with all of them now!!
Good Luck and God Bless,

From: Just Some Girl
Date: 15 November 2001

Oh, Madi!!

I love "Piano," and the music adds so much!! Great choice of Chopin!! Do more of that!!

From: B.K.
Date: 15 November 2001

This is a poetry page not dear abbey Hedwig, Hoodwink or whatever you call yourself. Geeze give us a break! Make satire out of it write it in your diary or xanga but please don't take up good space with drivel. Here's phone change call one of your girlfriends and heave there. (Oh life is so unfair) Give me a break!

bk (just call it a pms attack ha, this one is just too much)

Date: 15 November 2001

Was trying a new style. Thought I was fashioning it after a few of the older front page pic.
Sorry I offended you.
I'll try not to do it again.
I'll keep trying until I get the style of writing that everyone likes.
Again, please accept my apologies.
Also I apologize to whoever else out here is offended by this piece, or by anything that I write.

Hedvig Christine Martinsen

From: Hedvig
Date: 15 November 2001

Also, I might add....
Writers are very sensitive.
I have learned this from writing on many sites.
They get offended easily, more so than non writers.
Especially the women. They are the hardest to please.
Men are not as critical, and yet I have had a few that got upset with my writing. C'est la vie. (that's life)
So I am not offended by your comment, but flattered that you took the time to read my stuff and make a comment.
A comment, no matter how sarcastic, is better than being ignored.
If I am getting attention.... I am happy...
Thanks again for the comment.

You will find however, that some things that please some will offend others, etc. It is almost impossible to please all the readers, all the time.... but I will try....

Hedvig / H.C.M.

P.S. you may not like my name, but I am proud of it.
Good Swedish Stock.... ha ha.... Jag heter Hedvig....

From: Just Some Girl
Date: 15 November 2001


I'm glad!

From: deevaa
Date: 15 November 2001

Hedvig - do you not think that is a little selfish? If you are getting attention you are happy? As long as someone comments on your work, you are happy.

You haven't once commented on anyone else's work.

As long as it is all about you, you don't mind.

Its the same as the long 1/2 poem, 1/2 rant thing you posted.... the inlaws invited you, you said no, but yet it is thier fault? You've been married, what 5 times before, your not including his family in this wedding because you don't want strangers there? WTF? Really. Get over yourself and start looking outside your own little mind.

From: Just Some Girl
Date: 15 November 2001

Did I miss something, or is this the very same Hedvig that stated, I think it was on the 12th, that she didn't want to get chatty or chummy with others?

From: Hedvig
Date: 15 November 2001

fight amongst yourselves.

I don't have the time or the patience for it.


From: Stephen
Date: 15 November 2001

Christ, you people _look_ for fights. lol

From: deevaa
Date: 15 November 2001

Hedvig, you asked for feedback - I'm just giving mine.

It seems to me that you are living in a very glass house, I wouldn't start throwing stones.

From: deevaa
Date: 15 November 2001

Gala - I just read your decadent day, Argyle and I went to the Hepburn Springs Spa while I was there last and we each had a massage and shared a private spa laced with camomile and jasmine, we had wicked on our minds when we booked the private spa, but it was so warm and relaxing it was all we could do not to fall asleep!! It was a nice thing to share though, when you come to visit us we'll find you a guy and send you along. *smirk*

Cursed Day *wrinkles her nose* my yesterday was pretty much the same.

Kev - you've been pumping out some good stuff recently.

... and Madi, the music was a wonderfully unique touch.

nice nice nice...

take care of your hearts,


From: B.K.
Date: 15 November 2001

Sophia; you and Hedwig can kiss each other in the mirror can't you? HA HA


From: TJ Holland
Date: 15 November 2001

**Whispers to Stephen** ~ I think the girls figure Hedvig is Harem. Ergo their vehement attack. *ducks and covers head* I can see why they might think it, same style, mass amounts of entries, sharing super personal somewhat dysfunctional stuff in very 'casual' writing form. *whispering getting lower and more furtive* I'm taking cover Stephen, wanna hide in MY bobm shelter? *glancing around quickly* LOL! *running for cover*

From: TJ Holland
Date: 15 November 2001

***incoming message to the Blender Board, received from the Bomb Shelter****

Oh! I just had a thought...maybe all this excessive arguing and nastiness is arising because of our stress levels, which may directly result from the ever present knowledge that our country (and therefore 'WE') is (are) in a threatening predicament right now. You know? I mean this Bin Laden asshole is in hiding, secretive, attacking at random and from concealed places. So whenever someone figures they are experiencing a personal attack in a similar manner, or perceives someone to be operating 'Bin Laden style', they react in ways they wouldn't have if things in other parts of their lives weren't so threatening? oooohhhh! a bit o' psycobabble to think about!!

"there will be men with secret combinations hiding in divers places"

-Dr.Teej *has food and water supply in here!*

From: Misti
Date: 15 November 2001

I'll bring the candles and the matches. Flashlights aren't as poetic. We can all have a singalong. No Christmas songs, please. Okay...back to work.

From: deevaa
Date: 15 November 2001

I dunno why you are hiding TJ, I'm not pissed at you.

I'm pissed at the somewhat selfish and hypocritical nature of comments made by both Hedvig and Harem same person or not (and yes I think they are the same).

I'm also pissed at that Daisy/Jim/Victim creature.

I could do like Daisy/Jim/Victim and vent here all day, however I choose not to.

Maybe tomorrow, or then again, maybe not.

From: deevaa
Date: 15 November 2001

oh and if I'm being accused of 'excessive arguing and nastiness' ... I can't use Bin Laden related stress as an excuse, my country was vote the safest in the world according to last months Time magizine.

From: B.K.
Date: 15 November 2001

Osama has nothing to do with this person that insults our intelligence with every twist and turn and then comes back again and again with different names (writing the very same way every time)as if we would never know the difference. HA it's almost a stand-up comedy act in itself. Saturday Night Live should see this one.


From: violet
Date: 15 November 2001

hey... what's happening everybdy? Everyone seems to be having a nice day... lots of pleasant,sunny, love-like feelings in the air. :-P hey... TJ.... if i come to your bomb shelter can i sing folk songs? My fiancee plays some mean guitar as well... How Cozy! :-)

Rhet~ Part II was very well done... thank you! Reading your poetry is always a treat! I literally said "Ooh! A new post from Rhetoric!" out loud. :-)

Misti~ I was trying to decide which of your poems I should comment on, since they were all lovely!! I really liked the letter she wanted to send... it's one of those that really hits home... wait, all of your poems do that!

Hedvig~ Kan du tale dansk? Det kan jeg! Jeg boede i danmark en gang.

From: chris
Date: 15 November 2001

Right on BK & Dee... Harem's--er, Hedvigs's--stuff makes for interesting enough reading, but people who want attention and little else bore me.

From: TJ Holland
Date: 15 November 2001


Help! STOP. Damaged by fallout. STOP. Casualty of war. STOP. Innocent bystander. STOP. News commentator. STOP. Send medical supplies. STOP.

**rushes up ladder to open door for Misti and Violet and Violet's fiance*** Hurry up! Where's Deevaa and B.K.?? Come on girls, get in! It's safer in here!

From: chris
Date: 15 November 2001


"Daisy/Jim/Victim creature" Ha! Yes! However...it does take someone truly intelligent to be that scary--and annoying.

From: TJ Holland
Date: 15 November 2001

Chris, I agree. Though he seems to be the epitome of contention, he is very intelligent and effective in his wording. I was actually in disgusted awe of his comments.

(Dee...just for the record, I wasn't accusing YOU of nastiness. Nor 'hiding' in my wonderfully cozy, candle lit (thanks to Misti), musical (thanks to Violet and beau) Bomb Shelter from YOU, love.)

And I definately wasn't accusing anyone of BEING Bin Laden, it was just a metaphor or a simile or whatever the hell, to suggest an explanation of the increasingly large and frequent eruptions here at the Blender. LOL!

I'm having a very great time injecting humor onto the Board. I realize that some people feel very seriously about this cyber stuff and may be offended by my levity, but I am refusing to get drawn into negativity right now. I'm laughing and living and loving. :-)

**hears the whistle and whine of an incoming!! Rushes back to the Shelter**

From: TJ Holland
Date: 15 November 2001

*through the megaphon*

erin ~ you know what? you are very able to capture moments of time, and the feelings inside them, with your words. I loved Do-Over and so I went back and re-read your other stuff. It's incredible. Wow!

-Teej (*thank goodness I have my computer in here! Whew!*)

From: Violet
Date: 15 November 2001

TJ Holland~ I must say, I was very amused by The Blender and It's People :-) Well done.

From: Violet
Date: 15 November 2001

Erin~ Thank's to TJ's comment to you, I went back to the archives and read all your stuff! I had read a few, and remember being impressed with them, but I don't know if I ever said anything. I loved your poetry, every last one was excellent! I really identified with you... I could feel your words. God, that sounds so sappy, but you are truly amazing! I'm sorry for not commenting sooner! wow.

From: Ali
Date: 15 November 2001

**Attempting to think happy thoughts...Damn it! I hurt my head!**

TJ~ 'The Blender and it's People' was wonderful...Loved it! =)

Love and pensive looks, Ali

From: Misti
Date: 15 November 2001

I cut and paste this, thought it was interesting:
The 10 Best Make-Out Songs Ever Are...
...guaranteed by the irreverent music magazine Blender to help you seduce your lover. Kissie, kissie, smooch, smooch. The list below was assembled based on of poll of revered music journalists (along with much heated debate among Blender's staff members). The key to choosing a successful seduction song, Pemberton told The New York Post, is that it has to be soft and slow, have a gentle loping rhythm with a backbeat, and not be depressing.

Aside to Britney and *N SYNC and Jessica and Christina: Please step away. Your songs aren't on this list.

The No. 1 make-out song is...ta-dum: "Avalon" by Roxy Music. "It's a particularly smoochie record," Andy Pemberton, Blender's editor-in-chief, told The New York Post. "It's not an exact science, but if you played Roxy Music, it would get you somewhere."

The top 10 of the 30 songs identified as the best make-out songs ever are:

1. "Avalon" by Roxy Music
2. "Turn Off the Lights" by Teddy Pendergrass
3. "Let's Get It On" by Marvin Gaye
4. "Down Low (Nobody Has to Know)" by R. Kelly
5. "If I Was Your Girlfriend" by Prince
6. "November Rain" by Guns N' Roses
7. "Love Serenade" by Barry White
8. "Love to Love You Baby" by Donna Summer
9. "Wild Horses" by the Rolling Stones
10. "All Blues" by Miles Davis

The rest of the list is in the October/November issue of Blender, available now on newsstands.
--Cathryn Conroy

...I thought it was the Blender of Love at first, but I was wrong. Anyone ever heard of this "Blender" magazine?

Thank you for the compliment, Violet. Sounds like we'll have the coolest bomb shelter on the block. Thanks for invitin' us in, Teej! Dee, you bring the Godiva chocolates! I love your latest blog, btw.

From: Echolocation
Date: 15 November 2001

Teej -- you are BRILLIANT, I loved The Blender and It's People! Just hope Kirk The Creator doesn't decide to flood us out for our recent "iniquities"... Keep on injecting that humor, girl, we need it!!

From: Echolocation
Date: 15 November 2001

Whoops, almost forgot -- lunaa, I really liked your metaphor about the survey being "like an endless sausage within all other comments". Gave me a great visual!!

From: Rhetoric
Date: 15 November 2001

Guten Tag, Blender-mixers.
How goes the day? I spent all day slinging sushi (only enough time to whip out a quick installment to reconciliation) and all this fun stuff happens without me. But, since I have had my fair share of rantings and venomous attacks, I am glad for the day off. I do, however LOVE how everyone got on the wagon to rally around how bad it got there for a second. Like any politician would say: Thank you for your support.
Many thanks to violet and just some girl for the pep rally they give me each time I send a post up to Mt. Olympus.

Misti - the letter, the duo, and the day all work wonders for my mood. AND - I love wild horses by the stones. I have a napster live version with dave matthews and it sends me into joy with each listen.

TJ - both yours today are fabu. I hope "He" (aka Kirk) liked it. If Moses had 40 days and nights...what did Kirk get? 40 gigs and 40 bytes?

blue sky - distinction - YES!!! I know that...I get that.

Madi - very well done...I like this one much-alot!

B.K - it is almost over right? Soon he will be home? These poems of longing can't last much longer...I hope you are safe in the arms soon.

deevaa, chris, misti, BK, & Teej: I am telling you - Def Comedy Jam could us some funnies like this. I love the humor (biting at times, but still hilarious) you all are bringing to this week's woes. THANK YOU...

Jennifer Irene signing off and going to sleep.

BTW - this Sunday morn @ around 4am EST the best meteor shower in decades will be visible. I hope you all can catch it. It should be a hum dinger.

From: erin
Date: 16 November 2001

Violet and TJ
Thanks so much for your nice compliments!!
I don't usually write much on the board but i did really enjoy "your call didnt go through' and 'free flying lessons..." (i forget who wrote what though!)

From: Stephen
Date: 16 November 2001

TJ~~ Oh.. You're nuts
The Blender and It's People
Crack.. on crack..
...the men in white suits are coming shortly..
*looks left and right* *Shrugs* Screw it.... *jumps in*

From: erin
Date: 16 November 2001

Violet and TJ
Thanks so much for your nice compliments!!
I don't usually write much on the board but i did really enjoy "your call didnt go through' and 'free flying lessons..." (i forget who wrote what though!)

From: TJ Holland
Date: 16 November 2001

**Makes room for the latest refugee** *kicking aside the bodies of those nice young men in their clean white coats that showed up earlier.*

Welcome! Did ya bring the M&M's Stephen??! And the Skittles? 2 Skittles to 5 M&M's popped into your mouth and chewed thoroughly brings on intense feelings of well being! Crack has nothin' on THAT tasty little snack!


From: deevaa
Date: 16 November 2001

Sweetness - Wireless was wonderful.

... and Snow, your work always shows deep emotion, thankyou for sharing.


From: BlueDenim
Date: 16 November 2001

devOn: i loved the line 'I have believed in love/ since I know how to believe.'

jill: foolish games we play hit a tender spot with me, nicely done

blue sky to your clouds: your quote of the year was excellent, and I love! NIN, and that you posted his lyrics to Hurt.

SNOW: in I remember, I completely identified with "Yes, I remember/when you think/I don't/how those words/were once/for me"


From: blue sky to your clouds
Date: 16 November 2001

Blue Denim~
Thank you so much, it's amazing what insights you can find when you're really hurting.
Thanks again.

From: blue sky to your clouds
Date: 16 November 2001

I need to apologize for the incorherant and mis-placed jumble of words written in Playing The Fool. I guess it shows haw really lost I am, run-ons, fragments and missing words, sorry all. It's late and I can't sleep, maybe next I should wait until morning to send, that way when I'm I can read it when I'm actually awake.
Sorry Again.

From: Hedvig
Date: 16 November 2001

Chris and all

I did not want attention, but was covering over my embarassment for having gotten such negative response to my writing.
If I can write here, and have no comments whatsoever about me, my name or my work..... it would be better than verbal lashings.....

Have you never said the opposite of what you felt, because you were hurt or upset? You did not want to give someone the satisfaction of the fact that their comments were painful.

I see the arguments and fights that go on here between the readers and writers, and I really prefer not to be a part of that. I prefer not to be the object, subject, or participant of any bad feelings, anger, resentments, or whatever.

So I admit that I covered my true feelings with a lie.
I thought if you guys thought I enjoyed being belittled and bashed, that maybe you would all leave me alone.

It didn't work.

so..... I write, because I love to write.

Some will like, some won't.... I cannot help that.

Writers, like actors, enjoy an audience.
What is an actor without his audience?
What is a writer without his readers?
Writers are nothing more than verbal actors.
No actor likes to be booooed.
No actor likes to have food thrown at him, while on stage.
Actors like applause.
or at least a good turnout.
Should an actor quit acting, just because he got some bad reviews???
If it's in his blood and he loves to act.....
he might endure the angry audience.
So too, the writer....

the writer asks himself, "Why do I endure all this"?
Simply, because he loves to write

The occasional positive comment every now and then, makes all the rest worthwhile. Hell can be endured, for the occasional taste of heaven.

When my prose and poetry can reach a heart, even just for a brief moment... it makes it all worthwhile.

Even when I receive no comments at all..... I still feel that I have reached and shared, and possibly given something worthwhile.


From: Kirk, Blender-Keeper
Date: 16 November 2001

Yeesh, I've never felt quite so old testament before.

Wouldn't it be funny if the universe had been created in the same half-assed fashion as the loveblender, but both had these myths in front of it?

From: B.K.
Date: 16 November 2001

Yada Yada Yada, Hedrick you still don't get the point. I suggest you take it and sit on it for a while.

Kirk, you need a white robe and a staff (no I guess we are the staff..ha) maybe some whiskers. I know some tablets (tho lately alka seltzer probably would not soothe it. Some good scotch maybe)


From: Hedvig
Date: 16 November 2001

B.K. and all those in her group ~

Alright already ! !
You said your piece
We already know how you feel about me.

So get a life....

If you want to wallow in your negativity and anger please find someone else to wallow with you.

So sorry I cannot join you in your anger quest.

This is getting OLD....

And I am sure that everyone, including myself, is getting tired of...

From: B.K.
Date: 16 November 2001

Soulsease; Golden Afternoon, Incredible way with words Sir, that one is a heart pounder for certain.


From: Misti
Date: 16 November 2001

Many thanks! I've only heard two versions: Rolling Stones and Flying Burrito Brothers (is that right, Chris?).
Chris introduced me to both. He has brought music into my life. The Church, the Clash. But I take full credit for introducing him to the wondrous music of Freddy Fender and the seriously good stylings of Gary Stewart. "Now he's got you and I've got two divorce lawyers on my back." Ha!

..just went to projectgreenlight to find the latest writer's challenge. Found a scene challenge, so I took it. Everyone should take it. I'd like to see different takes on it.

This is what I want to know: who is gonna bring the Cheezits Party Mix??? A bomb shelter just ain't "The Bomb" without it!

From: B.K.
Date: 16 November 2001

Headlice; you got it all wrong, you see what we are tired of is you taking up all the space on the board in the name of ATTENTION..Now do you get it! I haven't read a thing of yours untill yesterday and when I read that tripe it just wildly hit me way the wrong way. You are right though, I will not give you one more ounce of ATTENTION that you so desperately crave!

Kirk; My apology Sir, You will never hear anything like this from me again in regards to this person.


From: Hedvig
Date: 16 November 2001


From: Star of David
Date: 16 November 2001

Hi everyone...
I was away for about 2 months and now I am glad to be back. I hope to submit some work at least tomorrow or the day after that.
Everything on the Blender seems to be as great as always.
Take care everybody.
Loads of Love,
Star of David.

From: soulsease
Date: 16 November 2001

BK...thanks for the comment...much appreciated...

From: Jubal29717
Date: 16 November 2001

Madison: "piano" was lovely. The addition of the music really set the mood. I played many Chopin peices during my college years while working on my music degree, and the nocturnes are my favorites to this day! Thanks for putting two great artworks together! A Brazilian pianist, Guimar Novaes, recorded all the nocturnes and waltzes and I THINK they have been re-mastered and released on CD...her intepretation is stunning and just shimmers. You made my day.

From: Misti
Date: 16 November 2001

re: *Heather's Dilemma*...shoulda been EXT. instead of INT. oops.

From: ~*Truelies*~
Date: 16 November 2001

Hi all, I found myself stuck at a loose end today so I decided to be unusual (for me) and read lots of material and actually make comments! I usually skip the comments part for fear of ppl only comenting back on my work out of politeness (does that sound harsh?)oh and I never have time!

Hedvig - The VOODOO that YOU DO was enjoyable to read. The rhymes were quirky and it was enchanting. Loved the line 'The Voodoo that you do / you do it so well' A mouthful, but a lovely line!

Soultease - Golden afternoon I loved. All those warm, sunlight images, great imagery, especially the bit about the lioness and that whole stanza was just fab description.

blue sky to your clouds - Thanks for asking hit a big chord with me. I liked it. Reminded me of someone who was close to me who I haven't spoken too for 4 mnths even tho I see them everyday. The line out of Playing The Fool summed it up 'I wish I could yell at/you. Tell you exactly how I feel... But all the same/I don't ever want to talk to you/ again' I really like you work... I've just never told you before (i dont think)

SNOW - I loved the way Autumn's Play read... it was soft and had a lovely flow to it... plus you wrote about my fave season! The line 'ran until your laugh was uncatchable' was beautiful! I read it three times over straight off.

Sophia - I read your latest and I liked! I understood what you mean about the difference between friends and your friends. True friends are those who drain you but let them drain you back! I sent the link of this poem to my best friend... hope you don't mind, but I told her with it how she was a true friend, and your poem suited it.

Misti - Cursed Day, very celestial yet brilliant. I can't think of anything constructive to say so I'll just say I liked it!

Du'Doll - Just You is soooo true. My bf hates it when I say it's all about him but it's the way I feel. I loved the way you lay it out too.

T.J.Holland - The Blender and It's People was funny yet good, and a good poignant statement yet light hearted. Liked. A lot.

Luv Truelies
(The one quietly reading in the corner... move along it's rude to stare)

From: ~*Truelies*~
Date: 16 November 2001

correction to last comment - soultease = soulsease. sorry, no offence meant just a typo!

All appologies

True -x-

From: scqueen
Date: 16 November 2001

Just a comment...but I always thought ~*Truelies*~ was also Harem/Tangerine/Hedvig...am I wrong??

From: B.K.
Date: 16 November 2001

The line I love that voo doo that you do so well is from an old song. Think it's called "Witchcraft," and I think I remember hearing Sinatra sing it. Tis a good line, just someone famous wrote it a long time ago.


From: blue sky to your clouds
Date: 16 November 2001

Truelies~ Thanks so much...I appriciate it a lot.

From: ~*Truelies*~
Date: 16 November 2001

Squeen - Very wrong, I am an individual, thank you very much! My real name's Gwen and I'm from England! I'm proud to say I have only one identity... and that's me!

Luv True

(the one and only)

From: Violet
Date: 16 November 2001

Hedvig~ Have you heard Ella Fitzgerald sing "you do something to me" she actually sings the line "do, do that voodoo that you do so well" Thought you may find that interesting. :-) (I'm a BIG Ella fan)

From: Rhetoric
Date: 16 November 2001

Miss Violet ~
you are such an interesting woman. I think I have you pegged for some early 20's youth, then you go and talk about Ella. Any 20 year old who knows Ella - rock on!
Also...did ya see winterviolet - is she creaping up on the name? At least she posts good stuff in case people confuse you two.

Your 26 year old goofball, Rhet

From: Violet
Date: 16 November 2001

Rhet~ You're so funny... thank you! I don't really think of myself as all that interesting. I have been singing since I was about three years old, and was always in Jazz choirs. I discovered Ella when I was about 13 and she's been an idol of mine since. :-) People always made fun of me for listening to "old people music" back in High School. And you know, I think you're a pretty interesting 26 year old. :-) Yeah, winterviolet... violetkarma... someone is taking my name. :-( oh well, what's in a name, right? And she does write good stuff... grrr. :-P

From: B.K.
Date: 16 November 2001

Violet & Truelies; Tis a Cole Porter song but I have it on tape with Sinatra singing it as well. (I took a stab at the title, I recognized the lyric, just should have pulled it out. Back then they all did their own renditions of popular songs. Those old tunes are wonderful. I love Ella too.


From: deevaa
Date: 16 November 2001

hehe, TK's middle name is Louis after Satchmo and if he'd been a girl he's have been Ella... count me in on the 'liking old folks music' ...

scqueen, did you get my message on AIM? - I'm pocket deevaa if you wanna find me.

take care of your hearts.


From: SN0W
Date: 16 November 2001

... thank you very much gala, deevaa, BlueDenim,~*Truelies*~
I appreciate your comments.


From: Madison
Date: 16 November 2001

Thank y'all, and wow - thanks for the heads up on Guiomar Novaes Plays Chopin, Jubal. I just found it at amazon.com and it looks to be an enormous amount of music (3 disks) for the money, topped off with a five ***** star rating. Pretty cool. I might even make my way to the shopping cart (early Christmas). Guess my taste in music jumps all over the place. There are only two kinds I'm not too crazy about. And that's country and western. (a little joke around here) Used to sing backups for country players in Austin & Houston a while back, and I guess between that and my ex-husband's kickerdness, I just got burned out. (Sorry cowboys, still love ya).

From: Rhetoric
Date: 16 November 2001

TJ -
wreckage...well done. The title sucked me in.

Violet ~ sing. baby sing. I do think you are far cooler than I was at your age. Oohhh, how sad that did sound. If it wasn't Nine Inch Nails or The Cure, at 20, I wasn't game. Now, I consider myself much more diverse. Ah, the joys of being with an older man...

By the way - where is the Tanq Cowboy these days? I have noticed his absence.


From: Du'Doll
Date: 16 November 2001

Hey all,

Thank you for your comments! I appreciate them! I don't get alot of chances to comment on other poetry, but I have yet to read something that didn't mean something to me in some way. I am a devoted blend-write!


From: scqueen
Date: 16 November 2001

Sorry Trulies, I think the symbols by your name threw me off! My apologies :-) Where in England are you?

From: TJ Holland
Date: 16 November 2001


Thanks to Violet, Ali, Echolocation, Rhet, Stephen (IF your comment meant you liked it :-) )and Truelies, for your comments on "The Blender and It's People"! Glad you guys enjoyed it, and I hope it brought a smile to ya! (where the heck did I learn how to talk like God?)

Kirk ~ I hope you liked it too! (and I'm GLAD the universe wasn't put together half-assed!) LOL!

Rhet~ thanks for mentioning "Wreckage" ;)

Misti ~ can you make a run for it from the Bomb Shelter and grab a bunch of the Cheezits party mix??
**TJ grabs a claymore to provide cover**

Does anyone know what happened to Gala?? I read her comment from a couple days ago and didn't think she meant she was leaving The Blender, but maybe I misread it??

**listening to the silence of ceasefire**

From: Jubal29717
Date: 16 November 2001

Madison: you might also want to give the Artur Rubinstein recordings of Chopin's works a whirl if if the Novaes is unavailable. But Novaes is *still* my eternal favorite. There is also a pretty neat CD out called "Bach for Book Lovers" that is would be wonderful to put on while reading the Blender...happy listening! Jubal

From: Galadrial
Date: 16 November 2001

Hi TEEJ...

No, I'm fine. I was recently involved with a fire war at another site...and have watched this one with interest...same methods...same techinques...but it wouls be way too strange to assume the vindicitve Sh*T that tore up the other site followed me back here...

No one is that strange...I think.

I neglected to tell Mady, you and Echo that you are my GODDESSES...Misti, you have been kickin BUTT girl...
impresssed as all hell Chica...

Dee....you always amaze me, art queen.

And I know i saw one or three by Kevin that were neat...

Snow---I'm glad you're feeling at home...most times the Blender is a cool place...

Peace all...and pass the aloe........


PS...Just got in from Harry Potter---freaking fantastic...MUST SEE!

From: ~*Truelies*~
Date: 17 November 2001

scqueen - I'm from the middle bit of England (west midlands to be more precise) (Birmingham if we're being really fussy!) and altho I was a bit offended/suprised that you thought I was someone else (well multiple other ppl!) all is forgiven.

Luv True
(blue at the moment)

From: TJ Holland
Date: 17 November 2001

knightrunner ~ Welcome! I liked "She Is This".

From: brattydiva
Date: 17 November 2001

Sweetness, "Wireless" blew me away!! Don't you love when a man can't take a hint?? Keep up with the awesome submissions, Sweetness... Your poems are by far some of the absolute best I have had the pleasure of reading! =) --Brattydiva

From: B.K.
Date: 17 November 2001

You guys I think I need to apologize to everyone including you Harem. I took my frustrations out on something very trivial in a big way and it's not like me unless otherwise provoked. In this case I started it and for my part there I apologize. I am not apologizing for my opinions, just in the methods in which I used them.

And Rhett Darlin; If all goes well and nothing else explodes, I think this time there is a good chance I will see him. (Get me some smelling salts, every time I say that I think I am going to pass out!)ha


From: Galadrial
Date: 17 November 2001

Knight runner,

Who ever you are...She is This...enchanted me...my god......


From: Ali
Date: 17 November 2001


I must agree...'She Is This' is most enchanting...You stilled my breath, with the beauty of your writing...

Love and angel eyes, Ali

From: B.K.
Date: 17 November 2001

This page is hot today with Madison and knightrunner poems. Madison this one I could feel shooting out the top of my head (Which is the way Emily D. says you should feel good poetry.) and knightrunner, yours gave me goosebumps. If you are new here, welcome, please write more. And of course Madison I look forward to yours always.


From: B.K.
Date: 17 November 2001

Crapioli, I wrote down the codes and then in my hurry to get out into the sunshine I forgot to use them.

Madison; fervour

knightrunner; She Is This

Wonderful, Wonderful!

bk (sunshine girl today)

From: Misti
Date: 17 November 2001

Thanks, woman! I'm going to submit some poems to your site today! Today I want to see "Shallow Hal." I also want to see "Muholland Drive" (LYNCH!!! Yes!!!) but the timing has to be right because that will be a mystical experience.

Here's the latest writer's challenge, for anyone who wants to take it. It's much easier than last week's.


From: Madison
Date: 17 November 2001

That's the nicest thing I can remember being told about anything I've ever written. I'm speechless.


From: scqueen
Date: 17 November 2001

~*Truelies*~ Birmingham! That's why I asked. I used to work for a man from Birmingham when I lived in PA. His company sells all English gardening products. I also have a friend in London (Leytonstone to be exact).

...why are you blue today?

From: scqueen
Date: 17 November 2001

devOn ~ I don't think I was here when you used to post regularly but your reputation was somewhere in the back of my mind. I see that you live up to it still... beach was excellent as well as the repost that you did for Deevaa.

Violet ~ I especially like all of yours this month.
My favorite being 'My Red Guitar'.

From: Echolocation
Date: 17 November 2001

Misti -- A Feel-Good Glimpse into the Future is beautiful -- no matter how old we get on the outside we're still the same young people inside; I like the way this reminds us we should remember that and cherish it, rather than surrender to what society thinks "old folks" should do or be

Madison -- impossible for me to single out any particular one of yours this month, they have all been so lovely

TJ -- A Diverging Echo -- loved the dreamlike flow and the choice of words; Wreckage -- wow!

Gala -- Really?! Me?!?! A GODDESS? Wow... I'm speechless :) Many thanks! (Hope I can live up to it, ooh the pressure...)

From: violet
Date: 17 November 2001

Scqueen~ Thank you so much! :-) I love it when talented people like my stuff!

From: Rhetoric
Date: 17 November 2001

Violet ~
I think trapped in you is the best I have read from you since moonlight and push. I like your style, therefore, I am apt to comment on most your works because I like your voice - but this new one I love.

And I, too, must jump on the knightrunner wagon. WOW. And the email address is funny too. She Is This is so full of wonderful descriptives.

jackryhme - both your new subs are great. You are right - why ask? I like them as a compliment to each other...very similar in mood and tone.

Misti - I liked your scene challenge and the feel good glimpse. I wasn't aware that only one person could post a writers challenge on that board. I actually put those words up b/c when I got to PGL that morning there was only the scene challenge and no writers version. Well, it turned out that someone else posted one after me and since he has historically posted the challenges only one person gave my words a shot. I felt sorta stupid - is he a webmaster and responsible for the friday challenge? Anyways - thanks. I haven't used them yet b/c I have been so busy.

scqueen - ha ha!! Don't sweat it. I haven't the gardening knowledge to keep him remotely interested. He is GG, right?

Sorry this is so long - have a great day, Jennifer

From: Just Some Girl
Date: 17 November 2001

And all the ladies swooned...Knightrunner, "SHe is This" is a dream!

From: Misti
Date: 17 November 2001

Well, you just made my husband's day with the Conway Twitty submission! He had the greatest hits cd when we were in Austin but he finally had to pawn it 'cause Conway got on my last damn nerve. That's one of his better songs, though. I like the last verse. And thanks for the compliment on my writer's challenge!
No, anyone can post the writer's challenge! I posted it once and got a few responses. I usually don't respond at the board there. I usually just cut and paste the list and submit my piece to xanga or here. It's a hard community to crack. I don't have the time for it, really. Waaaay too many threads! Thanks for the compliments, btw!

(I've been on this computer long enough...I've got a Saturday to catch!)

From: deevaa
Date: 17 November 2001

Misti -- I've taken the green light challenge list off your xanga site, I'll do my sub in abit, gotta get the sheets of the beds and into the washing machine first.

Have you posted them here? There was a good response last time.


From: dev0n
Date: 17 November 2001

to everyone who complimented me on my latest works: thank you!

sometimes i doubt my ability to write.. quite often, in fact.. but all it takes is a visit to the board to make me feel better about myself again.

maybe that's a little twisted, but hey.. it's the truth!

i do have to admit that i haven't been reading as much as i used to.. so i'm going to dive in right now.. as soon as post another poem. :)

i hope everyone is having a good autumn! be sure to watch the meteor shower tonight if you can.. should be very romantic! :)

From: B.K.
Date: 17 November 2001

Oh Dev0n you left a big lump in my throat with that one. Bless You Woman, if that is true, all our good thoughts will be with you there! And thanks for all the wonderful poems that I have not had a chance to say anything lately about but am enjoying so much. Keep your chin up!

RhetDarlin; I love your reconciliations one and two (did i spell that right) I am on my way to a birthday party, so I am flying as usual. HA

Kev; physics is my favorite subject lately ha ha ha. That's a nice one.

Misti; Can't remember the title but when you are old he better bring you ben and jerrys just as tribute for putting up with him for all those years..ha (Loved that one too. Will try the challenge when I get back. Gotta have something to write to him. ha

Gotta go sing to the birthday girl. See Ya Later


From: Ali
Date: 17 November 2001


'Fervour' was absolutely stunning...*smile* Excellently done, as usualy...=)

Love and angel eyes, Ali

From: dev0n
Date: 17 November 2001

bk.. thank you for your kind words. the last time is a "true to life" poem, unfortunately.. but i am hanging in there! sometimes life just likes to throw rocks at all of us.. :)

btw.. i did do a bit of reading.. and misti, you are still one of my favorite writers. i would link to my recent favorites of yours.. but i love them all so much.

bk: X+O=K+H x 100=Boom *&* Boom! is amazing. i've always had a "thing" for combining poetry with science/math.. i posted one *ages* ago called chemistry that was similar.. in any case.. i love it :)

.. still reading the rest of the month! :)

From: knightrunner
Date: 17 November 2001

Out of the blue I found this site and with hesitation I shared one of my writings. I am pleased that you many have enjoyed that which I write. I look forward to sharing more with you and delighting in the words of yours.

From: dev0n
Date: 17 November 2001

wow, i am posting a lot today. :)

deevaa: there may have been another one about the boardroom, but to be honest.. i lost 3 years worth of my writing in a hard drive crash. i had it backed up, but my backup was corrupt. you'd think that i'd know better, being a "computer geek", but alas..

i do have a lot of my work handwritten in binders, but i know i did lose at least 250 poems. my best ones are in a special book i have, so i am not too heartbroken. still sometimes i get upset thinking about it...

From: scqueen
Date: 17 November 2001

TJ ~ With this one, you nailed it, girl... Wreckage

From: TJ Holland
Date: 17 November 2001

*smiles* Thanks scqueen! Wanna come for dinner at my Bomb Shelter? We're just waiting for Misti to go get the Cheezits.

From: Max-Rom
Date: 18 November 2001

A few of my favorite reads:

brattydiva -- loved your daughter's poem(untitled) , very sweet.

sweetness -- I loved Wireless . I could relate to this one. Thanks for the great read.

Du'Doll -- Just You was awesome. All I can say is "wow".

Hedvig -- Cool stylings on The VOODOO that YOU DO . You rock more than the Rolling Stones!

sati -- Watcher was very a sensual, lovely read. Loved the imagery you used.

For jackrhyme and Ali -- very interesting 'conversational bumps' yet still i find myself... / We Are Not Perfect and Why? / There Is No Reason Why . You guys are so deep! *claps his hands childlishly*

Everyone else -- I love all the latest posts. Really. Keep it up you guys!


From: Stephen
Date: 18 November 2001

..Ever had that feeling where you just are so happy and excited about meeting someone new and perfect, you can't write anything about it.. cause ..well you can't describe it? Well hot damn.. I feel that right now.. Holyshit.. where has this girl been all my life!!!!!!!!!!!!!

sorry.. don't know why I had to share that.. errmm.. maybe it's like when violet mentioned she was getting married.. don't know... heh heh...I guess I'm just happy for once in a long time...maybe I'll look back on this time so I can remember what it really feels like.

thanks for carin' or readin',
the guy in stupid love

From: sweetness
Date: 18 November 2001

Brattydive......."You"...it must be incredible to be in love like that.

jackrhyme: "yet I still find myself" was great!

dev0n: "the last time" is so incredibly touching.......

nice to see so much great work by everyone

From: Ali
Date: 18 November 2001


Thank you...I'm glad that you liked...=)


I know exactly how you feel...*smile* It's such a grand feeling, ain't it? Be happy...=)

Love and shimmering hope, Ali

From: Sophia
Date: 18 November 2001


~What a great compliment to have you send my peom to your best friend. I don't mind at all. Thank You!!~

From: ~*Truelies*~
Date: 18 November 2001

scqueen - I didn't think there'd be a big demand for english gardening products worldwide but perhaps i'm wrong! Why I was blue is irrelavant now cus I had a hot wknd :-) Where are you from exactly?

sophia - Glad you dont mind, my bessie mate luved your work too!

From: Misti
Date: 18 November 2001

Dee and B.K.~
I'm awaiting your takes on the challenge! And B.K.
you are absolutely right on about the ice cream!
Okay, here are two BIG boxes of Cheezits Party Mix
and a package of Danish Wedding Cookies and a cooler filled with Coca-Cola Classic and Tecate and....and...some Silly String and SCRABBLE and Trivial Pursuit and a souvenir deck of Las Vegas cards! That should do it. I think.

From: scqueen
Date: 18 November 2001

Truelies ~ Believe it or not, he does a booming business. Sells to home gardeners but mainly to nurseries and garden centers who resell. Mainly mail-order. Very upscale and quality products. It's called Kinsman Company.

I was born and raised in South Carolina. Got married in 1994 and moved to Pennsylvania for 2 years. We moved to California in 1996 and have been here since. We live on the central coast, about 31/2 hours north of Los Angeles.

Glad your weekend turned from blue to red :-)

From: scqueen
Date: 18 November 2001

wistful ~ Contemplating a Plunge ... how wonderful!

jackrhyme ~ oh, the things you've done... :-)

TJ ~ Re: your bomb shelter, my sister told me a funny yesterday. She lives in Austin, where they've had record floods and a tornado this last week. She has a friend from Brazil who was visiting her when they heard that a tornado was tearing down I-35, and were told to take cover. So my sis, her friend and my 8 month old newphew all sat in a safe spot in the hallway. After a few minutes her friend asked if she had any wine. After they broke out the wine, she asked if she had any cheese & olives... my sister said she'd never had more fun waiting out a tornado :-)

From: scqueen
Date: 18 November 2001

oops! nephew

A little heavy on the coffee today!

From: Du'Doll
Date: 18 November 2001


thank you so much for you compliment, I like to know that some of my poems are enjoyed by others, especially by other poets!


Guess what everybody...I am getting married! Dec. 15th! I never would have thought! WOW! Somebody actually wants to put up with me for the rest of his life! What a man!

Peace to All!

From: TJ Holland
Date: 18 November 2001

Congrats Du'Doll!! You're braver than I! :-)


From: deevaa
Date: 18 November 2001

Misti -- I've done the challenge, Robot got me big time.... *pulls a face*

From: deevaa
Date: 18 November 2001

oh damn it.... I fluffed a word. If you've read it I am sure you saw it, and I'm sure you know what it was meant to be.

Sorry guys!!

From: Misti
Date: 18 November 2001

"Heads together in rapture
Thinking in cartoon caption thoughts"
beautiful! I think this is my favorite poem of yours, B.K.
I love the images!

I love yours, too! You pulled it off very nicely. Ummm...no pun intended.;-) Yes, "robot" is a hard one. But you made it work.

I read all of your poems for the first time just now. You're truly an incredible writer.

From: twinkle
Date: 18 November 2001

misti - thank you for your kind comments! they give me hope that maybe i can write :)

snow - i love your style, they touch me! keep posting...;)

From: lill_hugz
Date: 18 November 2001

Umm.. hey *Smile* I would just like to say
Comments are welcome towards my poems - wether good or bad *I'd prefere negative - so I could learn whatI'm doing wrong*smiles* thanx

From: cloudy
Date: 19 November 2001


From: chris
Date: 19 November 2001


Wow! Good stuff...

From: SN0W
Date: 19 November 2001

twinkle.. *smiles* to touch a reader is always a special joy to me.. thank you.

oh, i do mean.. for the wooooords .. to touch the reader


From: blue sky to your clouds
Date: 19 November 2001

Hmm...do you need some water...what is that...hmm...a furball or something.

(ok so I stole the line from runaway bride...but it's my favorite part and i couldn't resist)


From: blue sky to your clouds
Date: 19 November 2001

I have a question, has anyone ever written pages of poems and letters to you and all you could say is hmm...I honestly think I've missed something, because life/love just doesn't work the way I always thought it did. Honestly, pages and all I get is a hmm. What a waste of words. Not that I really knew what I was expected, I'd rather have nothing, than just a hmm. Grr...that makes me so irritated and I suppose that's why it was done. To blaken my heart even more...well, I'm not going to let it. What do you all think?

From: Violet
Date: 19 November 2001

Elaina~ Maybe I read wrong... but if you gave a significant other pages of your love and all they said was "hm..." then they just aren't worth your time. A "special someone" should adore every page of your love... down to the last comma.


From: BlueDenim
Date: 19 November 2001

scqueen: I live on the central coast too! About 3-4 hours north of LA. How cool. Don't you love it here?

From: Violet
Date: 19 November 2001

Stephen~ I just read the message you wrote about being happy... sure took me a long time to notice! :-) Are you makin' fun of me? :-P Hey, I'm really happy that you found her! Happiness is a good thing to share.

From: BlueDenim
Date: 19 November 2001

SNOW: touched... wonderful.
deeva: I really liked your approach to the challenge in early morning memories of a waterfall. put together quite well.
twinkle: Passion trees and canyons were lovely. I like your style.
B.K.: I enjoyed reading Thingy? for some odd reason the line "her head in hand/on elbow stand" really appealed to me.
All the stuff today was awesome!

From: Stephen
Date: 19 November 2001

Violet~~ no No .. lol. Just was using you as a example. I find me mentioning it to you all just funny, thats all. I'm sure happy poetry will eventually come from this! Thanks...whooooooooohoooooooooo in love ;-P

From: SN0W
Date: 19 November 2001

Bob (Bluedenim)

Red Moon and Idle Nights.... packed with so much emotion. tender touching reads. truly enjoyed.


From: scqueen
Date: 19 November 2001

Blue Denim ~ Where do you live??? We live in Santa Maria. And yes, I do love it here. Took a little while for me to get used to - I grew up in heat & humidity, but I truly love it now. If I had to guess, you must be in SLO, AG, Pismo, Paso, Atascadero???

From: BlueDenim
Date: 19 November 2001

scqueen: I live 15 minutes north of SLO, in Morro Bay. I grew up in heat and humidity also. Definitely a good difference.

From: BlueDenim
Date: 19 November 2001

SNOW: I'm glad you enjoyed them. I'd have to say Idle Nights is one of my favorites of my own writing.

From: Kirk
Date: 19 November 2001

Blue Sky:
Was it a guy writing "hmmmm"? Hmmm, for guys at least, actually is used to cover a huge range of feeling, sometimes very complex and muddled feeling. It's not all negative.

COngrats to Du'Doll, and Yay for Stephen.

From: Rhetoric
Date: 19 November 2001

The Coldness of Loneliness is fantastic!! It sounds like something I would rant about...I'm fine...(when I REALLY know IU'm not). It touched me because it has been true SO many times for me.

deevaa and B.K - great writers challenge efforts. Robot was a freakish word to include.

Teej- I, too, would like to get in the shelter. Is it too late? I'm in need of a quick escape...I have Bit 'o Honey and a couple bottles of Merlot (not to be consumed togethger, of course).

Tanq - ;) I hear ya...just hurry up.


From: TJ Holland
Date: 19 November 2001

**sends up a periscope**

Rhet!! Of course! Jump in! Misti just got back with the Cheezit thingies. Very American! The merlot can be for all you red wine lovers. I have a stock pile of reisling (late harvest). The music is playing...got some Leonard Cohen in for this rainy day. He's so sublime! **scans the horizon for Gala**


From: scqueen
Date: 19 November 2001

Blue Denim ~ The only place I didn't name!! We are in Morro Bay a good bit watching birds and the bay in general. How lucky you are, Where'd you grow up?

From: Ali
Date: 19 November 2001


'To Fade...' Left me utterly speechless..

Love and shooting stars, Ali

From: Violet
Date: 19 November 2001

I was thinking that the bomb shelter needs pillows and blankets and other cozy items. That way, we can all sit around and have poetry readings while tipsy on Rhet's wine. :-) How about brie cheese? mmmmm...

From: Tanqueray Cowboy
Date: 19 November 2001

I was tryin' to keep a low profile but...
Glory! Red wine, brie, Leonard Cohen AND Cheezitz???

Y'all rock!
Will write bad poetry for shelter.

From: Rhetoric
Date: 19 November 2001

Congrats to Du'Doll and Stephen for finding (and sharing with us) love.! Yea.

TC - Dearest, you come to "tha party"? Rock on. It's time for Grita's.

Just Some Girl ~
It was all Yellow. What else happened on that arid day?
Do tell...I can keep a secret. Send me clues to solve the puzzle.

I just got back from Harry Potter. And, I am not embarrassed to say I REALLY liked it. Not being the sort to read sci-fi or genres with wizards, I thought it was great fun. A must see - it rejuvinates the child for a moment.

Off to bed - Rhetoric
She's an odd bird, that Rhet.

From: BlueDenim
Date: 20 November 2001

I am very lucky. I suggest finding the Museum of Natural History, at night, and making the small trek up the rocky hill. It's absolutely lovely!
I actually grew up in Bakersfield and in Oklahoma.

From: BlueDenim
Date: 20 November 2001

I forgot... scqueen, read my poem Red Moon, and you'll notice I am describing Morro Bay and the museum. I love incorporating details that can give away location.

From: Misti
Date: 20 November 2001

R. Stonecloud~
I'm likin' *Laugh Naked if You Want*...it is seriously great. Keep writin'!

From: Misti
Date: 20 November 2001

oops a daisy...*Laugh Naked if You Like*

From: TJ Holland
Date: 20 November 2001

**Sends troops on reconaissance mission**

*special agents to Tanq's place for secure convoy*

*retrieve Tanq, sans bad poetry, just his own (which is FAR from bad!!)*

*recon troops return weeping from the glory of TC's poetry*

*mission accomplished*

WhooHooooo! This place is feelin' like home!

From: B.K.
Date: 20 November 2001

Misti & Rhet; Writers challenge is fun to see what everybody comes up with using the very same words. Thanks for your comments.

Redcloud; I enjoyed your writers challenge as well! Write more for us

Bob; I was laying on the bed head in hand, on elbow stand looking at some grapevine stars I had bought to make a red white and blue xmas wreath..Ha funny how things come together. Thanks for your comment. I enjoy the way you put thoughts together as well.

h; Autumn Alone You know I am always begging you to write something. This is lovely. Glad you are back, you have been missed.

TeeJ; Can I come and bring a big box of Peppermint ALTOIDS for all in close quarters eating junk food..HA HA HA I'll also bring my new cook book called how to make nuclear weapons and guided missiles. I figure if Osama can do it then so can I, I can cook up anything. HA

Max; 'If Torn At the Seams,' is a work in progress, it's very nice, I like it!

twinkle; if you are new here (one never knows ha) welcome, I am also enjoying your work.

Later you all.


From: Sophia
Date: 20 November 2001


~Torn At The Seams~ is amazing! Is it really a work in progress? I have no suggestions for improving it. Oh, and sometimes you just have to follow your heart. It can be broken, but why pass up the chance of having it swell? I was hurt once, but I also got to experience love, and I wouldn't trade it for anything. So keep following your heart!!! Keep writing, too. You are fabulous!


From: scqueen
Date: 20 November 2001

Hedvig ~ A Fine Porcelain Cup so true. Nice one :-)

From: scqueen
Date: 20 November 2001

Erin ~ I think Kirk should use waiting... for his quote at the top of next month's digest... I loved it.

From: Hedvig
Date: 20 November 2001

To MaxRom - Thank you for the comment about VooDoo YouDo!!

To scqueen - Thank you for the comment on Porcelain Cup!!

There were a few other people who commented on my work,
but I waited too long to reply... and now I can't go back...

But thank you anyway -


From: Hedvig
Date: 20 November 2001

Erin - waiting... is GREAT !!!
a metaphor so wonderfully profound !!!
you say so much with just a few words..

B.K. Dissection Perplexion -
I liked the "rascally rascal" part.

Blue Denim - Drawing Cute Idea !!

bp ~ the stranger Sad, but so beautiful.

RandyL - Looks Can Deceive
I just adored this comparison.... Really made me think..and so well written....

B.K. - Bareback Dreams is sexy, witty, and fun!

Knightrunner - She Is This so wonderful to
read - and to daydream upon.... *sigh..

Erin - together/forever you painted wonderful feelings here.

Violet - trapped in you WOW !!!

TJ Holland - Wreckage Thought provoking and yet a bit sad.

scqueen - Pumpkin People Wonderful new words to make one feel the brisk thrill of autumn!

Stephen - Thanks for your comments (older ones). Congratulations on your new love.


From: Kirk, blender-keeper
Date: 20 November 2001

Testing a new feature of the blender: automatic substitution of text starting http:// with the appropriate link, ala http://kisrael.com

From: Kirk, blender-keeper
Date: 20 November 2001

By jove I think I've got it. Link away! (Well, not *too* indiscriminately)

I hope the algorithm I used to figure out what's a link is ok. Baically it looks for http stuff and then makes a link til it gets to a quote, whitespace, or the end of the string.

From: Madison
Date: 20 November 2001

Way http://www.dictionary.com/cgi-bin/dict.pl?term=cool , Kirk. Kudos to the Webmaster.

From: deevaa
Date: 20 November 2001

... and I thought I was the only one around here that thinks snogging is not only a great activity but a great word. I love the word snogging.

From: Ali
Date: 20 November 2001

H and Deevaa~

Snogging...That is such a good word, one that is not only fun to say, but fun to do as well...*smile*

Love and light, Ali

From: Rhetoric
Date: 20 November 2001

distant moon, distant moon...triumphs if I may say so.

stonecloud...who are you??? and WOW!!!! So, so clever and wonderfully coherant.


From: twinkle
Date: 20 November 2001

Michael T - I loved "Presbyterian girl" - such emotions and feelings...you are truly a talented writer!

From: TJ Holland
Date: 21 November 2001

**takes stock of newly added supplies in Bomb Shelter**

Ok......B.K.'s in with the Altoids and the "Saute, Flambe, and Julienne Bin Laden's Ass CookBook", Violet's got the cozy stuff and the brie. Tanqueray Cowboy is reciting poetry and mixin' up the Margarita's that Rhet brought. Misti is stuffin her face full of Cheezit's (save some for the other Americans who eat that stuff, girl!) I think I saw Chris here somewhere??? Rhet's eatin' Bit's o Honey, and slammin' Merlot to the strumming of Stephen's guitar.....who else made it in?? Has anyone turned on the radio to hear what's up on the outs?

*Teej is sittin' in the rafters with her eyes closed. Got one of Misti's candles burnin', hearin' Leonard's secrets fallin from his lips, sippin' Canyon de Sol reisling, and forgetting there's a world out there.*

From: BlueDenim
Date: 21 November 2001

B.K.: "Dandelion Wine" was nice. I was expecting a quote from the book. Have you read it?

Stephen: I found "Antaeres..." to be very beautiful.

Michael T: "Presbyterian Girl" was a rather good read. Nicely done.

Thank you to Hedvig and B.K.

From: h.
Date: 21 November 2001

Deevaa and Ali,

I definately agree with you,
snogging, an activity healthy for your mind, soul and the lips!
god, do I miss it!!!

From: B.K.
Date: 21 November 2001

Blue Denim; Hey thanks Bob, yes that is probably one of my favorite books of all time. That and Childhoods End, which I am sure you must have read also.

Hedvig; Thanks for the comments about my work.

Teej; Cohen is too depressing except for Suzanne, so get out of the shelter, write something for us and get ready to do the Turkey Trot!


From: Hedvig
Date: 21 November 2001

The blender is full of some magnificent stuff today !!!

B.K.'s Mood Swings So Clever and wonderfully written. When he is near, you write in rolling rhyme conducive to your mood and feelings. When he is gone, your rhyme disappears - reflective of the choppy change in your feelings - to a negative/nothing is going right mood... As I said before - quite Clever !

Randy1's Night Lake I really loved this one ! I just can't say enough about this piece! Briefly, it has so much beauty, both in the words and the lilting, floating feeling of the magnificently rhyming pattern. My favorite part is : "Crickets sing, fire flies dance.
As entwined they are, in sweet romance."

Ali's Upon A Kiss Was so beautiful and thought provoking. I felt like I was lying down in resplendent surroundings, being pampered, and someone was softly reading this piece to me.

Michael T's Presbyterian Girl Loved the way that you tied the beginning to the end, giving it a feeling of complete ! My favorite part was :

"Rubbed you like a robot
revved you like a race car
until I ran out of gas
as you were praying"

B.K.'s Dandelion Wine Short, witty, and full of meaning !

Rhetoric's Reconciliation (Part II) I can see it, yes feel it. You've painted a scene to a play with thoughts so deep they pervade my mind with a vision of the night. My favorite part is :
"With each kiss I forget the words
(almost as if they are never said)
that render me unable to keep you happy."

and I love this : "At night, our reconciliation begins."


From: distant moon
Date: 21 November 2001

Rhet - thank you for your comments, I really appreciated reading that today. Just what I needed.

From: Ali
Date: 21 November 2001


Thank you ever so much...*smile* I'm glad that you liked...=)

Love and morning light, Ali

From: TJ Holland
Date: 21 November 2001

B.K. ~ I trotted all over the turkey last night. Mum and Dad are down from British Columbia and I have to work at the jail on Thanksgiving. (Christmas too, for that matter!) But you're right.....I'll come out of the bomb shelter seeing as how the Blender is no longer a war zone!!

From: Hedvig
Date: 21 November 2001

Zerch - Your untitled writing is sooo good, that it really deserves more than a generic title !!!
Untitled is fun to read, but probably painful for you to write.


From: Violet
Date: 21 November 2001

MichaelT~ I'm gonna jump on the badwagon and say that Presbyterian Girl was excellent! :-)

From: Stephen
Date: 21 November 2001

Zerch ~~ I agree with Hedvig, your poem was great. It was simple rhyming that makes sense... I liked it

From: Stephen
Date: 21 November 2001

Oh and BlueDenim ~~ Thanks, and she sure is! ;-)

From: Rhetoric
Date: 21 November 2001

Happy Turkey Day Poets of the Web!

Hedvig...thanks for the comment, I appreciated it.

distant moon...no sweat! ;)

heart shped...have you ever - wonderful. And yes, I have!! He is a special sweetie that man o' mine.

stephen - what I'm thankful for is so darling. If all men thought a dorky laugh was special....

Teej - not that Cohen isn't grand...but I have all these old Motown tunes we gotta dance to. Who can survive a bomb shelter without Marvin Gaye, Isaac Hayes, and The Manhattans?

Just Some Girl - thanks for the Pep talk!


From: sweetness
Date: 21 November 2001

Sandikotex....not sure about your name, but I loved "Sidewalk Inspector" a little evil and very clever!

From: Crystal
Date: 21 November 2001

HI! I hope you all are well. I plan on catching up on the blender tonight! YAY!!! Have a great and safe ThanksGiving!

From: Crystal
Date: 21 November 2001

BK------------- OMG I LOVE So Close To My Heart ( I sure hope I did that link thing right, but I know I didn't *FROWN*)

From: Crystal
Date: 21 November 2001

YAY ME! I did do it right **** SMILE*****

From: B.K.
Date: 22 November 2001

Hey Crystal, good to see you back. Thanks for the comments and Happy Turkey Day!

You all; It's been one heck of a year here, pretty amazing actually. One I won't soon forget. This is a very special place that is on my list of 'Thankful For,' and I want to thank each and every one of you for that. Every blender poet, please have a most wonderful Thanksgiving and know that I send you KISSES and hope and all the wishes you need to keep writing and not stuff yourselves too full (as if that's possible) this Turkey Day! And if you are in another land and or don't celebrate, Thank You anyway, you are included in these wishes tooooo! Love to you all, Happy Thanksgiving!


From: R. Stonecloud
Date: 22 November 2001

Thanks all! Happy Turkey Day--gobble gobble.

From: sweetness
Date: 22 November 2001

So much great writing to be thankful for!

Graham_Storrs: Sonnet for Christine was gorgeous...a beautiful tribute!

Heartshapedlips: "Have you ever...." nope, I haven't, but you have described what I am waiting for to a t, and

Erin: "Waiting..." that's EXACTLY what I am afraid of.

Max-Rom "Torn at the Seams" is great....so many many times I have had to sew myself back up......
Happy TurkeyDay, everyone!

From: Ali
Date: 22 November 2001



Love and sweet potatoes, Ali

From: Galadrial
Date: 22 November 2001

Happy Turkey Day y'all....

Bright blessings...TJ, Kev, Madi, Misti, Ali, Tanq, Stephen, BK, Kirk....Echo, you too. And Dee...you don't celebrate, but surely there is a turkey you wouldn't mind roasting?

We gather together....


From: deevaa
Date: 22 November 2001

ah - Happy almost birthday to the Guppy incase he happens to swing this way soon... (His NZ birthday is tomorrow).

(felt left out with all the celebrations going on around here!)

*dashes off stage right*

From: BrownEyedGirl12083
Date: 22 November 2001

Hey everyone! This is the first comment I'm making on loveblender, EVER and it's for BK, who wrote "Till We Meet". Just wanted to say that i LOVED it, especially the part where BK said "Til then, keep safe, wear this love like armor." Off to read more...

From: BrownEyedGirl12083
Date: 22 November 2001

Michael T's "Deep Fried Chicken" is soooooooooooooooooo good!!!

From: sweetness
Date: 23 November 2001

Claire: Welcome to the Blemder, I loved The Lecturer, you brought to mind Sting in that "Don't Stand So Close to Me" video.....hmmmmmmm

From: Galadrial
Date: 23 November 2001

Deleted long warning of SULFNBK.EXE virus

From: Hedvig
Date: 23 November 2001

Sweetness's It Figures I liked this one a lot !!! A truly witty way of showing - what can happen if we procrastinate with our feelings.

Claire's The Lecturer Was Great!
I particularly liked these words :
"I'm caught like a rabbit in the headlights,"

Greysky's All i want is to kiss... VERY STEAMY !!!
A very arousing piece - for sure !

Ali's One Look was GREAT !!!
You captured the possibilities...

Randy1's In My Arms I liked the thoughts and the set-up style.

Prize's Love's Artery I liked this title !

Galadrial's Giving Thanks...a Ridge Poem (repost) I liked the imagery and the picture you painted.

Also, thanks for the virus warning and solution !


From: prize
Date: 23 November 2001

So what happened to my message to max...it certainly met your criteria...you should have passed it along...to summize for max your work is lovely dear...

From: Derelict Daisy
Date: 23 November 2001

Deleted SULFNBK.EXE is a Hoax counter message

From: Kirk
Date: 23 November 2001

I deleted a very long probably hoaxish virus warning from Galadrial, and an equally long response from Derilict Daisy. Although largely considered a hoax, this particular virus/file warning can be valid: see http://www.symantec.com/avcenter/venc/data/sulfnbk.exe.warning.html and http://www.europe.f-secure.com/hoaxes/sulfnbk.shtml .

I will admit when you follow the instructions and look for the file in question (the original warning claims that if the file is on the system, it's the virus, but it's a file that exists on every windows system...) it looks mighty suspicous, because the icon seems to be a very crudely "paint.exe" drawing of the name of the program.

An in general, when you have information to share like this, try to find a relevant link, don't cut and paste huge amounts of text.

From: B.K.
Date: 23 November 2001

Thanks Brown Eyed Girl, I hope this place turns you on as much as it did me the first time I read the page here. That it makes you want to tell all your friends and come here and read on a regular basis all the wonderful poets that write here. If you take a notion as well, submit something for us to read or come back and comment on a regular basis as we all love comments. Thanks again!

Hey Gup; HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I just went out and spent one fourth of what an orchid costs on four new ones. God I am going to be in Orchid heaven or else I am going to put them in pretty pots and give them as xmas presents. My Hawaiian orchid is blooming for the second time this year, just now opening and it's just lovely for the holiday season. I LOVE ORCHIDS!!! (I know you do too) Anyhows write something for us would you we miss you!

Hedwig; I was thinking about rascally rascal and it goes back to childhood and my love of looney tunes ha ha ha. Elmer Fudd used to say Wascally Wabbit all the time so of course it rubbed off. That was where I first heard the classics played and began to appreciate them while quite young without knowing it...ha strange the things you remember huh? I guess hanging around your parents makes you remember things ha ha.


From: Galadrial
Date: 23 November 2001

Jesus...doing major embarassment...sorry gang....I deleted a winodw's file....WIONDEFUL.

From: Misti
Date: 23 November 2001

Just got the latest scene challenge from projectgreenlight. All it says is this: "uncomfortable Thanksgiving dinner conversation...dysfunctionality encouraged." I'll submit my scene later. I'll find a way to work romance into it, believe me.;-)Um, couldn't find a writer's challenge so here's a list that oughta get the creative juices flowin':
telephone...plumeria soap...neon Pepsi sign...coyote. I'll submit my take on my challenge later. I can't blend at work. They've already warned me twice. Next time...it's termination. So I just sit and color with my Crayolas. Hasta luego, chicas y chicos.

From: TJ Holland
Date: 23 November 2001

Umm....ya....I'm an ass. Big Wreck is NOT Canadian.

But they DO ROCK!!

(Hi Gala!!! I see you've come out too!! Thnx for the gobblegobble wishes!)

Date: 23 November 2001

sidewalk inspector

i enjoyed this brief tidbit
wasn't sandi kotex a famous baseball player?

reminds me of a gal i took to the beach long ago
our passion revealed that she had a...

kotex...isn't that the new kevin spacey movie
about a mysterious alien that visits each month?

thank you ladies and gentleman, you've been a great audience!

From: Randy1
Date: 23 November 2001

Hedvig, thank you so much for the kind words. I really like this site and the nice people that contribute to it.
Long live the blender.

From: BlueDenim
Date: 24 November 2001

TJ- I love Big Wreck! Thanks for posting those song lyrics. They are seriously great to listen to and to read.

From: sweetness
Date: 24 November 2001

SNOW: "Hello..." thi spoem was incredible for a lot of reasons, I love the way it flows but mostly the way it made me feel, and think.....and conjure up guilt.......

From: Galadrial
Date: 24 November 2001


Hello...touched me.
Death to infidels...
You ROCK woman.


From: Rhetoric
Date: 24 November 2001

Misti -
I posted my go at the challenge. I thought your choice of words were so clever. When I saw neon Pepsi sign, telephone, and postcards all I could think of was Hopper's Nighthawks for some reason. I couldn't get that damn diner out of my head! greysky's version is a wee bit more flowy than mine - but I gave it a shot.

By The Way -
greysky - bound is too wonderful
sandikotex - I love sidewalk inspector - interesting website.

From: sweetness
Date: 24 November 2001

SNOW: over and over again I compliment you, but you earned it once again with fragile flames !!!!! More, more, more!

Star of David: I fly alone great!

B.K. cliff diving you said so much, with so few words....

From: B.K.
Date: 24 November 2001

I am going to comment of a lot of works so I don't have time to put in codes. Forgive me.

Gala; The Ridge Poems could make a section or book themselves. They are some of my favorites poems you have written.

Snow; Hello, took courage to post. Thanks for sharing.

musicalduck; your untitled poem about dreaming made me smile so much. Very nice.

Prize; I thought 'Love's Artery' was beautiful

sweetness; All three madness, Rollercoaster and It figures were well done . Think I liked 'It figures,' best, clever ending.

Ali; 'One Look,' that was a fun read.

Rhet; 'The Things You Do For Love,' I loved the last line,
a soup of regret and a stew of muffled screams.

Misti; Thanks for the words, working on them now. I loved Looney Tune Cartoons Don't Make Me Laugh. Very clever young lady.

TJ; Never heard of 'Big Wreck,' but the words are well written.

Zerch; Do you have the John Prine Xmas in your collection? I love John Prine anything.

Graham Storrs; 'Sonnet for Christine,' This is wonderful, hope you will write more for us.

Michael; 'Presbyterian Girl,' was quite an interesting read. I always enjoy your work.

Thanks everyone, keep up the wonderful work.

Kev; Hey, write something for us here would you?


From: Ali
Date: 24 November 2001


*smile* I'm glad that you liked 'One Look'...Thanks for the compliment!!! =)

Love and sunrise smiles, Ali

From: Hedvig
Date: 24 November 2001

Star of David's I fly alone This was magnificent! So well written and packed with healing motivation for the soul. I liked the way it flowed so perfectly.
Even angels fall I liked this one too !

You Another good one !!! You're on a roll !! Looking forward to more.

Randy1's You Are Here Witty, fun, and well done!

lill hugz' Change I can feel your sadness...

From: Jubal29717
Date: 25 November 2001

HOOOOOOOOO is Hedvig? (I just read the first Harry Potter book...my name has been MUD at school beacuse I do not have any teacher accelerated reader points, so I thought I had best get busy!)

From: brattydiva
Date: 25 November 2001

Sweetness-- once again I have been blown away by the magnificence of your poetry. "As For Your Husband" is just incredible!!!

Sandikotex-- the username is something else, but your submissions are fantastic!! Keep up the great writing...

~Brattydiva =)

From: Rhetoric
Date: 25 November 2001

cool new stabs at the challenge Misti gave us. I love how everyone used coyote and neon Pepsi sign - we are so fun!

scqueen - Chocolat Depp or 21 Jump Street Depp? Two very different men aren't they?


From: Just Some Girl
Date: 25 November 2001


And where were you today?

21 Jump Street...you crack me up!

From: scqueen
Date: 25 November 2001

You know, Rhet ~ I've been a fan so long, I've watched him evolve. But it was my little sister who answered the phone one year at my parents house, when she was home from college... and a guy was selling windows.
Said he was helping his friend (Dom Delouise's son) at a telethon, somewhere in the South. After a lengthy conversation, the guy turned out to be Johnny Depp. This was post Jump Street. But she's always had that kind of luck.
She also worked in film in Austin when he was making 'Gilbert Grape.' She saw him a lot but never told him who she was.
So yeah, I feel owed that kiss!

From: Misti
Date: 25 November 2001

Just Some Girl~
I love *Cheer*...I feel your pain, believe me. I was single for a very long time.

...I'm glad to see so many well-written takes on the latest writer's challenge. I'm impressed. I apologize for the scene challenge I just submitted. I thought it would be funny but it turned out rather mean-spirited and joyless. And, um, it wasn't based on a true story. Not at all. I actually enjoyed my Thanksgiving. I played CLUE for the first time in many years. I never won, but I enjoyed it.

From: Misti
Date: 25 November 2001

Welcome, collegechica! Glad to see ya here!

From: Violet
Date: 26 November 2001

Misti~ The link never works from my email to comment on your weblogs, and I can't ever find the comment thingy on your actual page.... *sigh* but you're hilarious,and you have a way with short stories!! :-)

From: Misti
Date: 26 November 2001

Thanks! I worked three hours on that thing! I need to take a break from xanga for awhile. I'm spending waaaay too much time there.

From: Just Some Girl
Date: 26 November 2001

Thanks, Misti!!

You know that phrase, who said it, Thomas Wolfe ????, that "you can never go home???" Well, it sure as hell is true!! Too much time with family reminds me of why people move away from home in the first place!!!!

From: Hedvig
Date: 26 November 2001

Misti's Love Hangover #9 A truly interesting read - I enjoyed it. Makes some people look so shallow...
and yet you have captured a realistic view of modern day lifestyles. FASCINATING!


From: SN0W
Date: 26 November 2001

lisa, sweetness, bk...

thank you for the warm and heartfelt comments, i might not get here as often as i would like to, but they are very much appreciated.

again.... thank you...


From: collegechica
Date: 26 November 2001

Thanks for the welcome Misti. :-D I am glad to be here. And I loved your story a lot, and I loved how you added pics to it on your site!!! ~Cellie~

From: deevaa
Date: 26 November 2001

I feel like writing something but my mind seems to be a big black hole devoid of all poetry.


I might have to post a challenge... maybe a put words with this painting challenge? anyone keen?

From: BlueDenim
Date: 26 November 2001

distant moon: I absolutely LOVED 'Bowl of Trix'! Heart breakingly beautiful.

From: distant moon
Date: 26 November 2001

BlueDenim - Well thank you!....that's a very sweet thing to say. I'm glad you enjoyed it, oh, and by the way, I was very happy to see you posted a Perfect Circle song, I love them...as well as Maynard's counterpart group, Tool. Good lyrics all around. Thanks again

From: Misti
Date: 26 November 2001

Hedvig and collegechica~
Thanks for the compliments on my wacky story!
Yes, a challenge is definitely in order! Bring it on!

From: Preciousprncss
Date: 27 November 2001

Hello Blenderites! This is going to be a very depressing week for me... my boyfriend has traveled about 150 miles away from me. He will be back on Friday around 3... I will visit here atleast 5 or 6 times a day-- LOL... but in all seriousness, I wanted to do something nice for him while he was gone... anything at all... does anybody have any ideas? I have already made him 2 cards... I am looking for something either cheap or free.... open to any and all ideas. :) PS--- my lil girl got her ears pierced! :) they're daisies!! and cute as a button--- she's only 6 mo. old :)

From: Hedvig
Date: 27 November 2001

Jon's Gloves is Wickedly Suggestive !!
Good job !! Sometimes it's not what you say, but what you don't say - Woo Hoo !!

Devin's Woof I loved it!!
Full of mischief, and playful words !!

B.K.'s Tingerling & Lingering I like the part that suggests that his kisses make you forget everything... and the way that you so aptly put it into words.

Ali's Velvet Raindrop Words I really liked this one!
The whole thing was beautifully written.... but
my favorite part was :
"Sometimes I've got to leap before I look
Just as I've sometimes got to fall before I can fly
It's all a matter of where I'm at, and what my options are
And what risk exactly that I'm willing to take".


From: Ali
Date: 27 November 2001


*big smiles* Thanks so much!! I'm very glad that you liked!

Love and sweet dreams, Ali

From: Rhetoric
Date: 27 November 2001

Hi Peoples. How are ya doing?

Madi - intermezzo is scrumptous. A single strand of time...very powerful imagery. You rock, girly-girl!!

Misti - I must agree with just about everyone here...your stories are so clever and fun to read. I also liked the ideas you have on Gala's new site. Great collaboration you two.

twinkle - fickle is great.
/fill me with more than my
fickle love
make me last/ Is that ever true? Great post.

Just Some Girl -
Cheer was so sad. I hope those thoughts are fleeting...but if you are taking applications for marriage, I know a few who would gladly saddle up to the opportunity. You just let me know. You certainly don't need a Yenta, but this way I could give me stamp of approval!


From: Rhetoric
Date: 27 November 2001

Oops, I almost forgot -

Violet - where are you? I saw your comment - but no wordy goods from our favorite Oregonean? Now this is unacceptable! My brother and sister in law are flying out there this weekend for the big game. Her family is from Oregon...in fact, her brother Mal is the Duck Mascot!! Check me out...2 degrees of separation to the Famous Duck Mascot!!


From: Just Some Girl
Date: 27 November 2001

Rhet, you gooberhead, "Cheer" was NOT supposed to be sad, it was supposed to be funny!! Yeez!! I guess some people are right...I can't write!!!! :o)
P.S...I wasn't REALLY serious about marrying a strange man!

From: Rhetoric
Date: 27 November 2001

Just Some Girl -
Ah, I was trying to be sarcastic! Silly rabbit! And yes, I still would like to screen all potential applicants. As for not being able to write...yeah, you might as well give up. You are probably drunk when you write anyways!
Sorry, I am in a funny mood - you know me and my insistance about my comedic abilities!


From: BlondeVampireVictim
Date: 27 November 2001

what a trip
use the phone, gals
this damned Bored is getting more interesting than the damned Blonder, tho i hafta say

Deepest Armpit of Appalachia

From: Violet
Date: 27 November 2001

Rhet~ Well, I've been lost in the world of projects, papers, and upcoming finals. It sucks. It's hard to be moved by the creative spirit when I'm burried under piles of school work! You know, I have to tell you, I am a beaver fan... so the duck thing doesn't impress me. :-) I'll try and post something soon. :-) It feels good that someone misses me!! Have a lovely day! Luv, Violet

From: deevaa
Date: 27 November 2001

OK, I'm about to post the painting ... I challenge everyone to write something to go with the image in 15mins or less!

From: Max-Rom
Date: 27 November 2001

Hey peoples,

Hope everyone's doing well. I am finally getting over that turkey from Gobble Day...whew!! I posted a poem in reference to deeva's painting. Hope you like it. Also, I was just wondering(not to be totally self-seeking or nuthin') if anyone read one of my latest posts called *Snowflake Splendor*? I didn't know if that poem was too early too post or not, although it is a 'winter' poem. Please check it out and tell what you guys think. It means a lot.

Max ;)

From: collegechica
Date: 28 November 2001

No problem with the compliments, Misti!!! :-D It really was a good story.


From: Devin
Date: 28 November 2001


Thanks! It was fun to write.


From: Jon
Date: 28 November 2001

Thanks Hedvig for the comment! Its damn near freezing over here so gloves have become a very important item as of late. Maybe I'm just used to being in the sun, since I'm from California, but I didn't know hands could get so cold!

Thanks again.


From: Ali
Date: 28 November 2001


Your two newest submissions(whose names completely escape me)...They are great...Wise words, indeed...=)\

Love and secret wishes, Ali

From: Ali
Date: 28 November 2001

Niki girl?

My dear...(((HUG)))...It's his loss and his loss alone...If he can't recognize how amazing you are, and if he can do what he did to you...He isn't worth dirt...You deserve better, much better...((HUGS)))

Love and secret wishes, Ali

From: Star of David
Date: 28 November 2001

Thank you so much for your comments. They mean a lot to me.......
Does anyone know where Dark Angel is?
Star of David

From: Just Some Girl
Date: 28 November 2001

Oh, *$#!, Rhet!

"Love in the Shade of Night" is the best damn thing you have ever written!! Oh my!! I can't stop reading it!

It spoke to me of another time in my life..when certain things that I wanted were still possible!! I think I'm gonna cry!

From: Star of David
Date: 28 November 2001

Letting go, baking cakes and kisses are really nice. Kisses is so, so, true!
Star of David

From: Star of David
Date: 28 November 2001

Twinkle, I really like 'Saving me'
I just read it and I am saving it to read again and again and again.
Star of David.

From: Star of David
Date: 28 November 2001

Too close to the ground by Madison is great and the painting is beautiful.
It was just submitted while I was on line just now and it looks lovely.
Star of David.

From: Just Some Girl
Date: 28 November 2001


Your writing is interesting. Full of ideas that make one say, "Hmm..that is true!" I like it. Sort of a modern day Confusian approach to poetry!

From: Me aka Niki
Date: 28 November 2001

2 AlI~ thank you so much for those words...they made me feel better.a lot...a lot of ppl are every supportive so that's good....
thx again

Lots-a-luv Niki

From: BlueDenim
Date: 28 November 2001

distant moon: I love Tool!!! I love finding other people who love them as well. I've been extremely lucky enough to have seen Maynard 3 times in concert. 1 time Tool, 2times APC. I'm not afraid to say I'm a bit obsessed.

From: twinkle
Date: 28 November 2001

Thanks to those who are taking the time to comment on my poems - it is so encouraging. *hugs* ;)

From: Randy1
Date: 28 November 2001

Blue Sky... My Wish For You. WOW!!!!! (I am a man of few words ya know.)

From: Hedvig
Date: 29 November 2001

Galadrial's Shy Time (Dee's Challenge) Was Excellent !!
Made me think about, how true every word was.. It's kinda crazy, how you know, almost immediately, in the first few glances into someone's eyes !

CollegeChica's Come True, Fairy Tale! I liked this one.
It reminds one, of the fact that a new fairytale is always waiting around the corner after every lost dream.

Twinkle's taking me away an enjoyable read.
I liked this part :
"you make me forget myself in your peaceful eyes
they cut away my fears"

BlueSky to YourClouds's My Wish For You
I liked this part :

"Because I love
you more than you'll ever
understand...beyond romance..."

And I also enjoyed your - Tears Run Dry

This was my favorite part :

"I live a little more careful, look when I leap.
Keep my thoughts clear and only dream when I sleep."

B.K.'s My Eagle Love and Me MAGNIFICENT !!!

Randy1's Widows to The Soul
I liked this : "when you look into my eyes,
all you will see... is you." Sounds like your eyes are mirrors rather than windows !! *wink

DuDoll - on Where Did It Go relax - I think it happens to all writers.

Stephen's Pulse on the Lips Nice ! I can smell it.


From: Kirk, Blender-Keeper
Date: 29 November 2001

Hey gang...
I'm guessing you some of you might have gotten
the message with your password in it, saying a
request was made. Someone fwd'd me a message
they got, and it was the same IP address as the
one I received, spider.cwie.net.

A "spider" is a typical name for a "webcrawler",
an autmated bot that follows all the links it can
find, the type of things search engines use to
record the web. So it's probably just following
the link and triggering the requests. There
is a standard way of telling well-behaved 'bots to
ignore certain parts of the site (a "robots.txt"
file) but of course a badly behaved bot will go
wherever the hell it finds. I should look into
getting that setup.

I'm glad that things have settled down into a
groove here on the board the last week or so.

Kevin: any reason you skipped the dinner party
survey question? Just curious...

Deevaa: will you be able to provide December's

From: collegechica
Date: 29 November 2001

Thanks Hedvig for the compliment on my poem. :-D I appreciate it a lot.


From: Violet
Date: 29 November 2001

Twinkle~ Your poems are beautiful. They are rich with passion, and expressed eloquently. You have an amazing talent, chica! Luv, Violet

From: Sophia
Date: 29 November 2001


~Where did it go~
Sometimes we have dry spells. It doesn't mean that there's anything wrong. Look at how long it's been since I've posted. Trust me, I've had the inspiration to write. I just can't seem to put the words down to match my feelings. Or maybe I don't really know what my feelings are? Don't get discouraged if words fail you. Remember that sometimes actions speak louder than words. Oh, and I'll definitely be off work on the day of your wedding, even if I have to make my bosses close the place down for a day!!

Love ya chica!


From: Hollymccormick
Date: 29 November 2001

Stephen - Pulse on the Lips

That gave me goosepimples.

From: hollymccormick
Date: 29 November 2001

Du'Doll - Where Did It Go
You must have been inside my head. Lately I feel exactly the same!

From: deevaa
Date: 29 November 2001

ahhh....yip, but only if you can send me back what I sent you so I can add the extra paragraph!

*dancing about cause she's just confirmed with Argyle he's coming to spend Christmas in NZ*

From: Stephen
Date: 29 November 2001

Thanks Hedvig and hollymccormick for the comments! ;-)

Best time to write love poetry is when you're in love!

lol.. simple but true.

guy with simple name

From: twinkle
Date: 29 November 2001

violet - you are the sweetest girl ever. i love your poems and have missed them...we should see each other during cmas break...

love ya!

From: blue sky to your clouds
Date: 29 November 2001

Hedvig~ thank you so much, I appriciate it.

Randy1~ Thank you, honest words at a few are far better than many words of insincerity.

thanks again guys

From: Rhetoric
Date: 29 November 2001

Something from... nothing is AMAZING - Dark and oh so sad but WOW WEE.

shoulders hunched to protect
this living thing
as it searches for
forever more
........Oh my golly gee wonder - you are so very cool.

Courtney - title that thing - it is so expressive to NOT give it a fitting header.

Violet...my Beaver in Oregon!!! tonight ...Ta Da...she is back and full of metaphors today! marrow...you make marrow sound romantic!

Blue Denim - Fire Signs is Grrreeaaat!

Stephen, you certainly don't need love to write well, but Pulse on the Lips is a sultry tribute to your special scented one.

BK - they are getting happier and happier. Is he home soon? A lovers synchronicity - oh yes, I love that phrase.

Teej - nobody scares me. I am trapped in a house with three kids for a couple days...too freaky for me right now.

Madi - great incorporation of dee's pic with your words. FAB-ulous.

Ok--there are a few more...but I need to shower!

Bye, from Rhet - the coolest Aunt Jenny any three wild ass kids ever knew.

From: TJ Holland
Date: 29 November 2001

Sorry Rhet. Nobody was about being in a relationship during a difficult time. You know, he calls and you lie there and listen to the phone ring and have a million thoughts going through your head wondering if you should pick up or not. Or when you call him and there's no answer and you wonder if he's lying there listening to the phone ring thinking it's you...and you just feel like a nobody. You know what I mean? Hope your time of confinement w/ munchkins ends soon!!


From: Rhetoric
Date: 29 November 2001

Teej...Oh how I EVER know that feeling! I have hated those nights really wanting to either find closure or to just talk to him and know he really does care. I liked it...I am just a great big scaredy cat! I feel like nobody is around me right now except the muffins. My bro asked me if I wanted him to load his rifle!!! He lives in a somewhat rural area and I don't know a soul in this town!

Oh well, I love them dearly and always have a blast while I am here. I have just never been on full-time duty, that's all.
Thanks for the explaination, though.

From: Courtney
Date: 29 November 2001

Totally didn't realize I left it without a title. Thank you!!!


From: twinkle
Date: 29 November 2001

niki - i really liked "a perfect night". It was so sad and longing....i really liked this line:
"So I came home with this longing to call you just to hear you voice"

From: Randy1
Date: 30 November 2001

Hedvig, Thank you.

From: BlueDenim
Date: 30 November 2001

Rhet: Thank you. Spur of the moment ones sometimes are the easier ones.

From: scqueen
Date: 30 November 2001

BK ~ George Beautiful, absolutely perfect.

From: Misti
Date: 30 November 2001

Here's the latest writer's challenge:
luster, train, emulate, fiction, blanket, scrawl, contagious, syrup, reside, plaza

From: Just Some Girl
Date: 30 November 2001


I loved "I Imagine!" Very lovely!

From: Rhetoric
Date: 30 November 2001

Rogue and Hedvig, sorry but I stole a little motivation from your trains and incorporated them into my challenge as well.

I thought it gave them even more continuity!!

Bravo to you both


From: Violet
Date: 30 November 2001

Rhet~ bella bambina! i loved your latest. ;-)

Twinkle~ Liked saving me part 2.... so sad, yet hopeful. :-)
When will you return to rainy Oregon?

From: Hedvig
Date: 30 November 2001

Rhetoric and Rogue - Some truly great writing today !!!
and from a Writing Challenge - at that !!!

Rogue's I Imagine I liked this part :
"... your train racing through the dark
The air cool after the rain" I felt a chill as if a fast train had sped by me. Even though you wrote - "The air cool after the rain." My mind forced me to see and read - "The air cool after the train". If you have ever stood near a train track, when one was speeding by - you could feel the brisk breeze whisking by with your words.

Rhetoric's A visit to Italy First of all, I liked your format! and this part : "the warm rains on the Florentine plaza dripped like syrup, giving a soft, honey-hued luster to your olive skin" was truly BELISSIMO !!!
I hope that is a real Italian word.... if it's not, then I can't help it, but it explains how I feel about this expression.


From: Just Some Girl
Date: 30 November 2001

Oh, Crap!!

I didn't preface my latest as a submission to Misti's challenge!!

But it is!!! All the words are there!

From: Rhetoric
Date: 30 November 2001

Just Some Girl -

In front of the mirror, I emulate the
confident woman I saw in the plaza
Thursday last. Twisting my hair, pursing
my lips. Damn...I'm fucking hot!

Yes you are, Honey!!! And sometimes, you are MY inspiration to get done up and be confident.

Great lines...totally different than the other three trys...more grounded in the here and now.


From: Just Some Girl
Date: 30 November 2001

Ah, Rhet!!! Thanks!

From: twinkle
Date: 30 November 2001

violet - i'll be back in the rain on december 12 - hope i don't freeze to death! :P

From: Rogue
Date: 30 November 2001

Thanks for the comments.

Funny how the train thing popped up in several people's. It was the first thing that occurred to me.


From: Hedvig
Date: 30 November 2001

Holly McCormick's She Waits was so incredibly GOOD - that if I was to copy and paste the parts that I liked most - I would have to do the whole thing.
You tied thoughts of romance in at the end, to an already warm, descriptive story.

JustSomeGirl's A Day in the Life
I liked this part :
"In front of the mirror, I emulate the
confident woman I saw in the plaza
Thursday last. Twisting my hair, pursing
my lips. Damn...I'm fucking hot!"

Lar Lar's Can't Get No Satisfaction
I liked this thought:
"I am tired of guys that just want to satisfy me in bed, I want someone to satisfy my mind."


From: Rogue
Date: 30 November 2001

Here's a little better explanation of what I meant.

Obviously since the word 'train' was in the list, it would show up in all of them. But it is funny how it is a dominant thing in them all. Some of the words get sort of tossed in and if they weren't in the list (and hence you are already half looking for them) you might not notice them at all.

Perhaps it's because the word 'train' is a noun and as such tends to be the subject and main focus of the sentence. Odd that nobody thought to use the word as a verb. (If someone did and I missed it, I apologize in advance.)


From: Just Some Girl
Date: 30 November 2001

Thank you, Hedvig! I appreciate your comments!

From: hollymccormick
Date: 30 November 2001

Hedvig -

thank you, thank you, thank you! You are so sweet!!

From: Untamed Bird
Date: 30 November 2001

Don't you just hate it when you make boo boo's. There should be no periods or commas in, 'Waiting On A Train,' ha, guess my fingers slipped there.

From: blue sky to your clouds
Date: 30 November 2001

Liquidlife~ I love your writing. You write almost exactly like somone I know. You make me miss them, and I applaud you for that because I thought I didn't. Nice work!


From: Rogue
Date: 30 November 2001

I have to say that before reading JSG's poem[2001.]], I didn't think I would like it. Basing that entirely on the small piece of it quoted in other messages. But After having read it, I have to say it is most excellent. My favorite of the writer's challenges (not to slight anyone else's efforts).


From: Rogue
Date: 30 November 2001

Oh yeah, and kudo's Hedvig for bucking the norm and using train as a verb. (Even if it was because of my comment).


From: deevaa
Date: 30 November 2001

for everyone who keeps asking *not looking at ANYONE in particular* the 2000 archives for deevaa.com are up.

From: B.K.
Date: 30 November 2001

SCQueen; Thanks for the comments on 'George.' The Beatles will go on forever but it is hard to see them pass so young.
I didn't cry when John was killed, and he was my favorite, but somehow, maybe it's just cumulative to what's been happening lately, this one made me cry.

I love all the word challenge poems you all. It's fun to see how all those words come out so differently.

There are a lot of poems that I really meant to comment on. They will all disappear tonight, and I promise to try and do better with the new month. Keep up the wonderful works!!


From: Just Some Girl
Date: 30 November 2001

Wow, Rogue!!

Thank you! I'm speechless!

From: Misti
Date: 30 November 2001

I enjoyed reading all of the takes on my latest challenge, especially *I Imagine* by Rogue. Wonderful wording!

...I'm saddened to hear of George Harrison's death. When John died I was just a kid but I "knew" him from my mom's 45s and my uncle's "Double Fantasy" album. When I was in high school I became obsessed with the Beatles. I would listen to John's solo stuff and just cry. And I watched "A Hard Day's Night" at least a dozen times. I loved John's wit, Ringo's looks (I had a huge crush on Ringo when I was sixteen...how weird is THAT???), Paul's flirtatious antics and George's accent. Today I was reading a tribute to George at MSN and found out that he provided lead vocals for "Do You Want to Know a Secret?" That song is one of my guilty favorites. Has the sweetest beginning of any Beatles song, in my opinion. And I smile everytime "Here Comes The Sun," "Something," and "My Sweet Lord" comes on the radio. George Harrison will always shine. He was a beautiful human being who did it for the love of music.

From: One Nut Jim
Date: 30 November 2001

Just a general complaint about the Bored - please indulge me a bit (I've been a long-time reader and recent contributor)

This really is quite absurd. If the Blender could only be a place where anyone could write about ROMANCE, submit all the original or recycled works you want. Fine!

But all this well-intended (I assume) blather about "oh gosh this" and "oh gosh that" ..well, it generally reads like high school madness. Or AT LEAST, the Bored always diminishes the Blender for me (and I'm sure many others) Writing shouldn't be about all this self-aggrandisement (for the multi-users commenting on themselves) and trite (yes...T R I T E !) blind circle jerking that goes on here. The great writers of our time must look down upon us mere mortals playing about on essentially a chat room in the guise of a serious poets site

case in point

if you KNEW some of these contributors (most of you DON'T except for the Blender), then you would realize that your responses to key lines are actually damaging or at least "co-dependent" That is, to say, that if you knew that it really wasn't "poetry" but rather lines best saved for therapy...then you might think twice before you start chanting "Yeah baby - SHOW US YOUR TITS!" Not helpful for the damaged soul. Hence, I feel the harm or damage the Bored does far surpasses the good it provides.

Again, consider the writer who may dazzle you with wurds and slick twists, but whose comments in the Bored amount to

"Gosh PooPay, I really like the way you make one word mean one thing and then suddenly blah blah blah


"Gee Silly Sally, your poem TURDS IN HELL really rocked my boat, gal blah blah blah "

I put it you you all, in these difficult times...let us request our Grand Poobar Kirk Whoeverheis to allow a vote of registered users









Critique and chat elsewhere, PLEASE!

So put it to a vote, or a vote whether to have a vote.

We could all use a break, a sort of writer ego enema.

Thank you for your time to express one of those amendment right thingys that I feel strongly about.

Break the grip of addictions - GIVE THE BORED A REST!

(Do it in the memory of John and George and all the pain that is occuring on this planet)

From: Rhetoric
Date: 30 November 2001

I notice with all your little names (Jim, Victim, Daisy, whatever else), you have never have given anyone an email address to talk to you.
If you don't like what you read - censor yourself and click away.
To anyone who has issues with the board or the posts - just don't read.
Ah, the power of choice. Unfortunately, some choose to be a source of constant negativity.
I think if that vote you speak of were to come to fruition, most "members" as you say, would vote you off the island.
One day you speak hate, the next...let's all save The Blender from the evils of women. Poor me - I am unwanted and I have issues with blondes. Gosh...your life is so hard. It really is that easy...don't participate in the community.
When I see you speak in public, you appear so bright and intelligent. However, here you make me wonder what she ever saw in you.
Sorry Kirk...he is just getting really tiresome and boring.

Rhetoric/Jennifer/Lover of The Blue Devil

From: deevaa
Date: 30 November 2001

*rolls her eyes*

From: Rhetoric
Date: 30 November 2001

by the way...
The English Wife link is so amazing. I love photography and he is quite inspiring.
You say your work is inspired by his? Very cool.

From: Kirk, Blender-Keeper
Date: 30 November 2001

The Blender Board has always been what people have made it. I don't think I'm going to shut it down because one guy doesn't like its mood. If there's a voluntary mass movement not to use it, then it won't be used. I do agree that people tend not to be critical enough; at some point I may try to get people workshopping individual poems a bit more. But it's kind of understandable that people are reluctant to criticize other people, because they know that skins can be kind of thin.

Just a historical note...the comment board evolved from the old page where I used to stick comments people e-mailed me...you can see its first incarnation at http://loveblender.com/oldcomments.html , with comments all the way back to 1995. (I get a bit of a kick out of "pedro demetrion cunha"'s comments.)

Even though it's not a coincidence that the current form of the board was the easiest to program, and is simpler than many message board systems (that have seperate threads and the like) I've come to understand that its simplicity is its strength. By being a single, unthreaded page, each commenter gets center stage for a moment. I've realized that it's the same technique I like in some community blogs like http://memepool.com , http://thinkattack.com , and http://penismightier.com .

Anyway... look for a new blender digest this weekend.

From: Me aka Niki
Date: 30 November 2001

2 Twinkle: thx for your comment!:)

From: courtney
Date: 30 November 2001

Blah blah blah...cry me a river. Oh wait, isn't that what we're all accused of doing? If you don't have control over your own eyes, why don't you try working on your mouth.